Entertaining Angels

This fella named Michael from Waco, Texas, wrote to us after he read our story, said he used to be pretty hard on homeless people. Now he’s takin a homeless man to church. It’s kinda sad, though, ’cause Michael says the other folks in the church look at him and his homeless friend like they is a coupla skunks.

That’s what he says: “Skunks.”

Ain’t that somethin? I guess some folks still thinks people got to clean themselves up on the outside before God can get busy cleanin up the inside. That ain’t true at all. God specializes in turnin trash into treasure.

Michael said his new homeless friend don’t trust the folks in the church, but that he is startin to trust Michael, went out to breakfast with him same as that time I went to that restaurant with Mr. Ron for the first time. Purty soon, Michael says, this homeless fella started openin up with his story. After that, one a’ Michael’s friends told him, said maybe that homeless fella was Jesus in disguise.

That might not be far off the truth. Jesus said whatever we does to the lowliest people, it’s like we done it to him. And remember them angels Abraham entertained? They looked like your everday strangers, just some stray fellas travelin on down the road. But Abraham and his wife went on and treated ’em like honored guests. We needs to take a lesson from that. You never know whose eyes God is watchin you through. It might not be your teacher, your preacher, or your Sunday school teacher. More likely it’s gon’ be that bum on the street.