Years ago, I sat in a hotel ballroom during a writing conference gala, watching a friend win an award . . . and I’ve never forgotten how, in her acceptance speech, she called her novel “the book of my heart.”
As I clapped and teared up in happiness for my friend, I remember thinking, “Hmm, I’ve loved every book I’ve written but have I written the book of my heart yet?”
Oh, I’m sure every book an author pours herself into is, in some way, a book of her heart because it comes from her heart. And yet, maybe some stories wait there for us a little longer . . .
Autumn by the Sea, I think, has been waiting for me, truly, since I was a little girl. It was a whisper in my soul before I could fully hear it. And I didn’t realize until I started writing this story that my ears had been straining for it for years—for the music of the sea, for the echoes of intrigue and mystery, for the surprise melodies that can happen when new characters take you to new places . . . and, yep, for a Scottish accent.
Autumn by the Sea is the book of my heart.
And I’m so grateful to the loving cheerleaders in my life who helped it come to life:
Mom and Dad—I’ve run out of creative ways to say this, so I’ll say it plainly: Thank you for everything, and I love you.
Nicole Schwieger—Thank you for listening when my creative well was empty and helping me figure out how to fill it up again. And thank you for such beautiful title lettering on this cover!
My Grandpa and Grandma, Arnold and Jeane Flessner—You are both forever among the greatest blessings in my life.
All my family, including my wonderful siblings, nieces and nephews, and relatives—It’s because of you that family is such a big piece of every book I write.
Charlene Patterson—Honestly, I never want to write a book without your editing expertise. Seriously!
Courtney Walsh—Thank you for so often listening and sharing and talking me off ledges and most of all, for simply understanding.
Lindsay Harrel, Alena Tauriainen, Gabrielle Meyer, Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck, Beth Vogt, Lisa Jordan, and Tari Faris—Your camaraderie adds so much wonderfulness to this journey.
Hillary Manton Lodge—Thank you so much for such a gorgeous cover. I’ll never not be obsessed with it.
Denise Harmer—I really appreciate your proofreading talent. Thanks!
Readers, reviewers, and bookworm friends—You are my kindred spirits. Thank you for letting me put my heart in your hands time and again.
And, of course, thank you to God for the gift of another story . . . and the joy of new beginnings.