Index 1

Numbers and Symbols

9/11 (2001) attacks


ABLE ARCHER nuclear weapons release exercise
ABM Treaty
agreed limit to ABM launchers
British staunch support of
and Clinton’s new ABM project proposal
Grechko on
as sign of consensus between US and Soviet Union
and US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
US withdrawal from
Accidents, see Nuclear weapons accidents
Acheson, Dean
Acheson-Lilienthal Plan (1946)
Action-reaction phenomenon
insurgencies in
Soviet-Afghan war
stepping up of US effort (2009)
Taliban regime
Afheldt, Horst
belief in surprise first strike in any war
changes in concept of aggression
nature of society and aggression
totalitarian state and aggression
use of atomic bombs in surprise attacks
Aiken, F. B., see Wheeler, Harvey (pseud. F. B. Aiken)
Ailleret, Général Charles
‘Air-Land Battle’ doctrine
Air power
bombers vs fighters
and limited war theory
Soviet doctrine on
theory of strategic airpower
Akhromeyev, Marshal Sergey
Aldermaston, see Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (Aldermaston, UK)
Algeria War (1954-1962)
Allison, Graham T.
Allon, Yigal
Alsop, Stewart
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS)
American National Conference of Catholic Bishops, ‘The challenge of peace: God’s promise and our response’ (letter)
Amster, Warren
Anderson, Major General Orville
Andropov, Yuri
Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs)
Soviet Union
ABMs debate
ABMs programme
and Moscow criterion in British nuclear strategy
United States
ABMs debate
and criticism of procurement process
and critique of assured destruction
and Gaither Report
and MIRVs
and pre-emption debate
Safeguard system
Sentinel system
See also ABM Treaty
Anti-nuclear movements
‘Ban the bomb’ campaigns
demands to end nuclear tests
European Nuclear Disarmament (END) campaign
humanitarian approach
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
‘nuclear freeze’ movement
Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE)
and Soviet Union
Anti-nuclear protest
neutron bomb debacle
new conventional weapons debate
revival of anti-nuclear protest (Europe)
case for rapid/unilateral disarmament
idea of Europeans put at risk by US
impact on European political parties
impact on Western policy
literature and films
and neutron bomb
peace research institutes and alternative defence strategies
Soviet Union’s attitude towards
and Tomahawk/Pershing II missiles
revival of anti-nuclear protest (US)
environmental science
Jonathan Schell’s The Fate of the Earth
liberal critique and case for deterrence
‘no-first-use-of-nuclear-weapons’ policy
‘nuclear freeze’ movement
‘nuclear winter’ debate
response to American bishops
studies questioning command and control claims
studies questioning conventional imbalance claim
tactical nuclear weapons debate
US medium-range ballistic/cruise missiles in Europe (1979)
Western Europeans’ fear of weapon imbalance
See also Anti-nuclear movements
Antipersonnel mines, ban on
Appeasement (1930s)
Arab-Israeli War (1947-1948)
Arab-Israeli War (1956)
Arab-Israeli War (1967), see Six Day War (1967)
Arab-Israeli war (1973), see Yom Kippur War (1973)
Arbatov, Alexei
Ardant Du Picq, Charles
Argentina, non-nuclear policy
Arms control
post-Cold War
Bush-Putin Nuclear Arms Treaty (2002)
deal with Iran (2015)
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 2010 review
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 2015 review
Nuclear Security Summit initiative
Arms Control, Disarmament, and National Security (Don Brennan, ed.)
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (US)
Arms race, see Technological arms race
Arnold, General Henry Harley (“Hap”)
Aron, Raymond
Art, Robert
Asia-Pacific re-balancing policy (US)
Aspin, Les
Assured destruction
active and passive defences
calculations of effects
criticisms of doctrine
definition of term
non-zero sum game approach
reliance on Soviet Union having same approach
secure second-strike capability
SIOP’s limitations
term used by Raymond Barre
Assured self-destruction
Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF) proposal (Britain)
Atomic bomb
atomic science
atom, structure of
chain reaction
fusion process
uranium bomb
bomb making
‘Fat Man’ bomb
‘Little Boy’ bomb
Mark 3 bombs
literary fiction on (early 20th century)
national projects
United States (Manhattan Project)
strategic bombardment theory
brief history of air raids
emergence of theory
theory and civilian/military morale
theory and élite/mass distinction
theory as tested in WWII
theory rescued by Hiroshima/Nagasaki
See also Hiroshima, bombing of (1945); Hydrogen Bomb; Nagasaki, bombing of (1945)
Atomic Energy Act 1946 (McMahon Act, US)
Atomic Energy Commission (US)
creation of
General Advisory Committee (GAC)
on Oppenheimer and security clearance issue
Research and Development budget (by 1960s)
Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (Aldermaston, UK)
‘Atoms for Peace’ programme (US)
Attlee, Clement
Canberra Commission on Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Authority/authorisation (for atomic use)
Aziz, Tariq


Bacevich, Andrew J.
Baker, James
Balance of terror issue
Baldwin, Hanson
Baldwin, Stanley
Ball, George
Ballistic missile defence, see Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs); ABM Treaty
Ballistic Missile Early Warning Radar, 1960 incident
Balloons, dropping of explosives from
Baltic States, and post-Crimean crisis resurgence of Russia threat
Bangladesh, creation of
Bannon, Steve
‘Ban the bomb’ campaigns
Barnett, Roger
Barre, Raymond
Baruch, Bernard
Battle of Britain (1940)
Battle of Moscow (1941-1942)
Beaufre, Général André
multilateral deterrence
solidarity and detonator concept
Begin, Menachem
non-nuclear policy
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
Ben-Gurion, David
Berlin crisis (1948-1949)
Berlin crisis (1961)
contingency plans ( Horse/Pony/Poodle Blankets )
‘missile gap’ issue
nuclear strategy issues and choices
plan to attack DGZs (designated ground zeroes)
plurality of actors
and resumption of nuclear testing
Berlin Wall, fall of (1989)
Bethe, Hans
Betts, Richard K.
Bevin, Ernest
Bhabha, Homi
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
‘Bible’ of arms control, see Arms Control, Disarmament, and National Security (Don Brennan, ed.)
Big Bertha
Bin Laden, Osama
Biological weapons
and al-Qaeda group
and deterrence
fear of and India’s no-first-use stance
fear of and nuclear disarmament case
Iraq’s drive to acquire
and NATO no-first-use debate
and repeal of US Precision Low-Yield Weapon Design ban
and rogue states
and superterrorists
See also Chemical weapons; Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Blackett, Patrick M. S.
on Britain as part of transatlantic nuclear debate
on cities being able to recover from atomic bombing
on cities not necessarily being targeted first
Edward Shils’ criticism of his views
on limited nuclear war
on no effective defence against nuclear weapons
on number of atom bombs for large-scale attack
on operational research
on ‘rational governments’ and stability of balance of terror
on rebalancing in favour of conventional defence
on strategic bombardment
on tactical nuclear weapons
on vehicles for delivery of atomic bomb
Bluesteen, Christopher E.
Blue Streak plans (Britain)
Blue Water Option (US)
Bobbitt, Philip
Bohlen, Charles
Bolton, John
Bombardment, see Air power
Bombers (Soviet Union)
intercontinental bombers (1950s)
Khrushchev on obsolescence of bombers
MYA-4s Bison
TU-16s Badger
TU-20s Bear
TU-22s M Backfire
Tupolev on manned bombers
Bombers (United States)
bombing over Hiroshima
bombing over Japan
decision to move to UK bases
Korean War
limited range of
number of in 509th Bomb Group (1948)
Soviet TU-4 copy of
B-47E, accidental release of nuclear bomb (1958)
accidental release of nuclear weapons (1966)
and intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMS)
new types (1949-1950)
nuclear armed long-range bomber as Great Deterrent
removal from alert
USAF’s belief in critical role of in nuclear war
See also Triad
Bondarenko, V.
Borden, William Liscum
Boscious, David
Boserup, Anders
Bottome, Edgar
Bracken, Paul
Bradley, General Omar
Brazil, non-nuclear policy
Brennan, Don
Arms Control, Disarmament, and National Security (ed.)
Brezhnev, Leonid
about theory
ABM Treaty, staunch support for
Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF) proposal
atomic bomb, development of (1947)
atomic weapons as means of retaliation
atomic weapons as means of warding off Soviet aggression
Blue Streak plans
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
and Iraq War
Lockerbie bombing of US airliner
massive retaliation policy and cuts in conventional forces
and MLF (multilateral force) project
Nassau Agreement (1962)
and NATO 1991 New Strategic Concept
and NATO extended deterrence
nuclear test ban issue
Polaris bought from US
post-1945 British-Soviet relations
post-1945 decline in international standing
post-Cold War nuclear policy
short-range nuclear weapons issue
Suez crisis (1956)
US IRBMs, deployment of (1958)
US nuclear submarines base in Holy Loch, Scotland
US strategic plans, role of British bases in
World War II
Germany’s V-weapons campaign against
Royal Air Force (RAF) and London blitz
Royal Air Force (RAF) and strategic bombing
See also Britain’s ‘independent’ nuclear deterrent
Britain’s ‘independent’ nuclear deterrent
Britain as part of transatlantic debate
British operations researchers
Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ programme
European security as shared responsibility
McNamara’s critique of independent nuclear deterrents
N th Country’ Problem
Nassau agreement and UK Polaris
nuclear capability for SEATO
nuclear contribution to CENTO
Polaris and Moscow criterion
policy of interdependence with US
‘second decision-centre’ argument
Skybolt programme affair
Brodie, Bernard
‘American gunfighter duel, Western frontier style’ metaphor
on atomic bomb
on balance of terror
classical strategist
on controlling escalation
on counter-weapons
on dominance of offensive
on element of surprise and balance in atomic arsenals
on expected growth of US nuclear stockpile
on finite chance of war
on fire-break theory
on first-strike capabilities
on game theory
on limited nuclear options
on limited war
on measures for retaliation in kind
on nuclear weapons no longer scarce or costly
obligations of US to NATO
on operational research
recruited by RAND
on sabotage and atom bombs
on security of retaliatory force
on Slessor’s nuclear deterrence strategy
on tactical nuclear weapons
on vulnerable strategic air force
on ways of stopping a Soviet advance
on winning vs averting wars
Broiler war plan (1947)
Brown, Harold
Brownlie, Ian
Brush-fire wars
Buchan, Alastair
Buchan, Glenn
Budapest Memorandum (1994)
‘Build-down’ approach
Bulganin, Nikolai A.
Bull, Hedley
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Bundy, McGeorge
on Berlin crisis (1961) and nuclear strategy
on divergence between nuclear strategy and political realities
on existential deterrence
on Kennedy’s civilian advisers
on Kennedy’s concern over Chinese nuclear capability
and McNamara’s 1962 NATO speech
on no-first-use-of-nuclear-weapons
on Vietnam war and hypothetical use of nuclear weapons
Burdick, Eugene, Fail-Safe (novel by Burdick and Wheeler)
Burke, Admiral Arleigh
Bush, George, H. W.
Bush, George W.
and 9/11 attacks
‘axis of evil’ speech
Bush-Putin 2002 meeting
on Libya’s abandonment of WMD programmes
on rogue states and superterrorists
on threat gathering against America
Bush, Vannevar
Butler, General George Lee
Butow, Robert J.
Buzzard, Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony
Byrnes, James


Canberra Commission on Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Carte Blanche (NATO exercise)
Carter, Ash
Carter, Barry
Carter, Jimmy
and Carl Sagan
on minimum deterrence
and neutron bomb
policy towards Soviet Union
Presidential Directive-59 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
and US-North Korea 1994 Agreed Framework
Castro, Fidel
Catalytic war
Catholic bishops of America, see American National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic bishops of France, on nuclear deterrence
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
CEP (circular error probable)
Chaban-Delmas, Jacques
Chadwick, James
Chain reaction (in atomic bomb)
Chamberlain, Neville
Charge of the Light Brigade (1854)
Chayes, Abram
Chechnya conflict
Chemical weapons
authority issue for use of
and deterrence
fear of and India’s no-first-use stance
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
Iraq’s drive to acquire
and NATO no-first-use debate
plans for use against Japan in WWII
poisoned gas
prohibition of (1928 Geneva Protocol)
and repeal of US Precision Low-Yield Weapon Design ban
and rogue states
and superterrorists
in Syrian Civil War
See also Biological weapons; Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Cheney, Dick
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (1986)
Chevaline programme (Polaris SLBMs)
Chevènement, Jean-Pierre
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicken (game)
Cultural Revolution
Gang of Four
Great Leap Forward
and Indo-China conflict
and Iraq sanctions issue (late 1990)
and Korean War
and Laos crisis (1961)
‘launch-on-warning’ debate
no-first-use policy
nuclear force and parity issue
nuclear policy post-Cold War
nuclear programme
first atomic test (1964)
H-bomb first test (1969)
‘minimum deterrent’ capabilities
nuclear shelters programme
relations with Soviet Union
Khrushchev’s resistance to Chinese nuclear acquisition
Khrushchev’s views on ‘paper tiger’ theory
Mao’s belief in Soviet neutralization of US nuclear superiority
Sino-Indian War and Cuban missile crisis
Sino-Soviet crisis (1969)
Sino-Soviet split
Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958)
relations with United States
Sino-Indian War (1962)
Sino-Soviet conflict
and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
and South Korea, normalization of ties with
and Taiwan
and US Asia Pacific re-balancing policy
US-China arms control talks
US-China relations
and US nuclear policy
and US Safeguard ABM system
and US Sentinel ABM system
and US Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP)
and US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System
in US ‘top threat’ ranking
and Vietnam War
See also China
Churchill, Winston
on atomic bomb
investigation into possibility of atomic bomb
on more bombs only making the rubble bounce
nuclear deterrence policy
on preventive war
on safety as child of terror
Church of England, no-first-use position
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Circular error probable (CEP)
Cities, see No Cities
Civil defence preparations
in Soviet Union
in United States
Classical strategists
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clay, General Lucius
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
comprehensive test ban negotiations
cooperative relationship with Russia
election of
and Iraq hawks
nuclear policy
Presidential Directive-60 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
Cluster munitions, ban on
Coffey, Joseph I.
Cohen, Samuel T.
Cohen, William
‘Cold Start’ concept
Cold War
and Berlin Crisis (1961)
and Cuban missile crisis (1962)
diplomatic solutions to as counter-productive
effect of on shaping nuclear debate
and extended deterrence
and game theory
and limited war argument
and massive retaliation doctrine
and ‘Moscow criterion’ in British nuclear strategy
and Nixon’s policy of detente
and NSC-162/2 ( Basic National Security Policy )
and nuclear arms debate
and nuclear pacifists’ argument
origin of term
origins of
seen as self-sustaining
and Sputnik
and strategy for atomic monopoly
and US troops’ role in Europe
See also Cold War, end of
Cold War, end of
collapse of Soviet system
Malta Summit (1989)
NATO 1989 summit
NATO 1990 London Declaration
NATO 1991 New Strategic Concept
NATO short-range nuclear weapons debate
removal of tactical nuclear weapons
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
START II (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
US nuclear commitment to NATO issue
See also Cold War
Collins, General J. Lawton
Command and control
and cyber-attacks
and escalation dominance
improvements in
and limited nuclear options
and MLF (multilateral force) project
and NATO European members
and political leaders’ unpredictability
President’s role in
and SIOP
and SIOP-6F
Soviet command and control system
studies questioning command and control claims
Committee on the Present Danger
Communism, as ideology to oppose
Comprehensive Test Ban
Compton, Arthur
Compton Report (1947)
Conant, James
Condon, Edward
Convair Corporation
Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
Counter-force strategy
Cowley, Lieutenant-General Sir John
Craig, Campbell
and deterrence
and massive retaliation
Crimea, Russian annexation of
Crowds, ‘emotional crowd’ theories
Cruise missiles
deployment of in Europe (1979)
Soviet opposition to
Tomahawk cruise missiles
Crystal ball effect
Cuba, CIA-trained exiles’ invasion of (1961)
Cuban missile crisis (1962)
analysis of crisis
‘eyeball-to-eyeball’ drama
impact on Kennedy’s and Khrushchev’s reputations
impact on Kim Il-Sung’s nuclear aspirations
impact on Soviet nuclear strategy
impact on US nuclear strategy
Mao’s support for Khrushchev
Curie, Marie
Curie, Pierre
Cyprus, British nuclear-capable bombers in
Czechoslovakia, Soviet invasion of (1968)
Czech Republic, NATO membership


Daedalus (American Academy of Arts and Sciences journal)
Damage limitation
Danilevich, General Andrian
The Day After (film, 1983)
Dayan, Moshe
‘Dead Hand’ ( Perimeter ) system (Soviet Union)
Dean, Gordon
Decapitation attacks
Decker, General George H.
Deng Xiaoping
Designated ground zeroes (DGZs)
Khrushchev’s policy of
move to after Cuban missile crisis
Nixon’s policy of
and SALT
and averting vs winning wars
and credibility
by denial and punishment
and discussion of nuclear strategy
existential deterrence
graduated deterrence
liberal case for
link to arms control
maximum deterrence
multilateral deterrence
non-nuclear deterrence
proponents of and Nobel Peace Prize
proportional deterrence
retaliation as best deterrent
and retaliatory capacity
stable mutual deterrence
and technology
threat of overwhelming force as best deterrent
universal nuclear deterrence
DGZs (designated ground zeroes)
Dien Bien Phu
See also Indo-China conflict
Dinerstein, Herbert S.
disarmament vs stable conflict approach
nuclear pacifists
criteria for just war
insanity of nuclear option
opposition to deterrence strategy
shift to intermediate arms control position
post-Cold War revival
Canberra Commission on Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Global Zero movement
humanitarian approach
Nobel Peace Prize to ICAN
UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017)
shift from disarmament to arms control
military mind and arms control
Panel of Consultants on Disarmament (1953)
Stassen’s report (1955)
UN disarmament conferences
terminology issues
disarmament vs arms control
‘international control’ concept
theory of arms control
arms race and arms control
‘bible’ of arms control
link with deterrence
protection from surprise attacks
stable mutual deterrence concept
tacit vs explicit agreements
Doomsday machine
Douglas-Home, Alec
Douhet, Giulio
Dresden, bombing of
Dresher, Melvin
Dr. Strangelove (film by Kubrick)
Dulles, John Foster
and ‘brinkmanship’ notion
on conventional vs nuclear retaliation
on Khrushchev not seeing US as aggressors
on ‘little countries’ feeling vulnerable
and massive retaliation
on preventive war
Dunn, Frederic S.
Du Picq, see Ardant Du Picq, Charles
Dupuy, T. N.


Earle, Edward Mead
Early warning agreement (US/Russia, 1998)
East Germany
fall of Berlin Wall
uprisings (1953)
See also Berlin crisis (1948-1949); Berlin crisis (1961); Germany; West Germany
Eden, Lynn
The Effects of Atomic Weapons
non-nuclear policy
Yom Kippur War (1973)
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
‘Atoms for Peace’ programme
on authorizing use of nuclear weapons
on China and Vietnam War
on consequences of war with Soviet Union
on influence of military-industrial complex
Korean War and use of A-bomb question
on limited war and peripheral vs general wars
on massive retaliation
nuclear bias for defence of Europe
‘Open Skies’ proposal to Khrushchev
on prospect of German nuclear weapons
on scientific advances and US military forces
on Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP)
Skybolt affair
‘Solarium’ project
on tactical nuclear weapons and escalation
on use of nuclear weapons on military targets
ElBaradei, Mohamed
Eliot, Major George Fielding
Élite/mass distinction, and strategic bombardment theory
Ellsberg, Daniel
‘Emotional crowd’ theories
The End of History and the Last Man (Francis Fukuyama)
Enthoven, Alain
Environmental science, and anti-nuclear protests
Erhard, Ludwig
Erickson, John
Erlichman, John
Ermarth, Fritz
‘Escalate to de-escalate’ policy
escalation dominance
‘escalation ladder’ (Kahn)
and No Cities
and tactical nuclear weapons
‘Essential equivalence’ concept
Euro-Deterrent proposals
Europe, defence of
conventional defences
enhanced nuclear deterrence and limited war
nuclear bias vs flexible response
and protection of retaliatory force
push for more NATO conventional forces
superiority of Warsaw Pact over NATO
West Europeans against fire-break theory
West Europeans for link with US nuclear arsenal
See also Anti-nuclear protest; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
European Nuclear Disarmament (END) campaign
European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA, US)
European Union
defence identity and nuclear question
Exercise Sagebrush
Existential deterrence
Extended deterrence
from Britain
Euro-Deterrent proposals
and India
and massive retaliation
from NATO
and nuclear disarmament efforts
from Soviet Union
from United States
See also Flexible response strategy; Nuclear umbrella
‘Extended sanctuarization’ concept


Fail-Safe (novel by Burdick and Wheeler)
Falk, Richard
origin of term
See also Nuclear shelters; Radioactive fallout
‘Fat Man’ bomb
‘Fat Man’ model
Mark 3 bombs
Nagasaki explosion
Ferguson, Alan
Fermi, Enrico
Fernandes, George
Fiction, on atomic bomb (early 20th century)
F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement (1958)
‘Final warning’ concept, and tactical nuclear weapons
Finletter, Thomas
Fire-break theory
‘First strike’ concept
Fission process
Flexible response strategy
and Acheson’s 1961 report
comparison with Russia’s ‘escalate to de-escalate’ concept
France’s view of
and NATO
Nixon’s view of
West Germany’s view of
Flood, Merrill
Foch, Ferdinand
Foot, Rosemary
Ford, Gerald
Formal strategists
characteristics of approach
game theory
game theory criticism
McNamara’s similarities with
See also Game theory; Stable conflict, strategy of
Forrestal, James
Forsberg, Randall
Forward Strategy (NATO)
Foster, John
Fox, William T. R.
Fracture Jaw (Vietnam War)
fall of in WWII
F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement (1958)
French Army and ‘morale’ concept
French defence policy and NATO
‘decisive imbalance’ in favour of US
defence policy and NATO (1966-1980s)
economic/leadership targeting of Soviet Union
extended sanctuarization
‘final warning’ and tactical nuclear weapons
independent deterrence manoeuvre (1966-1977)
and NATO extended deterrence
and NATO 1990 London Declaration
and NATO 1991 New Strategic Concept
re-entry into NATO military command structure (2009)
‘second echelon’ reinforcement (1977-1982)
significant role alongside NATO forces (1982-)
withdrawal of French forces from
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
and Indo-China conflict
and Iraq
late 1990s sanctions issue
nuclear reactor to
and Israel, nuclear reactor to
and Libya, no nuclear reactor to
Maginot Line
McNamara’s criticism of French independent nuclear deterrent
and MLF (multilateral force) project
nuclear test series in Pacific (1995)
post-Cold War nuclear policy
‘second decision-centre’ theory
and Suez crisis (1956)
Franck, James, Franck Committee/Report (1945)
Freedom of Information Act (US)
Frisch, Otto
Fromm, Erich
Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man
Fuller, Major General J. F.
Fusion process


Gaddafi, Muammar
Gaither, Horace Rowan, Gaither Report
Galili, Yisrael
Gallois, Pierre
consequences of unequal access to nuclear
credibility of NATO’s deterrent questioned
proportional deterrence
universal nuclear deterrence
Game theory
about theory
Berlin crisis-related war games (1961)
and golden age of nuclear strategy
minimax strategy
non-zero sum games
Prisoner’s Dilemma
use of in operational research
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gandhi, Rajiv
Gang of Four (China)
‘Gang of four’ (US)
‘no-first-use-of-nuclear-weapons’ policy
on spectre of nuclear terrorism
Garthoff, Raymond
Garwin, Richard
Gates, Robert
Gaulle, Charles de
‘Europe from Atlantic to Urals’ conception
‘great power’ status and nuclear
impact of S uez Crisis
opposition to F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement
Pluton (very) short-range missile
rejection of dependence on US
withdrawal of French forces from NATO
Gavin, Francis J.
Gavin, General James
Gell-Mann, Murray
General Dynamics
Geneva arms-control talks (1983)
Geneva Conference of Experts on Prevention of Surprise Attack, 1958 (Surprise Attack Conference)
Geneva Convention on warfare
Geneva Protocol (1928), prohibition of chemical weapons
George, Alexander
George, Peter, Red Alert (novel)
Georgia, colour revolution (2003)
Euro-Deterrent idea (post-reunification)
Nazi regime and aggression
World War I
Big Bertha
naval blockade and defeat
Zeppelin and Gotha raids
World War II
surprise attacks and defeat
use of airpower during WWII
V-weapons campaigns
See also Berlin crisis (1948-1949); Berlin crisis (1961); East Germany; West Germany
Gilpatric, Roswell
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
Glassboro Summit (1966)
Gleason, Abbott
Global Protection against Limited Strikes system (GPALS, US)
Global Zero movement
Goebbels, Joseph
Gorbachev, Mikhail
August 1991 coup against
on Chernobyl and nuclear war
INF Treaty (1987)
Malta Summit (1989)
1986 speech on arms control policies
1988 UN speech
Perestroika and Glasnost
on Pershing II missiles
on political approach to arms control
on Reagan
Reykjavík Summit (1986)
on Strategic Defense Initiative
27th party congress speech on security policy
Gordon, Philip H.
Gowing, Margaret
Graduated deterrence
Grand strategy
Gray, Colin
on arms race behaviour
on British nuclear policy
on escalation dominance
on ethnocentricity of Western arms race analysts
on McNamara’s approach to arms race
on Soviet overcentralization and vulnerability to attack
on strategic superiority
‘Victory is possible’ (Gray and Payne)
on vulnerability of fixed-site missile forces
Grechko, Marshal Andrei
Green, Philip
Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) interceptors (US)
Third Site in Europe
Groves, Leslie
Grudinin, I. A.
Gulf War (1990-1991)


Hahn, Otto
‘Halfmoon’ (1948 US emergency war plan)
Halliday, Fred
Halperin, Morton
Ham, Paul
Hamburg Grab
Hanford (Washington), Manhattan Project
Harmon, Lieutenant-General H. R., Harmon Report (1949)
Harriman, Averill
Hart-Rudman Commission
Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Haskins, Caryl
Hassell, Kai-Uwe von
Healey, Denis
Healey-Schröder initial nuclear use report
Heard, Gerald
Hersey, John
Herter Christian
Heyck, Hunter
Hilsman, Roger
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
Hiroshima, bombing of (1945)
B-29s involved
death toll
explosion and impact
extent of devastation
‘Little Boy’ bomb
yield of A-bomb
impact on Soviet atomic programme
Japanese surrender
strategic issues
case against bombing decision
Germany’s V-weapons, limited effects of
issue of atomic bomb as war-winning weapon
Japanese thinking about ending war
strategic bombardment theory
use of A-bomb as weapon of mass destruction
US thinking about ending war
US thinking about use of A-bomb
warfare and introduction of A-bomb
Hitler, Adolf
Hoag, Malcolm
Ho Chi Minh
Hoffman, Bruce
Hollande, François
Holloway, David
Holy Loch (Scotland), US nuclear submarines base
Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Hook, Sidney
Horse Blanket (contingency plan, US)
Howard, Michael
Hudson Institute
Hull, General John E.
Humanitarian approach
NATO membership
opening of borders with Austria
Hussein, Saddam
Hydrogen bomb
Chinese first test (1969)
fusion (‘super’) bomb controversy
psychological impact of on Khrushchev
US first successful test (1952)
Hyten, John E.


IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles)
Russian Federation, number allowed under 2002 Nuclear Arms Treaty
Soviet Union
few and inaccurate (early 1960s)
hardened silos
ICBM programme
MIRVed ICBMs, elimination of under START I
MIRVed ICBMs, number allowed under SALT II
vs NATO’s conventional defences
next generation of (1969)
number allowed under SALT I
number and sizes of (1970s)
number of (1961)
United States
advantages and disadvantages of
compared to IRBMs
Minuteman III (MIRVed)
MIRVed ICBMs, elimination of under START I
MIRVed ICBMs, number allowed under SALT II
and 1950s defensive anti-aircraft system
Nixon’s decision not to increase numbers
number allowed under 2002 Nuclear Arms Treaty
number allowed under SALT I
policy of removal
protection of in concrete shelters
and Soviet ICBM programme
and strategy of assured destruction
and strategy of stable conflict
superiority over Soviet capability
underground silos
See also ICBM vulnerability; Triad
ICBM vulnerability
growing vulnerability of land-based missiles
growth in Soviet counter-force capabilities
strategic triad set-up
vulnerability of Minuteman
theories and issues
balance of forces after Soviet attack
escalation dominance theory
MX ICBM issue
See also Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
ICJ (International Court of Justice), opinion on legality of nuclear weapons
Iklé, Fred
Brasstacks military exercise
‘Cold Start’ concept
India-Pakistan war (1971)
Kargil conflict (1999)
Kashmir crisis (1989-1990)
nuclear facilities agreement with Pakistan (1985)
nuclear policy
nuclear test (1998)
Sino-Indian War (1962)
Twin Peaks crisis (2001-2002)
Indo-China conflict
Dien Bien Phu
Indonesia, and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty (1987)
Institute for Strategic Studies (later International Institute for Strategic Studies)
Inter-Allied Tactical Studies Group
Intercontinental ballistic missiles, see Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs); ICBM vulnerability
Intermediate range ballistic missiles, see Intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMS)
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (1987)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
‘International control’ concept
International Court of Justice (ICJ), opinion on legality of nuclear weapons
International Institute for Strategic Studies (formerly Institute for Strategic Studies)
International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Intrusive verification procedures
and A. Q. Khan network
assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists
and G.W. Bush’s ‘axis of evil’ speech
Iran hostage crisis
Israel’s operations against Iranian nuclear programme
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement (2015)
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
nuclear programme
nuclear threat from
Stuxnet attack on nuclear programme
and US nuclear policy
US response to Iranian nuclear policy
and biological weapons
and chemical weapons
Gulf War (1990-1991)
insurgencies in
Israeli strike against Osirak nuclear reactor
nuclear threat from
rise of Islamic State
state-sponsored terrorism
and US nuclear policy
See also Iraq War (2003)
Iraq Liberation Act (US, 1998)
Iraq War (2003)
G.W. Bush’s ‘axis of evil’ speech
UNSCOM and Iraq’s WMD
US regime change policy
US shift from deterrence to prevention/pre-emption
IRBMS (intermediate range ballistic missiles)
deployment of in Britain, Italy, Turkey (1958)
phasing out of
vulnerability of and bombers
vulnerability of and Polaris submarines
Iron Law of Weapons Innovation
Isayev, Major-General
ISIS (Islamic State)
Ismay, Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron
Arab-Israeli war (1947-1948)
Arab-Israeli war (1956)
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
and Iran’s nuclear aspirations
nuclear policy
Dimona nuclear reactor
early supporters and opponents of nuclear option
focus on conventional army and Samson option
Golda Meir-Nixon secret agreement
policy of nuclear opacity ( amimut )
prevention to nuclear counter-proliferation (Begin doctrine)
production of nuclear weapons
sabotage operations against Iran’s programme
strike against Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor
strike against Syria’s al-Kibar nuclear reactor
US response to Israeli policy
Saddam Hussein and Israel’s nuclear capability
Six Day War (1967)
Yom Kippur War (1973)
deployment of US IRBMs (1958)
F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement (1958)
and MLF (multilateral force) project


Jackson, Henry M.
civil nuclear infrastructure
non-nuclear policy
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
nuclear programme during WWII
sarin gas attack in Tokyo subway (1995)
three non-nuclear principles
World War II
B29s bombing over Japan
declaration of war from Soviet Union
1945 surrender
plans for use of chemical weapons against Japan
surprise attacks and defeat
See also Hiroshima, bombing of (1945); Nagasaki, bombing of (1945)
JASON study (Vietnam war)
JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) agreement (2015)
Jeffries, Zay
Jenkins, Brian M.
Jervis, Robert
The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy
JIGSAW (Joint Inter-Service Group for the Study of All-Out War)
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement (2015)
Joint Data Exchange Center (Moscow)
Joint Inter-Service Group for the Study of All-Out War (JIGSAW)
Joint Staff Strategic Survey (1946)
Jones, T. K.
Just wars


K-219 submarine explosion
Kahan, Jerome
Kahn, Herman
on air offense vs defence
on arms control
bête noire of nuclear pacifists
and ‘bible’ of arms control
on casualty level likely to be bearable for Soviet Union
on Chicken game
on civil defence and first-strike capabilities
on doomsday machine
Dr. Strangelove based on
‘escalation ladder’ theory
game theory
and golden age of nuclear strategy
his technological expectations
influence of on policy
on missiles in submarines
on not having to ‘rush’ to commit suicide
on Red Alert (novel by Peter George)
on ‘small’ nuclear powers
on Strategic Air Command (SAC)
on vulnerable strategic air force
See also Hudson Institute
Kaplan, Morton
Kaufmann, Chaim
Kaufmann, William
on credibility and massive retaliation
on Europe and conventional forces
on Kennedy and McNamara’s NATO speech
on Kissinger’s views
on ladder of nuclear escalation
on limited war
recruited by RAND
reply to General Power
Kawabe, General Torashiro
Kaysen, Carl
non-nuclear policy
removal of tactical nuclear weapons
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
Kecskemeti, Paul
Keldysh, Mstislav
Kellogg-Briand pact (1928)
Kennan, George F.
Kennedy, John F.
American University speech (1963)
Berlin crisis (1961)
Berlin speech (1963)
on China-US relations
civil defence programme
on condition for US general war response
on consequences of Soviet missile power
Cuba, invasion of by CIA-trained exiles
Cuban missile crisis (1962)
on danger of misjudgement in nuclear age
on danger of tempting Soviets with possibility of war
defence of Europe
and de Gaulle
and Israeli’s nuclear aspirations
Khrushchev, summit with
Khrushchev’s telegram to
and Khrushchev’s views on nuclear strategy
Minuteman ICBMs numbers
‘missile gap’ as theme of electoral campaign
on MLF (multilateral force) project
Nassau Agreement (1962)
on need for unified Atlantic deterrent
nuclear proliferation concerns
nuclear test ban issue
on Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
on possibility of US striking first
on prospect of West German nuclear weapons
SIOP (Single Integrated Operations Plan)
on US nuclear superiority
See also No Cities
Kenney, General George
Khan, A. Q.
Khrushchev, Nikita
on B-47E’s accidental release of nuclear bomb
Berlin crisis (1961)
Berlin question (1958)
on bombers, obsolescence of
on burying the West
Cuban missile crisis (1962)
on dangers of nuclear wars
and discussion with Harriman on Chinese nuclear programme
Dulles on his view of US
Eisenhower’s ‘Open Skies’ proposal, rejection of
and Kennedy, summit with
and Kennedy, telegram to
Khrushchev-Bulganin faction
on local/minor war theory
on Maoist ‘People’s War,’
and Mao’s wish to acquire nuclear weapons
on McNamara’s Ann Arbor speech
and military establishment
‘combined arms,’
launch-on-warning policy
nuclear parity policy
opposed to Khrushchev’s ideas
revisionist vs traditionalist views
shared position in Military Strategy
missiles ‘like sausages on an assembly line’ quote
for modest force and powerful second strike
on nuclear capability and cuts in conventional forces
on nuclear strategy
belief in detente and peaceful coexistence
belief in minimum deterrent
belief in primacy of nuclear weapons
cuts in conventional forces advocated
cuts in conventional forces halted
differences between his and Kennedy’s thinking
emphasis on both sides being equal
emphasis on terror quotient
emphasis on threat to Western Europe
nuclear umbrella approach
sunken silos programme
nuclear test ban issue
on quick nuclear war
and Red Hawks
on Soviet powerful rocket technology
Strategic Rocket Forces
and Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958)
use of nuclear threats
Khrushchev, Sergei
Killian, James R., Killian Report
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-un
King, James
King-Hall, Stephen
Kissinger, Henry
on assured destruction strategy
and ‘bible’ of arms control
on deterrence and invulnerability of retaliatory force
on his views when joining Nixon Administration
on limited nuclear options
on limited war
on limited war capability and enhanced deterrence
on moderate objective and less violent war
‘NATO: the next thirty years’ speech
on Nixon’s nuclear option claim
and operational researchers’ output
on self-defence measures misconstrued as surprise attack measures
on Soviet threat, nature of
on strategic superiority
suicide or surrender
on tactical nuclear weapons and NATO’s deterrent posture
on volatility of technology
‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’ article
See also ‘Gang of four’ (US)
Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), first manned flight
Kohl, Helmut
Kohler, Foy
Kokoshin, Andrei
Kolkowicz, Roman
Korea, see North Korea; South Korea
Korean airliner, shooting of (1983)
Korean War
and debate on use of nuclear weapons
and failure to explain national policy
and massive retaliation theory
Kosovo conflict (1999)
Kosygin, Alexei
Krasilnikov, General
Krieger, David
Krylov, Marshal N. I.
Kubrick, Stanley, Dr. Strangelove
Kuwait, Gulf War (1990-1991)
Kuznetsov, Vasili


Labour Party (UK)
1964 manifesto on Polaris and Nassau agreement
Laird, Melvin
Lambeth, Benjamin
Laos crisis (1961)
‘Launch under attack,’
Lawrence, William
League of Nations
Le Bon, Gustave
Lee Burns, Arthur
Lee, Stephen
Leghorn, Colonel Richard
LeMay, General Curtis
Leppingwell, John
Levi, Michael
Levy, Jack
Libby, Admiral Ruthven
abandonment of nuclear aspirations
and A. Q. Khan network
and US nuclear policy
Liddell Hart, Basil Henry
and Britain as part of transatlantic nuclear debate
on cities not necessarily being targeted first
on game theory
on graduated deterrence
on inaccuracy of weapon-aim and inhumanity of war-aim
limited war theory
basis of theory
‘indirect strategy’ concept
limited nuclear war
on local militias
on military means and political ends
on rebalancing in favour of conventional defence
on sudden shocks and decisive results
Lieber, Keir A.
Lilienthal, David
Acheson-Lilienthal Plan (1946)
Limited nuclear options
Kissinger’s views
NSDM-242 document
Schlesinger doctrine
Schlesinger’s critics
Soviet hostility towards doctrine
Limited war theory
by author/politician
Kaufmann, William
Liddell Hart
and counter-force strategy
and defence of Europe
and graduated deterrence
and Indian nuclear strategy
and limited objectives
and Soviet approach to deterrence
and Sputnik
and tactical nuclear weapons
Lin, Biao
Lipmann, Walter
Literary fiction, on atomic bomb (early 20th century)
‘Little Boy’ bomb
Livermore weapons laboratory
Local militias
Lockerbie bombing of US airliner
Long, F. A.
Loosbrock, John
‘Loose nukes’ problem
Los Alamos (New Mexico)
Manhattan Project
‘Trinity’ test of first bomb
Low yield nuclear weapons
Lugar, Richard
Luttwak, Edward


MacArthur, General Douglas
McGovern, George
McMahon Act, 1946 (Atomic Energy Act, US)
McMahon, Brien
Macmillan, Harold
McNamara, Robert S.
ABMs debate
assured destruction
Congressional hearings (1963)
on control and centralized decision-making process
on Cuban missile crisis
and defence/offence debate
‘The dynamics of nuclear strategy’ speech
fallout shelters programme
and formal strategists
on independent nuclear deterrents
and military establishment
on minimum deterrence
Minuteman ICBMs numbers
on ‘missile gap’ issue
and MLF (multilateral force) project
on NATO and superiority of Soviet conventional forces
1962 Ann Arbor speech
1962 Athens speech
1967 San Francisco speech
on no-first-use-of-nuclear-weapons
on no meaningful victory in third world war
and Norstad’s advice on NATO
on not using nuclear weapons
and ‘ N th Country’ Problem
on nuclear consultation within NATO
on nuclear exchanges in terms of bargaining
on pressures to produce new weapons
on second-strike capability, virtues of
on Soviet expenditure on ‘porous’ defensive systems
Soviet rejection of his theories
on Vietnam War
McNaughton, John
McPhee, John
Madman Theory (Nixon)
Maginot Line
Makers of Modern Strategy
Malaysia, and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Malenkov, Georgy M.
Malinovsky, Marshal R. Ya.
Malta Summit (1989)
Manescu, Corneliu
Manhattan Project (US)
atomic (fission) bomb project
Mao Zedong
Maoist ‘People’s War’ doctrine
evolution under Gang of Four
‘paper tiger’ concept
‘resist America’ drive
International Court of Justice on legality of nuclear weapons
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 5th review
Marshall Aid
Marshall, Andrew
Marshall, General George
Martin, Laurence
Marxism-Leninism, concept of war
Massive retaliation (‘New Look’)
British nuclear deterrence strategy
criticism of containment policy
economic advantages of doctrine
NSC-162/2 (Basic National Security Policy)
nuclear weapon as just another weapon
overall assessment of policy
policy as interpreted by Dulles
policy as NATO’s official strategy (MC 48)
policy in context of Indo-China conflict
Sputnik ’s impact on policy
‘strategic’ and ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons
USAF’s opposition to
use of ‘massive retaliation’ term
Mattis, James
Maximum deterrence
See also Primacy
May, Michael
Mazarr, Michael
Mearsheimer, John
Medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs)
deployment of US missiles in Europe (1979)
Pershing II ballistic missiles
Meir, Golda
Meitner, Lisa
Mery, Général Guy
Mikoyan, Anastas I.
‘Military-industrial complex
Soviet Union
United States
Military Strategy (edited by Sokolovsky)
Military Thought (Soviet journal)
Milosevic, Slobodan
Minimax strategy
Minimum deterrence
and British ‘Moscow criterion’ policy
and China
and India
and Pakistan
and Soviet Union
and United States
MIRVs (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles)
and CEP (circular error probable)
Soviet Union
United States
Missile Defense Agency (US)
‘Missile gap’ issue
Missile guidance systems
Mitterrand, François
MLF (multilateral force) proposals
Mlyn, Eric
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law
and strategic bombardment theory
and V-weapons campaigns in WWII
Morgenstern, Oskar
Moscow criterion, and British nuclear strategy
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Mueller, John
Müller, Albrecht von
Multilateral deterrence
Multilateral force (MLF) proposals
Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, see Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs)
Murphy, Charles
Murray, Thomas
Musharraf, General Pervez
Mutual assured destruction (MAD), see Assured destruction (1960s); McNamara
Mutual assured safety
Myrdal, Alva


Nagasaki, bombing of (1945)
atomic explosion
case for bombing decision
death toll
extent of devastation
‘Fat Man’ bomb
strategic bombardment theory
Nassau Agreement (1962)
Nasser, Gamal Abdul
Nathan, James
National Academy of Sciences
The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy
Long-Term Worldwide effects of Multiple Nuclear Weapons Detonations
National Fallout Shelter Survey
National Missile Defense Act (US)
National Security Act 1947 (US)
National Security Decision Memorandum 16 (1969), Criteria for Strategic Sufficiency
National Security Strategy (US, 2002)
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (US, 2002)
National Technical Means of Verification
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Neumann, John von
Neutron bomb
‘New Look’ policy, see Massive retaliation
Newman, James
New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
New world order
New York, World Trade Center
1993 attack
September 11 (2001) attacks
Nicholas, Colonel Jack
Nicolson, Harold, Public Faces
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nikitin, Colonel-General of Aviation
Nimitz, Fleet Admiral Chester
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Richard
China, rapprochement with
China and Safeguard system
detente policy
on flexible response and nuclear umbrella in Europe
ICBMs, decision not to increase numbers of
Israel, secret nuclear agreement with
Kissinger on his nuclear option claim
limited nuclear options policy
on Madman Theory
and McNamara’s legacy
on nuclear threats
on parity as inferiority
Soviet Union, arms control discussions with
on US loss of nuclear superiority
Nobel Peace Prize
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
Joseph Rotblat (1995)
proponents of nuclear disarmament winners
No Cities concept
Kennedy Administration
no good way to fight nuclear war
no more missile gap
SIOP under criticism
damage-limiting strategy and avoiding cities
first response likely to be modest
nuclear exchanges in terms of bargaining
option of nuclear attack as last resort
similarities with formal strategists
unreliability of TNWs option
problems with concept
city-avoiding counter-force vs first-strike capability
closeness of missile bases to cities
normalisation of use of nuclear weapons
potential for escalation
Soviet rejection of doctrine
USAF’s view of doctrine as first-strike strategy
strategic turn post-Cuba
controlled reaction in nuclear sphere
controlling escalation (Brodie)
controlling escalation (Kahn)
controlling escalation and Cuban crisis
counter-force strategy proved irrelevant
move to detente
Noel-Baker, Philip
No-first-use policy
and China
and India
and North Korea
and Pakistan
and Russian Federation
and Soviet Union
and United States
Non-nuclear deterrence concept
‘Non-offensive defence’ concept
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
anti-proliferation norm reinforced by
and India
1995 Review Conference
and North Korea
withdrawal from
South Korea
states neighbouring Israel
2010 Review Conference
2015 Review Conference
Non-zero sum games
Norstad, General Lauris
North Atlantic Treaty
See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
ABLE ARCHER nuclear weapons release exercise
Acheson report (1961)
and British nuclear strategy
Carte Blanche (war game)
creation of
Cuban missile crisis lessons
Declaration on Alliance Relations (Ottawa, 1974)
defence vs deterrence
enlargement (1990s)
extended deterrence
flexible response
Forward Strategy
and France’s nuclear strategy
France’s re-entry into NATO military command structure
France’s withdrawal from
Kissinger’s ‘NATO: the next thirty years’ speech
MC 14/2 strategy document
MC 14/3 flexible response strategy document
MC 48 strategy document
McNamara’s speech (1962)
New Approach Group (1950s)
and new conventional weapons debate
1952 Lisbon Summit
1989 Summit
1990 London Summit/Declaration
1991 New Strategic Concept
and no-first-use debate
Norstad’s views on
nuclear consultation
creation of Nuclear Planning Group (NPG)
Healey-Schröder initial nuclear use report
study on communicating NATO’s nuclear intent during crisis
Nuclear Defence Affairs Committee
Nuclear Planning Group (NPG)
and nuclear sharing
and Russia’s ‘escalate to de-escalate’ policy
SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe)
short-range nuclear weapons debate
Soviet and Warsaw Pact assessments of
and stalemate at nuclear level
sub-strategic B-61 bombs debate
tactical nuclear weapons debate
2008 Bucharest Summit
US credible nuclear threats, strategy based on
US medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles in Europe, deployment of
US nuclear commitment issue post-Cold War
US nuclear forces linked to defence of Europe
US obligations to
US policy
deployment of Thor and Jupiter IRBMs (1958)
deployment of US nuclear weapons (1953)
MLF (multilateral force) proposals
MLF and control issue
nuclear consultation approach
US ‘Third Site’ system
US troops’ role in Europe during Cold War
West Germany
case for nuclear deterrence
criticism of US focus on conventional forces
F-104 Starfighter and TNW use
failure of F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement
leading position in
preferences for design of NATO nuclear force
views on MLF (multilateral force) proposals
views on use of atomic demolition munitions
and Zero Option
North Korea
and A. Q. Khan network
described as unruly Soviet satellite
and G.W. Bush’s ‘axis of evil’ speech
Kim Jong-un/Trump diplomacy (2017-2019)
no-first-use policy for non-nuclear states
Non-Proliferation Treaty
ratification of
withdrawal from
nuclear programme
nuclear reactor to Syria
nuclear threat from
state-sponsored terrorism
US-North Korea 1994 Agreed Framework
and US nuclear policy
See also Korean War
NPT, see Non-Proliferation Treaty
NSC, see United States National Security Council
NSC-30 ( United States Policy on Atomic Weapons )
NSC-68 policy paper
NSC-162/2 ( Basic National Security Policy )
Dulles’ interpretation of the policy
NSDD-13 document
NSDM-242 document
N th Country’ Problem
Nuclear Employment Strategy (US, 2013)
‘Nuclear freeze’ movement
Nuclear Options (NU-OPTS, Air Force-RAND study)
Nuclear pacifists
criteria for just war
insanity of nuclear option
opposition to deterrence strategy
shift to intermediate arms control position
Nuclear Posture Reviews (US)
Nuclear Security Summits (2010-2016)
Nuclear sharing
Nuclear shelters
United States
See also Radioactive fallout
Nuclear taboo
Nuclear tests
and anti-nuclear movements
China’s 1964 test
China’s 1969 hydrogen bomb test
Comprehensive Test Ban
and fears of pollution
French 1995 test series in Pacific
India’s 1998 test
North Korea tests (2006-2017)
nuclear test ban issue
Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
post-1989 test bans
Soviet 1949 test
Soviet 1961 tests
US atmospheric nuclear testing
Nuclear umbrella
Soviet umbrella
US umbrella
See also Extended deterrence
Nuclear weapons accidents
‘Nuclear winter’ debate
Nunn, Sam
See also ‘Gang of four’ (US)
Nuremberg, International Military Tribunal


Oak Ridge (Tennessee), Manhattan Project
Obama, Barack
European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA)
on nuclear issues
on nuclear terrorist threat
Prague speech (2009)
stepping up of US effort in Afghanistan
Odom, William
Office of Defense Mobilization, Science Advisory Committee
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Offtackle war plan (1950)
Ohio-class submarines
O’Neill, Robert
On the Beach (Neville Shute)
‘Open Skies’ proposal (US)
Operational Manoeuvre Group (Soviet Union)
Operational nuclear strategy
authority for atomic use issue
Berlin crisis (1961)
Cuban missile crisis (1962)
Laos crisis (1961)
Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP)
See also Berlin crisis (1961); Cuban missile crisis (1962)
Operational research
British operations researchers
characteristics of approach
civilian vs military perspectives
criticised for ahistorical/apolitical bias
historians and political scientists
nuclear physicists and engineers
Pugwash conference on Science and World Affairs
RAND Corporation output
systems analysis and conflict
See also Game theory
Operation Desert Storm
See also Gulf War (1990-1991)
Oppenheimer, Robert
chief scientist of Manhattan Project
description of A-bomb as weapon of aggression
estimate of death toll after atomic bombing
hydrogen bomb controversy
‘Now, I am become Death’ quote
Project Vista
security clearance controversy
‘two scorpions in a bottle’ argument
on visual effect of atomic bombing
Orwell, George
1984 (novel)
“You and the Atomic Bomb” (essay)
Osgood, Robert


Pacifism, see Anti-nuclear movements; Anti-nuclear protest; Nuclear pacifists
Packard, David
A.Q. Khan’s promotion of proliferation
India-Pakistan war (1971)
and India’s ‘Cold Start’ policy
Kargil conflict (1999)
Kashmir crisis (1989-1990)
nuclear facilities agreement with India (1985)
nuclear policy
and Saudi Arabia’s nuclear aspirations
Twin Peaks crisis (2001-2002)
‘Panel of Consultants on Disarmament’ report (1953)
Panofsky, Wolfgang
‘Paper tiger’ concept, see China’s paper tiger
Nixon on
and SALT
and Soviet strategy
and US strategic thinking
Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Patriot surface-to-air missiles
Patton, General George S., Jr.
Pauling, Linus, ixn1
Payne, Keith
‘Victory is possible’ (Gray and Payne)
Peaceful coexistence, Khrushchev’s policy of
Peace researchers
Peace research institutes
Pearl Harbor
cyber/digital Pearl Harbors
1941 attack (1941)
nuclear Pearl Harbors
Peierls, Rudolf
Peng, Marshal Dehuai
Penkovsky, Oleg
‘Pentagon Papers’ (Vietnam War)
Peres, Shimon
Perimeter (‘Dead Hand’) system (Soviet Union)
‘Periodization of war’ concept
Perle, Richard
‘Permanently Operating Factors,’
Perry, William J.
See also ‘Gang of four’ (US)
Pershing II ballistic missiles
Petrov, Stanislav
Pincher war plan (1946)
Poisoned gas
Pokrovsky, Major-General G. I.
martial rule and US sanctions
NATO membership
1989 government with non-communists
Polaris submarines/missiles
advantages of compared to land-based systems
British Polaris
France’s rejection of Polaris deal
limited accuracy of missiles
and multilateral force (MLF) proposals
and NATO deterrent issue
Polaris A-3
and post-Korea budget rise
testing of with three warheads
and US Navy’s increased role in nuclear planning
See also Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMS)
Pony Blanket (contingency plan)
Poodle Blanket (contingency plan)
Potsdam Conference (1945)
Potter, Stephen
Powell, Colin
Power, General Thomas S.
Precision Low-Yield Weapon Design ban (Spratt-Furse amendment)
against rogue states/terrorism
Soviet perspective
and technological arms race
US perspective
US policy against Saddam Hussein
Presidential Directive-59 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
Presidential Directive-60 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
President’s Scientific Advisory Board (US)
Press, Daryl G.
Preventive war
Primacy and maximum deterrence argument
dominance of view
nuclear warfighting to stop aggression argument
Primault, Etienne
Princeton University, Institute of Advanced Studies
Prisoner’s Dilemma (game)
Procurement process, critique of
Project Vista
Proportional deterrence
‘Prospectus on Nucleonics’ (1944 report)
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Puleston, Captain W.
Push-button warfare
Putin, Vladimir


Qaddafi, Muammar, see Gaddafi, Muammar
Quarles, Donald
Quemoy (Taiwan Strait) crisis (1958)
Quester, George
Quinlan, Sir Michael


Rabinowitch, Eugene
Radford, Admiral Arthur
Radioactive fallout
See also Nuclear shelters
study of
See also Atomic bomb
Rakosi, Matyos
RAND Corporation
authority for atomic use issue
close links to Air Force
dismissive of mechanical force matching
game theory
and golden age of nuclear strategy
‘missile gap’ issue
Nuclear Options (NU-OPTS) study
operational research
Prisoner’s Dilemma game
protecting aircrafts with concrete shelters
sparing cities in nuclear war
strategic bases study
in survey on national security research (1963)
systems analysis
Rapaport, Anatol
Raskin, Marcus
Rathjens, George
and assured destruction
and detonator concept
and formal strategists
and game theory
irrationality of war
and marginalization/existential deterrence
and nuclear strategy
and political leaders’ thought processes
Reagan, Ronald
attempted assassination of
on consigning Soviet Union to ash-heap of history
distaste for nuclear weapons
on exchange of tactical weapons and not pushing the button
Gorbachev on
on his dream of a nuclear free world
and MX ICBMs
1983 speech
NSDD-13 document
and ‘nuclear freeze’ movement
Reykjavík Summit (1986)
Soviet questioning of his sanity
on Soviet Union as evil empire
and Strategic Defense Initiative
surprised by extent of Soviet paranoia
‘Reasonable sufficiency’ doctrine
Reconstitution strategy
Red Alert (novel by Peter George)
Red Hawks
Reed, Thomas
Reinhardt, Colonel G.
Reston, James
Retaliatory-meeting strike
Reykjavík Summit (1986)
Richardson, Brigadier General Robert
Ridenour, Louis
Ridgway, General Matthew
Rifkind, Malcolm
Roberts, Brad
Robles, Afonso García
Rogozin, Dmitry
Rogue states
and biological weapons
North Korea as
and nuclear weapons
and superterrorists
and US National Missile Defense Act
WMD threat from
Romania, and Cuban missile crisis (1962)
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rosenberg, David Alan
Ross, Dennis
Ross, Steven T.
Rostow, Walt
Rotblat, Joseph
Rotmistrov, General P.
Röttiger, Hans
Ruina, Jack
Rumsfeld Commission (1998)
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Richard, Jr.
Russia (Russian Federation)
Chechnya conflict
colour revolutions, concern over
Crimea, annexation of
early political instability and nuclear arsenal
early warning agreement with US (1998)
‘escalate to de-escalate’ policy
and EU enlargement
great power status and nuclear arsenal
and Iraq sanctions issue (late 1990)
and Kosovo conflict (1999)
‘loose nukes’ problem
and NATO enlargement
‘no-first-use’ principle, abandonment of
non-nuclear deterrence concept
Nuclear Arms Treaty (2002)
tactical nuclear weapons, removal of
Ukraine, support for separatist groups in
and US GMD Third Site
and US missile defences
and US Nuclear Posture Review (2001)
Russian Orthodox Church, on nuclear weapons
Rutherford, Ernest
RYaN early warning programme (Soviet Union)
Rybkin, Lieutenant-Colonel Ye. I.


Sadat, Anwar
Safeguard system (US)
Sagan, Carl
Sagan, Scott
Sakharov, Andrei
Salami tactics
SALT, see Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Samuels, Gertrude
Sanctuary concept
Sandys, Duncan
Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE)
Santoro, David
Saudi Arabia
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
and Iran’s nuclear programme
US garrison in
Scheer, Robert
Schell, Jonathan
The Fate of the Earth
Schelling, Thomas
advisor on Dr. Strangelove script
on arms control
on Berlin crisis (1961) and nuclear strategy
Berlin crisis-related war games (1961)
and ‘bible’ of arms control
on Cuban missile crisis
on deterrence not depending on fear
on firebreaks and thresholds
formal strategist
on game theory
and golden age of nuclear strategy
influence on policy
on interdependence of commitments
on limited force and heightened risk of general war
on McNamara’s nuclear strategy
Nobel Prize winner
on nuclear accidents
on nuclear exchanges in terms of bargaining
on persuasive sequence of threatened responses
on potential force and deterrence
on reciprocal fear of surprise attack
on stability and classification of weapons
on strategy of conflict theory
on terrorists having nuclear weapons
Schilling, Warner
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schlesinger doctrine
criticism of
and SIOP
Soviet hostility towards
on Soviet counter-force capability
and targeting options
on technological plateau as wishful thinking
on triad concept
Schlesinger, James R.
approach to defence of Europe
on ‘coupling’ US nuclear forces to defence of Europe
on essential equivalence
on modernization of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe
on new conventional weapons
Schmidt, Helmut
Schriever, Bernard
Schröder, Gerhard, Healey-Schröder initial nuclear use report
Schultz, George P.
Schuyler, General Cortlandt V. R.
Scientific American
Scientific method, vs operational research
controversy over role of in public policy
in favour of controlling arms race
against Strategic Defence Initiative
against use of A-bomb on Japan
See also Environmental science; Manhattan Project (US)
Scowcroft, Brent
Scowcroft Commission
Scud missiles
SDI, see Strategic Defense Initiative
‘Second decision-centre’ theory
‘Second strike’ concept
Selective options
credibility and deterrence
Kissinger’s views
NSDM-242 document
Schlesinger doctrine
Schlesinger’s critics
shift in doctrine under Carter
emphasis on survivability
escalation dominance
minimum deterrence
Presidential Directive-59 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
SIOP issue
targeting options
Soviet hostility towards doctrine
Sentinel system (US)
September 11 (2001) attacks
Serbia, and Kosovo conflict (1999)
SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, NATO)
Shatilov, Lieutenant General V. M.
Sherwin, C. W.
Shils, Edward
Short-range nuclear missiles
Lance missiles
NATO debate
Pluton missiles (France)
US withdrawal of from Europe
Shultz, George P., see ‘Gang of four’ (US)
Shute, Neville, On the Beach
Sidelnikov, I.
Sieges, and non-combatants as bouches inutiles
Simonyon, Major-General Rair
Singer, J. David
Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP)
and assured destruction
Limited Nuclear Options (LNOs)
and No Cities doctrine
SIOP briefing
Six Day War (1967)
Skybolt missile programme
Slessor, Sir John
Slocombe, Walter
Smiley, Xan
Smith, Gerard
Smith, Perry McCoy
Smith, Wayne
Smoke, Richard
Smyth, H.
SNDVs, see Strategic nuclear delivery vehicles
Snow, C. P.
Snyder, Glenn
Sokolovsky, Marshal Vasily D., Military Strategy
‘Solarium’ project (US)
Solingen, Etel
South Africa, nuclear strategy
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
South Korea
brief flirtation with nuclear option
civil nuclear industry
and Kim Jong-un/Trump diplomacy (2017-2019)
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
normalization of ties with China
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (US)
See also Korean War
Soviet Nuclear Strategy
ABMs debate
changes in Soviet doctrine from 1950s
Clausewitz references
concerns over Reagan’s anti-Soviet rhetoric
concerns over US latest weapons developments
contamination effects of nuclear weapons
conventional strategies against NATO forces
criticism of ‘Permanently Operating Factors’ doctrine
Cuban missile crisis and strategic parity goal
deterrence and warfighting
economic need to reduce defence expenditure
fear of surprise attack
growing influence of civilian analysts
hardened silos
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (1987)
Khrushchev on use of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
Khrushchev on use of nuclear threats in foreign affairs
Khrushchev on use of tactical nuclear weapons
Khrushchev’s ideas about pre-emptive attack
Khrushchev’s private vs public statements on dangers of nuclear war
Khrushchev’s pushing for cuts in conventional forces
Khrushchev’s rejection of Eisenhower’s ‘Open Skies’ proposal
Khrushchev’s rhetoric vs missile gap in favour of US
Limited nuclear war
Marxism-Leninism vs actual practice
multiple types of missiles
new emphasis on surprise attacks after Stalin’s death
‘non-offensive defence’ concept
no such thing as limited nuclear war
Perimeter (‘Dead Hand’) system
periodization of war
reaction to NATO’s ABLE ARCHER
‘reasonable sufficiency’ doctrine
Red Hawks vs Talensky/Khrushchev
rejection of McNamara’s ideas
retaliatory-meeting strike
Reykjavík Summit and Reagan’s SDI
RYaN early warning programme
sanctuary concept
shift to no-first-use policy
SS-20s against NATO forces
tactical nuclear weapons
‘think tanks’ and dissenting views
US patronizing attitude towards Soviets
Zero Option
Soviet Military Strategy, see Military Strategy (edited by Sokolovsky)
Soviet Union
Acheson-Lilienthal Plan, rejection of (1946)
Afghan war
and anti-nuclear movements
and atomic bomb (1940s)
atomic programme (1940s)
August 1991 coup against Gorbachev
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (1986)
civil defence preparations
collapse of Soviet system
Czechoslovakia, invasion of (1968)
‘disarmament’ vs ‘arms control’ terminology
fear of accidental war and propaganda
‘international control’ terminology
K-219 submarine explosion
Korean airliner, shooting of (1983)
and Korean War
and limited nuclear war
Malta Summit (1989)
‘missile gap’ issue
NATO, Soviet and Warsaw Pact assessments of
nuclear stockpile (early 1950s)
nuclear test (1949)
and nuclear test ban issue
nuclear tests (1961)
nuclear umbrella
Operational Manoeuvre Group
and Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Perimeter (‘Dead Hand’) system
‘Permanently Operating Factors’ doctrine
‘reasonable sufficiency’ doctrine
Red Hawks
RYaN early warning programme
Sino-Soviet relations
Sputnik launch
Strategic Rocket Forces
and Suez crisis (1956)
sunken silos programme
and Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958)
totalitarian state, perceived as
‘Upper Volta with rockets’ description
US assessment of Soviet atomic prospects (1940s)
US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), assessment of
willingness to tolerate high casualty levels
World War II
Battle of Moscow (1941-1942)
brutality of Eastern Front
casualty numbers
declaration of war on Japan
entry into war
1941 German surprise attack
Potsdam Conference (1945)
and ‘zero option’ (1981)
Spaatz, General Carl, ‘Spaatz Report’ (1945)
Speer, Albert
Spratt-Furse amendment (Precision Low-Yield Weapon Design ban)
blow to American self-confidence
changing tone in Soviet nuclear strategy
impact on massive retaliation vs limited war debate
impact on technological arms race
Stable conflict
Stalin, Josef
Berlin Crisis (1948-1949)
death of and Korean War
‘Permanently Operating Factors’ doctrine
post-war sphere of influence
Potsdam Conference (1945)
refusal to pay heed to warnings of attack (1941)
Soviet 1949 nuclear test
Star Wars
See also Strategic Defense Initiative
Stassen, Harold
State of the World Foundation
Steinbruner, John
Stimson Center
Stimson, Henry
Stockholm Appeal (March 1950)
Stone, Jeremy
STRATCOM (US Strategic Command)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
Strategic bases study (RAND Corporation)
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
G. H. W. Bush’s decision against
impact of Catholic bishops
impact of nuclear freeze movement
Reagan’s 1983 speech
Reagan’s distaste for nuclear weapons
SDI’s critics
SDI’s loss of credibility
SDI’s proponents
SDI’s success reliant on Soviet connivance
SDI vs ABM Treaty
Soviet assessment of SDI
Strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDVs)
Strategic Rocket Forces (Soviet Union)
definition and origin of word
grand strategy
vs ‘strategic’ adjective
Strauss, Franz Josef
Strauss, Lewis
Stromseth, Jane
Strong, Anne Louise
Stuxnet worm, attack on Iranian nuclear programme
Styer, General Wilhelm
Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMS)
Soviet Union
number allowed under SALT I
number allowed under START I
United States
MIRVed SLBM Poseidon
number allowed under SALT I
number allowed under START I
and strategy of assured destruction
Trident MIRVed SLBM
K-219 submarine explosion
Ohio-class submarines
Subrahmanyam, K.
Suez crisis (1956)
Sufficiency, doctrine of
Suicide or surrender
Sulzberger, C.
Sundarji, General K.
Surprise Attack Conference (Geneva Conference of Experts on Prevention of Surprise Attack, 1958)
debates and decision to forgo nuclear option
non-nuclear policy
debates and decision to forgo nuclear option
fallout shelter programme
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
Civil War and chemical weapons
Civil War and Western policymakers
Israeli strike against al-Kibar nuclear reactor
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
rise of Islamic State
and US nuclear policy
and Yom Kippur War (1973)
Systems analysis
Szilard, Leo


Tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs)
debates about
and ‘final warning’ concept
JASON study
Korean peninsula
McNamara’s views on
number of in 1960s (US)
post-Cold War measures to eliminate
Soviet Union
and Vietnam War
West Germany
Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory
nuclear aspirations
and Sino-US relations
Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958)
US responsibilities towards
Talensky, Major General N. A.
Tatom, Commander Eugene
Taylor, General Maxwell
Taylor, Theodore
Technological arms race
Tedder, Arthur, 1st Baron
Teller, Edward
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (US)
9/11 (2001) attacks
ISIS (Islamic State)
low-key approach against terrorism/insurgencies
nuclear threat from terrorist groups
state-sponsored terrorism
terrorist incidents of 1990s
war on terror(ism)
and WMD
‘Terror quotient’ concept
Thatcher, Margaret
Think tanks
origin of term
in Soviet Union
See also Hudson Institute; RAND Corporation
Thompson, E. P.
Threads (film 1984)
Tibbets, Colonel Paul
Tito, Josef
TNWs, see Tactical nuclear weapons
Tolerable loss, concept of
Tomahawk cruise missiles
Tomashevsky, D.
Trainor, James
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, see Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Trenchard, Air Marshal Hugh
in French nuclear strategy
in US nuclear strategy
‘Trinity’ test (Manhattan project)
Truman, Harry S.
authority for atomic use issue
Clark Clifford’s letter to
Clement Attlee’s letter to
Henry Stimson’s conversation with
Henry Stimson’s letter to
announcement of attack on Hiroshima
conventional bombing on Japan after Hiroshima/Nagasaki
on Hiroshima as important military base
justifying Hiroshima
NATO and US forces in Western Europe
nuclear and other weapons
announcement of 1949 Soviet nuclear test
announcement of development of hydrogen bomb
being informed of potential of A-bomb
conventional forces and nuclear strategy
conventional war planning prior to Berlin Crisis
on difference between A-bomb and other weapons
distaste for atomic weapons and Korean War
on hydrogen bomb
Potsdam Conference and Soviet decision to enter the war
Trump, Donald J.
North Korea talks
nuclear policy
withdrawal from INF Treaty
withdrawal from JCPOA agreement
Tucker, Albert
Tupolev, A. W.
Turco, Richard
deployment of US IRBMs (1958)
use of atomic demolition munitions


U-2 reconnaissance aircrafts
Ugaki, Admiral Matome
Budapest Memorandum (1994)
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (1986)
colour revolution (2004)
post-independence nuclear weapons debate
removal of tactical nuclear weapons
Russian annexation of Crimea
Russian support for separatist groups in Eastern Ukraine
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
Ullman, Richard
Unilateral nuclear disarmament
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), see Soviet Union
United Kingdom, see Britain
United Nations
abandonment of disarmament position (1955)
Acheson-Lilienthal Plan (1946)
disarmament conferences
Gorbachev’s speech (1988)
Gulf War (1990-1991)
just wars
Korean War
Kosovo conflict (1999)
North Korea 1994 nuclear-related dispute
Rajiv Gandhi 1988 speech
Special Session on Disarmament (1978)
Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017)
United Nations Charter (1945)
United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), and Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction
United States (US)
9/11 (2001) attacks
Asia Pacific re-balancing policy
atmospheric nuclear testing
Atomic Energy Act 1946 (McMahon Act)
‘Atoms for Peace’ programme
Blue Water Option
civil defence preparations
East Africa embassies, bombing of (1998)
European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA)
Global Protection against Limited Strikes system (GPALS)
Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) interceptors
‘Halfmoon’ (1948 emergency war plan)
Iran hostage crisis
Iraq Liberation Act (1998)
Lockerbie bombing of US airliner
‘missile gap’ issue
MLF (multilateral force) proposals
National Missile Defense Act
National Security Strategy (2002)
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (2002)
Nuclear Employment Strategy (2013)
Nuclear Posture Reviews
nuclear proliferation, responses to
nuclear stockpile size (1940s-1950s)
nuclear terrorist threat debate
nuclear test ban issue
‘Open Skies’ proposal
Presidential Directive-59 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy)
Presidential Decision Directive-60 (Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy Guidance)
President’s Scientific Advisory Board
‘Solarium’ project
Spratt-Furse amendment (Precision Low-Yield Weapon Design ban)
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (US)
and terrorism/insurgencies, low-key approach to
withdrawal from ABM Treaty
withdrawal from INF Treaty
withdrawal from Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement
World Trade Center attacks
World War II
Pearl Harbor attack (1941)
use of air power
See also Manhattan Project (US); Vietnam War
United States Air Force (USAF)
509th Bomb Group
belief in airpower as sole requirement for US security
belief in bomber’s critical role in nuclear war
belief in threat of overwhelming force as best deterrent
civil defence as secondary issue
on counter-city strategies
and counter-force strategy
and Cuban missile crisis (1962)
and MIRVs
‘missile gap’ clamour (1950s)
and MX ICBMs
No Cities doctrine interpreted as first strike strategy
and pre-emptive war concept
‘Spaatz Report’ on implications of atom bomb (1945)
Strategic Air Command (SAC)
concerns about its views on nuclear war
and Gaither Report
and Killian Report
and Korean War
and massive retaliation doctrine
nuclear strategy planning
post-Cold War nuclear requirements study
‘strategic weapons’ concept
strategy of stable conflict, opposition to
vulnerability of Air Force bases
Tactical Air Command
United States Army
atomic strategy debate (post-1945)
nuclear weapons and manpower requirements
Operation Sagebrush (war game)
Pentomic Division
stalemate and preparation for limited war
tactical applications of atomic weapons
United States National Security Council (NSC)
Gaither Report
Killian Report
and 1947 National Security Act
NSC-30 ( United States Policy on Atomic Weapons )
NSC-68 policy paper
NSC-162/2 ( Basic National Security Policy )
Dulles’ interpretation of the policy
NSDD-13 document
NSDM-242 document
on use of nuclear weapons as authorized by President
work on fighting war with fewer targets
United States Navy
increased role in nuclear planning
and MX ICBMs
Pacific Fleet
and Polaris submarines
United States State Department
Policy Planning Staff
United States Strategic Bombing Survey
United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
UNSCOM, see United Nations Special Commission
Uranium Enrichment Consortium (URENCO)
Ustinov, Marshal Dmitry


Vajpayee, Atal Bihari
Vance, Cyrus
Van Cleave, William
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vandenberg, General Hoyt
Varennikov, General Valentin
Vershinin, Marshal of Aviation K. A.
Vietnam War
and China
and criticism of post-war US foreign policy
impact on Soviet nuclear strategy
impact on US self-confidence
McNamara’s view of
and Nixon’s Madman Theory
and nuclear question
Fracture Jaw
JASON study on use of TNWs
and operational research
‘Pentagon Papers,’
precision weapons and aircraft/tanks
and reduction of US forces in Europe
Rolling Thunder air campaign
and US Congress
Westmoreland and nuclear use
Viner, Jacob
V-1 rockets
V-2 rockets


Walkowicz, T. F.
Wall Street Journal , ‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’ (2007)
Waltz, Kenneth
Warner, Edward
Warsaw Pact bloc
and collapse of Soviet system
‘reasonable sufficiency’ doctrine
Soviet and Warsaw Pact assessments of NATO
and Soviet nuclear strategy
superiority of conventional defences over NATO
tactical nuclear weapons
and West Germany
Wasson, Jesse T.
Watkins, Admiral James
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
and British post-Cold War nuclear policy
and French post-Cold War nuclear policy
and Gulf War (1990-1991)
and Iraq War (2003)
Libya’s dismantling of
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (US, 2002)
North Korean arsenal
and rogue states
and terrorism
and US rationale for maintaining nuclear arsenal
and West’s conventional superiority
See also Biological weapons; Chemical weapons
Weinberger, Caspar
Wells, H. G.
The World Set Free
West Germany
and Carte Blanche (NATO exercise)
and de Gaulle’s nuclear strategy
F-104 Starfighters
fall of Berlin Wall
fear of forces imbalance in European theatre
F-I-G (France-Italy-Germany) agreement (1958)
and NATO, leading position in
non-nuclear policy
short-range nuclear weapons issue
and US no-first-use debate
and US views on defence of Europe
and Warsaw Pact bloc
Westmoreland, General William
Wheeler, General Earle
Wheeler, Harvey (pseud. F. B. Aiken)
Fail-Safe (novel by Burdick and Wheeler)
Of Bombs And Men Abraham ‘59-A Nuclear Fantasy
Whetten, Lawrence
Wiesner, Jerome
Wildavsky, Aaron
Wilson, Harold
Windsor, Philip
Wirtz, James
Witze, Claude
WMD, see Weapons of mass destruction
Wohlstetter, Albert
on arms race
Blackett’s criticism of
on casualty level likely to be bearable for Soviet Union
on concrete shelters for aircrafts
on conflict-system design
on controlled nuclear response
on deterrence and second strike capability
on eliminating possibility of nuclear war
and Gaither Committee, briefing to
on game theory
and golden age of nuclear strategy
and McNamara’s approach
on MIRVs and offence accuracy
on missiles in submarines
and 1970s debates, contribution to
on nuclear sharing and NATO
on nuclear sharing vs US guarantee
on operational researchers
on ‘sooner or later’ syndrome and weapons of destruction
Soviet surprise attack scenario
on vulnerability of US forces
Wohlstetter, Roberta
Wolfe, Thomas
Wolfers, Arnold
Woolsey, James
‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’ ( Wall Street Journal , 2007)
World Peace Council, Stockholm Appeal (March 1950)
World Trade Center (New York)
1993 attack
September 11 (2001) attacks
World War I
air raids
Big Bertha
German Zeppelin and Gotha raids
and limited objectives/war theory
and mobilization vs diplomacy
naval blockade and German defeat
poisoned gas
studies on
World War II
Battle of Britain (1940)
Battle of Moscow (1941-1942)
Dresden, bombing of
Eastern Front, brutality of
France, fall of
Germany’s V-weapons campaigns
Japan, B29 bombing over
Japan, plans for use of chemical weapons against
Japanese surrender
London blitz
Pearl Harbor attack (1941)
‘phoney war’ (1939-1940)
Potsdam Conference (1945)
Soviet casualty numbers
Soviet declaration of war on Japan
Soviet entry into war
Soviet Union and 1941 German surprise attack
strategic bombardment
surprise attacks, effects of
United States Strategic Bombing Survey
See also Hiroshima, bombing of (1945); Nagasaki, bombing of (1945)
Wright brothers


Yale University, Institute of International Studies
Yangel, M. K.
Yarmolinsky, Adam
Yazov, Dmitry
Yeltsin, Boris
Yom Kippur War (1973)
York, Herbert
Yudkin, Major General Richard A.
Yugoslavia, decision to forgo nuclear option


Zakharov, General Georgy
Zero Option
Zero sum games
non-zero sum games
Zhukov, Marshal Georgy
Zuckerman, Sir Solly