citizen (SIT-uh-zuhn)—a resident of a particular town or city
conserve (kuhn-SURV)—to save something from loss, decay, or waste
contest (KON-test)—a competition
delicate (DEL-uh-kuht)—finely made or sensitive
endangered (en-DAYN-jurd)—something that is in danger of becoming extinct
environment (en-VYE-ruhn-muhnt)—the natural world of land, sea, and air
equipment (i-KWIP-muhnt)—the tools and machines needed for a particular purpose
remarkable (ri-MAR-kuh-buhl)—worth noticing; extraordinary
renew (ri-NOO)—to replace something old with something new
reserved (ri-ZURVD)—kept for someone to use later
trough (TRAWF)—a long, narrow container from which animals can drink or eat