“Mark, Janet called, your grandma.”
“Mom, I’m really busy right now, I’ll call you in about an hour.”
“But it’s almost noon.”
“Is it important? Can it wait?”
“Yes son, it can wait, don’t worry about it.”
“Alright then, we’ll talk later.”
Evelyn called the airline before going back to the shop to ask for an extension on her trip. The lady asked her when she wanted it for, and since she didn’t know how things were going to turn out, said two weeks.
When she went back to Sarah, there were no clients, Mondays were always slow.
“I talked to my parents and they made me promise I would visit them after my trip to Greece. I told them I was thinking on postponing it and they said I shouldn’t do it. They insisted I should take the opportunities because if I don’t I could end up like them: old and sick and not being able to travel because of health issues.” Evelyn laughed while she was telling her friend.
“Don’t laugh, they’re right. A person spends his entire life saving up for the future, and when you least expect it, your best years go by, the time where you can really enjoy things in life. After sure you’d be able to travel, but you’d have to check your blood pressure, take a whole bunch of pills, and a lot more other things.”
“You describe that stage in life as something not good.”
“Oh I think it’s good, when you’re healthy, but now when you’re stuck in bed rest dependable of medicines for everything. My grandma spent fifteen years like that, she only wanted to die. It was depressing.”
“Oh! I didn’t know.”
“I don’t really talk about it, I loved her and she was always kinds to me since I was little.” Sarah said sadly.
“I don’t like to see you sad. It’s decided then, I’ll go to that trip.” Evelyn said while hugging Sarah. “I think I’ll do more for other people than for myself.”
“You’ll find your soulmate in Greece, hear my words.”
“We’ll see, but I’m not really going in search for it. If it happens, then great.”
Evelyn looked at her watch worriedly.
“I’m going upstairs again Sarah, I haven’t talked to Mark yet.”
“Go ahead, take your time.”
She was just heading out the door when the phone rang in her pants. She closed the door quickly and ran to her bedroom to answer.
“What’s wrong? I was a little concern about your call.”
“It’s best to tell you quick. Janet Taylor called because Josh is dying and he asked to see you.”
“Josh? You mean my father?”
“That’s the one. He wants to see you.”
From the other side of the line she could hear her son taking a deep breath.
“And what does she think I could do?”
“I’ll just repeat what she said: He’s dying and wants to see you. I think he wanted to ask for forgiveness.”
“I’m no one to forgive him, he has to forgive himself. Besides even if I do forgive him, that’s not going to erase everything that’s happened. He can’t pretend it’s been twenty years...”
“What will you do?” Evelyn interrupted.
“I don’t know, I don’t want to go. I don’t feel any connection with him.”
“But you advised me to forgive.”
“That’s different; you were upset even if you didn’t want to accept it, I in the other hand feel nothing, nor good nor bad.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes mom, you can relax, let everything run its course. Anyway, I’ll be home late, I’m going to Deb’s after work.”
Evelyn said goodbye ignoring the sudden change of subject, she was sure he was upset, but just like her he wouldn’t admit it.
It was almost lunch time, she went down so Sarah could go home, she wasn’t hungry but she was just going to make a sandwich for herself.
“It’s almost lunch time, go see your son. It’s slow today so I can manage on my own.”
“What did Mark say?”
“He doesn’t want to go, I can’t make him, don’t you think?”
“Maybe he’ll regret it later.”
“Maybe, but for now there’s nothing I can do.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later.”
“If you’re running late, don’t worry, no rush.”
When she was alone in the shop, she didn’t know what to do to distract herself, she didn’t want to bring back the memories she had with Josh. She had always managed to lock him somewhere in the back of her mind. Sometimes they would pop out, surely to remind her about his existence. She wished she could remember without hurting her, but it was impossible. Maybe she’ll never stop feeling sorry for the girl who thought she was in love with the guy.
One Friday night, Josh had come home drunk and with his friends as always. They were parasites who would spend the little money his husband had at the bars, since his friends from the band abandoned him, so tired of him being irresponsible. He didn’t care about it because he was sure he would be successful as a producer, which was what he wanted to do. But his addiction to alcohol made it impossible to follow a goal.
Evelyn would hide in her son’s bedroom when Josh came home drunk because she was afraid he would hit them. In various occasions he had tried but she always managed to escape, however that night, she couldn’t.
“Eve!! Eve!! Don’t hide!!”
“I’m in bed already” She said from the bedroom. “Don’t yell, Mark is sleeping.”
“Mark?” Who the hell cares about Mark?! Come here you damn slut if you don’t want me to get you!!”
Evelyn went out to the living room feeling helpless; she had found it was worse by confronting him. So she had pretended she didn’t care about the insults, especially when there were spectators.
“What’s wrong?”
“My friends and I want something to eat. Go make us something.”
“Spaghetti, that’s all there is.”
“Whatever, now bring us beer.”
“There is nothing left. You drank all of them.”
“Go buy some then.”
“I have no money.”
“What did you do with it? I gave you money last week!” He asked harshly shaking her by the shoulders.
“You gave me twenty dollars Josh!” Evelyn raised her voice. “I needed to buy milk and other things for Mark.”
“Mark! Mark! Mark! It’s always about Mark!”
“He is your son!” She screamed furiously.
“I wish he never existed, that way I wouldn’t have to deal with you, you useless bitch.”
Evelyn couldn’t stand it anymore and she slapped across the face not caring about being smaller than him. She left marks on his face. He reacted instantly and punched her so hard she fell on the ground. Then he kicked her. Realizing this, his friends intervened and took him outside. Evelyn could hardly get up, but after she cleaned herself, she went to get her stuff and her son’s and left. When Josh went back the next day, she had already left and they never saw him again because Josh never looked for them.