about the authors


Ilysa Ginsburg has been creating with polymer clay for over twenty-three years and teaching polymer classes for over fifteen years. She studied jewelry design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. Her award-winning work has been sold in galleries nationwide. Ilysa has designed projects for numerous companies, and her work has been published in several books and magazines. She is the founder of the Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy and the host of two online shows: Polymer Clay TV and Things Crafty. Ilysa has filmed, edited and produced instructional DVDs and has two instructional DVDs of her own. Ilysa’s personal website is www.emeraldearth.com and her Etsy shop is www.ilysaart.etsy.com.


Kira Slye is an art educator with over twenty-three years of experience teaching children’s ceramics, craft and jewelry classes at boutiques and, most recently, digital art and art history at the high school level. She has filmed, edited and produced instructional DVDs, and her work has been featured in several books and magazines. Kira is a digital native with a large social-media circle. She has created numerous websites and is a graphic design and Photoshop expert. Her personal website is www.KiraSlye.com; her Etsy shop is www.etsy.com/shop/KiraSlyeDesigns.