“Your timing is perfect,” Jared said, reaching for the baby bottle she’d brought.
When her fingers brushed his, it was all Faith could do to ignore the faint tremor of awareness that shimmied up her arm.
“He slept longer than I thought he would,” Faith commented as Jared walked to the rocking chair and sat down.
Mesmerized, Faith lingered near the door, watching Jared settle Nicky into a comfortable position against his chest.
“You don’t have to stay and supervise,” Jared told her in a low voice. “I assure you I’m quite capable of feeding and burping my son.”
Faith met his gaze. “I wasn’t—”
“Or are you hanging around for another reason?” he asked, his gaze drifting over her scanty attire.
Her breath caught in her throat at the blatant sexual undertone in his voice. He thought she was her identical twin—the mother of his child!