Kaboom! When Black Holes Collide
Scientific breakthroughs don’t always come when you expect them. In the case of Vicky Kalogera, an astrophysicist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, the news came on September 14, 2015, when she was getting dinner on the table for her family. Her busy day hadn’t allowed her to pay much attention to the flurry of e-mails from her colleagues on the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) project. This project to find and observe gravitational waves in space is funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Two instruments operating in unison—one in Louisiana and the other in Washington—offer astronomers a whole new way of studying the universe. Unlike astronomical telescopes, LIGO cannot detect electromagnetic radiation at any wavelength or frequency. Instead, it “feels” invisible gravitational waves. Decades in the making, LIGO had just begun collecting data when the detectors hit the jackpot.
That fall day, a text message from one of Kalogera’s graduate students spelled it out: “Have you been keeping up with LIGO emails today? Loud trigger!” That’s when she knew something big had happened.
That “something big” was a signal from outer space, picked up by the LIGO detectors. It confirmed the existence of gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein a century ago. Kalogera, along with one thousand other scientists and engineers, had been working toward this moment for nearly two decades.
On September 14, 2015, LIGO instruments detected gravitational waves produced by two merging black holes. The waves in this image show their approximate location on a sky map of the southern hemisphere.
Kalogera and the other members of the LIGO team—more than one thousand scientists from ninety different institutions—were sworn to secrecy until the data could be thoroughly analyzed to make sure the signal was real. It was.
On February 11, 2016, LIGO laboratory executive director David Reitze held a press conference. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves. We did it. I am so pleased to be able to tell you that. . . . These gravitational waves were produced by two colliding black holes that came together, merged to form a single black hole about 1.3 billion years ago.”
The announcement stunned the scientific community. Even US president Barack Obama tweeted: “Einstein was right! Congrats to @NSF and @LIGO on detecting gravitational waves—a huge breakthrough in how we understand the universe.”
Why was the discovery so exciting? Remember that Einstein’s general theory of relativity states that space and time curve in the presence of mass. This curvature is responsible for the effect we call gravity. When two objects interact with each other, they stretch and squeeze space-time. If those two objects are not very massive, like a couple of pool balls or you and your friend, the effect is so small as to be unnoticeable. If they are very massive, like orbiting or colliding black holes, they send out gravitational waves in space-time, much as a stone tossed into a pond creates ripples in the water.
The LIGO discovery was not only the first time physicists were able to prove the existence of gravitational waves. It was also the first experimental evidence for binary black holes. As the black holes orbited around each other, gravitational forces pulled them closer and closer together until they finally merged in a colossal collision that LIGO was able to capture.
These plots show the signals of gravitational waves detected by the twin LIGO observatories at Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. The signals came from two merging black holes, each about thirty times the mass of the sun, lying 1.3 billion light-years away. These waveforms show what two merging black holes should look like according to the equations of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The LIGO data very closely match Einstein’s predictions.
A Signal Delivers a Lot of Bang for the Buck
The LIGO scientists gained an astounding amount of information from the signal. They could tell that the two colliding black holes had twenty-nine times and thirty-six times the mass of the sun, respectively. In the final, furious moments before the collision, the black holes orbited each other 35 times per second. As they moved closer, their orbital speed shot up to 250 times per second before finally merging. The combined black hole had a mass of about sixty-two times the sun’s mass, a little less than the combined mass of both black holes. The “missing” mass was released as a result of the force of the collision, and it took the form of gravitational wave energy. So about three times the mass of the sun (13 million trillion trillion pounds, or 6 million trillion trillion kg) was converted into gravitational wave energy. That is more than ten times the combined light energy of every star and galaxy in the observable universe!
The LIGO scientists didn’t have to wait long to find a second black hole collision. On December 26, 2015, just as many scientists were home enjoying the holidays with their families, the detectors picked up the strong signal of yet another black hole collision, 1.4 billion light-years away. These black holes were smaller—just 7.5 and 14.2 times the mass of the sun. While the first signal in September had lasted 0.2 seconds, the second one in December lasted a full second. LIGO had also recorded the final twenty-seven orbits of the black holes before they crashed into each other. The merger of the two black holes released only one solar mass of energy. The fact that these two events happened so close in time is a strong indication that black hole collisions are much more common than scientists had originally thought.
This illustration shows a simulation of two galaxies—each with supermassive black holes in the middle—in the process of merging. The black holes orbit each other for hundreds of millions of years before they merge to form a single supermassive black hole that sends out intense gravitational waves.
Kalogera is excited about the LIGO discoveries. They make her even more passionate about learning how binary black hole systems form. Astrophysicists have two models to describe the formation of these systems. One model says that two similar stars are formed from the same cloud of gas, like identical twins splitting from the same egg in their mother’s womb. The twin stars grow up together, orbiting each other throughout their lives in relative peace. When they exhaust their nuclear fuel, they explode into supernovas and collapse into black holes. The binary stars become binary black holes.
The second model says that the two stars formed independently but inside the same cluster of stars. Inside that cluster, the more massive stars move toward the center and become black holes. They eventually dance around each other before finally colliding and merging into binary black holes. Kalogera hopes that LIGO data will help determine which model is correct.
How Did LIGO Detect Gravitational Waves?
It’s very likely that gravitational waves pass through our bodies all the time. But since gravity is a weak force in the universe, we don’t feel a thing. A passing gravitational wave might change the distance between you and the person sitting next to you by about a millionth of the diameter of a proton. It would take an awfully sensitive instrument to detect a gravitational wave. In fact, Einstein doubted scientists would ever be able to detect them.
The LIGO scientists decided to give it a go. They spent decades planning and constructing two observatories, each one functioning like an exquisitely sensitive pair of rulers. One is in Hanford, Washington, and the other is in Livingston, Louisiana, 1,865 miles (3,002 km) away. The LIGO team put the two detectors far apart on purpose. This way, they could tell whether a little jiggle was due to local vibrations only or to a gravitational wave from outer space. It would also allow them to get a general sense of the direction from which the wave came. Each observatory has an L-shaped vacuum tube, from which a vacuum pump has removed all air and other gases. Each arm of the tube is of equal length, a little more than 3.2 feet (1 m) wide and 2.5 miles (4 km) long. The arms are so long that project engineers had to raise them by 3.2 feet at each end so that they lay flat above Earth’s curvature below.
A computer-controlled laser beam at the crook of the two arms is split into two. Each beam shoots down and hits a mirror at the end of the arm. The mirror sends the light bouncing back to the source at the crook of the arms. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant, so the beams should return to the source at the same time. Unless, that is, a gravitational wave ripples through LIGO’s arms. Then one arm of the L would be stretched out while the other would be squeezed short. Since the beam in the stretched arm would have to travel a longer distance than the one in the squeezed arm, the two beams would arrive back at the source at different times. The strength of the gravitational wave would dictate this difference in time. So a mild gravitational wave would lead to only a slight difference in the time it took both beams of light to return. A stronger wave would create a greater difference in the timing.
Each arm of the LIGO observatory is 2.5 miles (4 km) long. This infographic shows how mirrors and a beam splitter direct the light beams in the arms. Changes in the behavior of the light waves indicate an interaction with gravitational waves.
The LIGO instruments are supersensitive. They detect all sorts of sound vibrations from nearby traffic, earthquakes, and even distant ocean waves. To filter out all that noise, the team outfitted each detector with complex suspension systems, like sophisticated versions of those in a car, to insulate against outside vibrations.
“Gravity’s Music”
In September 2015, after years of hard work, the LIGO scientists finally declared that the observatory was ready to detect gravitational waves. It didn’t take long for the first signal to arrive, first at the Louisiana detector and seven milliseconds later at the Washington site. The “chirp” announced the passage of the gravitational wave across the continent.
Gravitational waves are not actually sound or light waves. You can’t hear or see them, so there is no literal chirp. So the LIGO scientists devised a way of converting gravitational waves to sound waves. The technology is something like the way a mechanical wave you create by plucking a string on an electric guitar can be converted to sound with an amplifier. When the LIGO team first converted the gravitational wave to a sound wave, it sounded like the thump of a heartbeat. If the team shifted the frequency to make the wave easier to hear, it sounded a bit like a raindrop falling into a bucket of water. LIGO scientist Gabriela González, speaking at a press conference in San Diego, called it “gravity’s music.” You can go online and hear the sounds of the collision at LIGO’s website at https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/video/ligo20160211v2.
Ultimately, the LIGO collaboration would like to team up with other astronomers to use X-ray, radio, and visible light telescopes to further study colliding black holes. If telescope astronomy creates a silent movie version of colliding black holes, pairing it with LIGO’s soundtrack will give scientists a more complete understanding of the event. The main challenge is that the two LIGO detectors aren’t very good yet at pinpointing the source of the gravitational waves they pick up. That the September signal came first to the Louisiana site and then to the Washington site indicated only that the gravitational wave came from the Southern Hemisphere. It is difficult for astronomers to figure out exactly where to aim their telescopes if they are to coordinate their efforts.
“The [LIGO] detectors act more like our ears, and less like our eyes,” Kalogera says. “Our eyes are like regular telescopes; we point with our eyes. In contrast, our ears can hear sounds that come from in back of us, from under the floor, in all directions.” A larger network of detectors, Kalogera says, could work together to help scientists zero in on the source of the gravitational waves, much as a collection of satellites helps GPS systems pinpoint a location on Earth.
LIGO can only detect gravitational waves within a certain range of frequencies. But different sources in the cosmos emit gravitational waves with different frequencies. Other detectors can be designed to pick up waves with higher and lower frequencies. A collection of gravitational wave detectors could “hear” the entire orchestra of music from the cosmos, from the high-frequency waves of binary neutron star systems to the low-frequency rumble of a supermassive black hole.
Scientists plan to build a third LIGO observatory in India, and Japan is building an underground one. Italy and Germany have smaller detectors similar to LIGO. These may become part of a larger network of gravitational wave detectors. Scientists from six nations are working to launch, in 2034, three networked space-based observatories that could detect very low-frequency gravitational waves.
After LIGO detected gravitational waves from two colliding black holes, scientists from Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy published a hypothesis that the LIGO discovery could be a signature of dark matter. This image, using data from the Chandra and Hubble telescopes in 2012, shows the distribution of dark matter, galaxies, and hot gas in the core of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520. The cluster was formed from a violent collision of massive galaxy clusters about 2.4 billion light-years from Earth.