23 April/6 May 1914

Papa told a story at dinner today that had everyone laughing but me. Years ago, when I was only five, my sisters and I had gone swimming in the sea with Papa. Suddenly a great wave came along and swept me off my feet. The next thing I knew, I was being tumbled under the water, wanting to scream but not able to. I was sure I was drowning. Then I felt a yank on my hair. It was my dear papa, holding me by my long hair and towing me to the beach. But I thought it was Neptune taking me to his kingdom beneath the sea.

For the rest of that day I stayed by Mama and baby Alexei and refused to go back in the water. The next day Papa said I must come in with him. I did, and soon I forgot all about what had happened.

Today as I dashed into the water, Papa called out, “Watch out that Neptune doesn’t grab you!” He loves to tease me.