2/15 May 1914
Another visitor: Mama’s friend Lili Dehn. Lili’s husband is first officer of Grandmother’s yacht, Polar Star, and when he’s at sea, she spends time with us.
Lili is very stylish – she loves the fashionable hobble skirts. When Lili explains that she wears them because they are the fashion, Mama frowns disapprovingly.
Papa’s cousin, Grand Duke George Mikhailovitch, and his wife, Queen Marie of Greece, and their wretched children are here. Nina is the worst of the lot. She’s exactly two days younger than I am but already a whole head taller! She thinks this gives her the right to lord it over me. I think she is putrid, and I told her so.
I can hardly wait for them to leave. I’m so much happier when it’s just OTMA and Alexei. (So is Mama, I can tell.)