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Wednesday. Grimaldi Place, Chevy Chase, MD.
Yvonne stared at her phone, waiting for Tabby’s next message. She wished she could talk to Tabby, but twelve hours time difference and shoddy reception in the remote part of Japan Tabby was currently in made that impossible.
Yvonne scrolled back through the messages from the last half hour.
I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!
I’ve checked all flights. There’s no way I can get back before Sunday.
I wish I could be there for you tomorrow.
Tabby was really the best friend a girl could ask for. Yvonne wished Tabby could be there at the clinic, but the need to know was more pressing than her need for a hand to hold.
Maybe Yvonne could video chat Tabby in on the appointment when it was time to get the results back. Even that virtual hand holding might be better than nothing.
A rhythmic knock on the door brought Yvonne back to the present.
She powered her screen off, locking the phone, and slid it under her pillow.
“Who is it?” She glanced down at her pajamas, not terribly keen on having to put a bra back on.
Instead of answering, the door swung open and a large figure stepped in, whirled and gently shut the door once more.
Yvonne sat up and blinked at the man currently standing in her bedroom where he did not belong.
Nolan turned toward her, finger across his lips, head cocked to the side.
“What are you doing here?” She grabbed the throw blanket across the foot of her bed and pulled it up over herself.
He tapped his finger to his lips again.
“Vee?” Theodore called out.
Nolan locked gazes with her. What had he done?
“Yeah?” she replied.
“Everything okay?”
“Do you want me to bring you up a plate?”
“No, thank you. I’m still not feeling all that great.” Yvonne glared at Nolan. There went her chances of trying for a real meal tonight.
“Okay, well, let me know if you change your mind?”
Theodore’s footsteps faded, leaving Yvonne staring at Nolan staring at her. He’d changed into a different polo, this one black instead of white. The same stitch work was on his shoulder.
She pulled the blanket up a bit higher, wishing she were wearing more than a T-shirt and shorts. It wasn’t fair for him to break into her private place looking like that while she’d been rolling around in her personal misery all day.
Damn Nolan for being right.
She wanted to throw something at him and fling herself into his arms. She did neither, choosing the safe cocoon she’d made for herself on the bed.
Why was it he seemed to have this aura around him? It was masculine, powerful, potent and totally scrambled her brain.
“What are you doing here?” Yvonne finally asked.
“I needed to see you.”
“Need?” She arched a brow.
Nolan held up his hands. “Wanted?”
Yvonne bit her cheek.
He took a few steps toward her that deep green gaze of his focused completely on her.
“I wanted to apologize about earlier. I was out of line,” he said.
She crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest, hugging the blanket to her.
Except he’d been right. He’d spoken the uncomfortable truth and warned her. But she couldn’t tell him any of that.
“Vee, sometimes I open my mouth and I say stupid shit. I’m sorry. Usually...” He ran a hand over his hair. “This is why I don’t get involved with people from work. It’s easy for me to flip the switch if you’re just an asset, but...”
His mouth twisted up, and he dropped his hands to his sides.
“But, what?” She didn’t know what answer she wanted to hear.
“We don’t just work together, and—I’m sorry. I open my mouth and stupid comes out.”
If she bit her cheek any harder she was going to taste blood. She didn’t want him to think he couldn’t talk to her or that he was totally in the wrong—he wasn’t—but how did she explain to him without revealing too much?
A lot rested on tomorrow and the outcome of her test. Their whole relationship could change.
“It’s okay,” she said once she thought she could trust herself. “I might have overreacted earlier.”
“I don’t exactly have a great track record so far.” He circled the foot of the bed, coming closer.
Her skin heated, and she prayed for any reason whatsoever to remain under the blanket. Her nipples were hardened peaks and all he’d done was walk in the room.
Nolan stopped at the foot of the bed, one hand clasped around the top of the wooden post. The cloud around him had dissipated, leaving just the man standing there watching her.
“Did you really just break into the house and sneak up to my room to tell me all of that?” she asked.
“I did.” One side of his mouth hitched up.
Yvonne blinked at him, unprepared for the warmth bubbling up inside of her that had nothing to do with his sex appeal. In her grand history of relationships, the most any man had done for her was fetch a meal or send her flowers. And most of those men had fallen for her mother’s bullshit. Nolan, on the other hand, saw through her family and he got her. Each grievance she’d had with him was met with a swift, genuine apology.
What wasn’t to love about a man like that?
Not that she loved him. She barely knew him, but those were all points in his favor.
“Oh. Well then.” She smoothed the blanket over her thighs and knees.
Nolan let go of the bedpost and took another step toward her. “Am I forgiven?”
Her heart rate jumped and her throat tightened. She tipped her chin up, admiring how the light cast a golden halo in his hair.
“I suppose,” she replied after her moment of study.
“That’s a relief.”
Nolan came to a stop next to her. He lifted a hand and cupped her right cheek, sliding his fingers back into her hair.
Yvonne sat there, frozen.
She wanted to pull him down, beg for a kiss and the escape he promised her for a few hours. But was that the right thing to do?
Should she instead rebuke him for trespassing in her private space and send him off?
If she were pregnant, it would be a lot harder to explain her actions later.
He bent and her mind screeched to a halt. Her whole focus was on the diminishing distance between them and the hand in her hair.
His mouth was warm against hers. His stubble scraped her chin and cheek. A thrill shot through her and she reached for him, running her fingers over the short hair on the sides of his head.
Nolan broke the kiss, but remained bent over her, one hand braced on the edge of the bed. Her hand slid down his shoulder to his forearm.
“Thanks for hearing me out,” he whispered.
“That’s it?” She didn’t want him to leave yet.
“Yeah. I go on shift in a few hours.”
“All night again?”
You can’t stay for a while?
Her throat froze and her mouth wouldn’t work to ask the question.
“I also only have cover for about fifteen minutes before one of the guys takes over watching surveillance from Melody. They’ll see me leaving the house and...”
His team would draw the obvious conclusion.
Yvonne didn’t mind, so long as her family was kept in the dark. For now. She didn’t mean to hide Nolan from them, she just wanted to escape their opinions for a while. Until she knew where everything stood. Which was another reason why she should let him go out the door.
“When did you leave?” She craved his nearness. It was hard enough to find someone who enticed her to lower her guard to the point that she could be intimate with another person.
Nolan straightened and pulled out his phone. He grimaced. “Twenty minutes ago.”
“Then it stands to reason your window is gone. No reason to run off.” Her cheeks heated, but damn it. She wanted his comfort and his presence in a totally selfish kind of way.
“Is that your fancy way of asking me if I’ll stay for a bit?” He had one hand in his pocket and the other hung at his side, holding his phone.
She tipped her chin up and met his gaze. “You did just sneak into my bedroom.”
“I did.” He set his phone on her nightstand then cupped her face. The corners of his mouth quirked up.
“It seems a shame to leave so fast.”
A grin spread across Nolan’s face.
“How red am I right now?” She chuckled.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The laugh vibrating in his voice betrayed him.
He kissed the tip of her nose then her lips. “I’ve just dug myself out of one hole. I’m not crawling into another.”
“Well, that’s too bad.” She sighed, but it turned into a snicker.
“Yvonne, did you just make a dirty pussy joke?”
She ducked her head and laughed. “I changed my mind. You should go.”
“I just got here. Move over.” He tugged at the throw blanket covering her.
She let him peal the blanket off her, exposing the so not sexy plaid sleep shorts and gray T-shirt she’d dug out of the drawers while the rest of her clothes were washed. Nolan didn’t comment on it. He removed his boots then slid onto the bed next to her. He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her back to his front, fitting them together perfectly.
Yvonne wished they were anywhere else, and that she had the luxury of being with Nolan the right way. With honesty and a clear conscience.
NOLAN SHOULD BE HAPPY with Yvonne’s forgiveness. Getting to hold her was a boon he hadn’t expected. He was fairly certain if he’d kept kissing her she’d have melted in his arms, but he couldn’t do that when he knew she was holding back from him. Under the blush and flirty looks was a wary shadow he didn’t know how to chase away. He could only stick with her and hope that he’d prove—what? Where did he think this was going?
They’d had a great time in Vegas. Yesterday and today proved that they had chemistry. But what did that amount to? Or was sex her goal? Was she only interested in him for the orgasms?
He lifted a hand and smoothed her hair behind her ear, giving him a clear view of her face. Her lashes were dark against her pale skin. This close he could see a faint smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks.
She reached for his hand and pulled it back around her waist.
Nolan chuckled and kissed her hair.
If sex was what she wanted that made things a lot easier.
His cock twitched in agreement with that idea, but he couldn’t ignore the feeling that he was missing something. The thing she wasn’t talking about.
“Hm?” She turned her head and shifted so she could look up at him.
“You know I’m in your corner, don’t you?”
“Sure.” The shutters slammed shut.
That severed connection killed his boner.
“Whatever you aren’t telling me, it’s okay.” He squeezed her waist.
Yvonne’s gaze slid down to his shirt. She lifted a hand and traced the short sleeve of his polo cutting across his bicep. She didn’t deny she wasn’t telling him things.
He couldn’t do this, be twisted around her, and not have his hands in her life. Too many secrets.
She wiggled around until she could face him, though all she did was stare at his chest, her lower lip pinched between her teeth.
Nolan wanted her trust, but he couldn’t take it. She had to give it to him.
“You might have been right about my mother, at least,” Yvonne said softly.
Nolan wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, pressing a kiss to her brow.
She laid her head on his shoulder. “It’s just—I’ve been thinking...”
“It’s given me a lot to think about. I can’t tell you, obviously, but...” Her voice cracked at the end.
Yvonne’s loyalty was still with her family. He wouldn’t ask her to break those ties. But she had given him this much. That was a good sign even if he didn’t know what to do with it.
They lay there for several moments, her delicate sniffles muffled by his shirt.
“What are you going to do?” he asked softly.
She tipped her chin up, the pain there for him to see. “I think this thing with Douglas needs to unfold and after that I’ll have some decisions to make.”
“You’re far too reasonable, you know?” He gave her another squeeze and damn if he wasn’t proud of her. It was the exact same thing he’d have done.
She countered with her own question. “How do you think this is going to end?”
Damn if she didn’t go to the heart of the matter.
“That’s an asset question I shouldn’t answer,” he said.
“Asset? Why do you call us that?” She drew circles on his chest over his heart.
“Clients are the ones who sign the contract and pay the bill. Assets are those in the field we protect or retrieve.”
“Talk to me like I’m neither. Tell me honestly?”
“If someone is going to go after Doug for his part in the assassination, they’d do it within seven days. Two weeks, maybe. After that it’s all about information and motive.”
“If Douglas survives through the weekend you think his chances of getting off increase?”
“Yes. Every passing day we don’t hear chatter about him means the likelihood he won’t be linked to Ito’s assassination grows.”
“But you don’t share that because until that week is up, we’re still in danger. Possibly.”
“You are as smart as you are beautiful.”
“Is that what you think will happen? Nothing?”
“It’s what I hope happens.” He didn’t want to get into the rest of it. She deserved to sleep peacefully.
“Thank you for telling me.”
“I’m going to keep you safe.”
“Don’t you mean my family?”
“You wanted me to talk to you like you weren’t an asset, and I’m telling you that I’ll keep you safe.” Professionally he shouldn’t value one asset over another, but personally he had a bias. Talking to Riley hadn’t shed any light on how to deal with it, so Nolan was going to embrace it.
“Hopefully, I’m not the one you have to worry about.” She sighed and relaxed further against him.
This was bliss.
Nolan closed his eyes and breathed in her smell.
A buzzing noise under his head interrupted the moment far too soon.
Yvonne’s eyes went wide, and she wiggled a hand under the pillow. She pulled out her phone, glanced at it then pitched it over her shoulder on the bed.
“Your other boyfriend?” he asked.
Nolan hadn’t expected an answer. He liked that she didn’t hesitate to trust him.
“I should probably get back.” He bent his head, their noses bumping.
“You can’t stay a little bit longer?” Her knee slid up over his thigh. Yvonne might be shy in the beginning, but once she was warmed up, it was like she became a totally different person.
“That’s not a good idea, babe. I don’t have a condom and you’re too damn tempting.”
“Is the lack of a condom your only hesitation?” She kissed his jaw, her fingers rasping across his stubble.
“Vee...” He slid his hand up into her hair and held her there.
He was certain there were reasons other than a condom why he should go, but whatever they were he couldn’t think of them anymore.
“Yeah, okay?” his voice was rough to his own ears.
“I can solve that problem if you’ll let me.” Her toes pressed against the back of his knee.
He felt her heat through his slacks and knew from experience just how hot and wet she could be.
Yvonne pushed up, straddling his hips, his erection rubbing against her through the layers of their clothes. He followed her, chasing her mouth until he caught it with a kiss.
Her fingers slipped between them, pressing to his lips. He felt the vibration of her chuckle and knew she was smiling. This was what he liked, making her smile, giving her a reason to laugh. He hadn’t known how special that was when they first met, but he did now.
“I’ll be right back.” Mischief danced in her eyes.
She shimmied off his lap and onto the floor, then darted into the bathroom.
Nolan stared at the doorway for a moment, his entire body straining toward that point.
That woman was going to own him.
He sat up and glanced at the clock.
He had a little more than an hour till he needed to report for his shift. He wanted a good twelve hours with Yvonne, but he’d take what he could get. For now.
Yvonne stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked, holding a strip of three condoms.
His mouth dried up and his body went tight. All his blood rushed to his groin.
Yvonne hid a luscious body under all those conservative outfits. Generous breasts and a round ass, she was made for a man’s hands.
She sauntered toward him, her hair curling down over the tops of her breasts.
“You’re over-dressed,” she said.
The hell he was.
He reached down and yanked his polo over his head.
Yvonne tipped her head to the side and stared at his Kevlar vest. “That’s new.”
“Not really.” He yanked the straps securing it into place then slid out of it and placed the vest on the foot of the bed.
“Do these work?” She placed her fingertips on the vest.
“Good. I like you without bullet holes.” Her hands flattened to his chest, the condoms trapped between them.
Nolan bent his head. “Me, too.”
Yvonne’s lips spread into a sly grin.
She shoved him backward, and he sat down on the edge of the bed with a little bounce.
The shyness he’d had to spend time wearing away was lifting faster and faster. She wasn’t afraid to share the sex kitten side of herself with him. It took all of his restraint not to grab her and haul her up on the bed with him.
“Ms. Krieger, you’re going to give me ideas.” He fisted the comforter, determined to let her play with him.
“Ideas? I must not have been clear enough, Mr. Thompson.” One side of her mouth hitched up, and she braced a hand on the tall post at the foot of the bed. “I mean to have my way with you.”
His mind went blank.
Words failed him.
All the blood in his body rushed to his groin, giving him a nearly painful boner.
Yvonne set the condoms on the bed then reached for the button on his slacks. Her nimble fingers slid it free, then she was lowering the zipper.
She wasn’t the only one who could touch.
Nolan cupped her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over the stiff peaks of her nipples. Her hand slid into his underwear and wrapped around his cock. He applied just a bit of pressure, grasping her stiff flesh between his fingers and tugged. She leaned toward him and he kissed her, swallowing her groan.
He slid his knee between her thighs, forcing her to widen her stance for him. Satisfied, he let go of her breasts and shoved one hand into her hair, wrapping it around his fingers. He cupped her mound with his other hand, stroking his fingers through her folds as he thrust his tongue between her lips. She shivered and her hips bucked. It was his turn to groan at the tight sheath of her hand.
“Not yet, okay?” She panted for breath.
“What do you want?” He had a serious need for her.
“To taste you. You never let me.”
For good reason. If he was going to come he wanted to be in the best damn pussy he’d ever felt around his cock. But he couldn’t deny her that request.
“A taste,” he growled.
“Just one?”
“It might only take one.”
Nolan gave her folds one last stroke then released her. He shoved his underwear and pants down, kicking them off.
Yvonne braced a hand on his thigh and lowered herself to her knees. This powerful woman who yielded to no one wanted him.
That was the last coherent thought before her hot, wet tongue licked him from root to tip and scrambled the rest of his thoughts. He heard himself grunt something out, then there was just the sweet suction of her mouth and the sensual slide of her hair.
He grit his teeth, torn between enjoying this hell and holding out for what he really wanted.
Nolan had only promised her a taste. He wasn’t generous enough to turn her lose.
He reached down and hauled her up off the floor. She came willingly, crawling up to him and straddling his lap. Their hands tangled reaching for the condoms and she laughed, a giddy sound that reminded him the sex had been fun, too. They’d have time for that another day. Probably not tomorrow, but eventually.
The condom was barely on his dick before she was lifting up, ready for him. He held the base, guiding himself to her core as she lowered. Their gazes locked as she pressed down, her slick channel allowing him to penetrate her deeply.
“Yes,” he hissed.
“Nolan?” Yvonne whispered and leaned toward him, her hands sliding up his arms to his shoulders.
“Yeah?” He gripped her hips and tried to think about something other than her body to keep his orgasm at bay.
“Tell me you want me?”
“Babe, you have no fucking clue how much I want you.” He wrapped an arm around her waist.
Her sigh was soft, but he didn’t miss the slight upturn at the corners of her mouth. She kissed his cheek and her eyes fluttered open.
Nolan wrapped a bit of her hair around his fingers in case she thought to hide from this moment.
“Your pussy is the best God damn thing I’ve ever felt. There hasn’t been a day I haven’t thought about you and don’t get me started on how pissed I was when I couldn’t find you later.”
Her eyes went wide with shock at his words. Was that too much?
“You looked for me?”
“I did.” But he’d been searching for a woman named Kim. “I wanted to feel your sweet pussy again.”
Her cheeks flushed and her eyes were blown out, dilated with pleasure.
Nolan tugged her toward him and whispered, “Ride me, babe.”
That was all the invitation she seemed to need.
Yvonne’s hand on his shoulder tightened, and she rose over him, her hips undulating with the movement, working him in and out of her. He took the opportunity to toy with her breasts and kiss her chest—careful to avoid her neck. Her delicate skin would betray them if he got carried away.
She threw her head back, chasing her own pleasure, granting him this unrestrained, beautiful view of her. She sucked in a breath and her nails dug into his skin. Her muscles quivered around him and then she groaned. He reached between them, finding her clit with his thumb and stroked her through the orgasm until she whimpered and her brow creased in pain.
“So fucking beautiful,” he said against her cheek.
He wrapped his arms around her and stood long enough to turn. He put one knee on the bed, then lowered her to her back.
“Oh—Nolan.” She arched her back and ran her hands down his chest to his hips. “More.”
Yvonne pulled him forward, sliding his cock inside of her.
“Too soon?” He didn’t want to fuck her senseless.
“Not enough.”
Nolan wanted to ask her what she needed. Slow, fast, soft, hard? His need was too great.
He pulled back and thrust. The old bed squeaked with the driving force of their joining.
“Yes,” she whispered and tossed her head back.
Fast and hard, he pistioned into her. Her body wrapped around him, nails digging tracks down his back while her heels urged him on. She cradled him perfectly, their bodies fitting like two halves meant for each other.
He dropped his head to her shoulder and whispered, “I wanted you the moment I saw you.”
Her body felt as though it rippled under him. Her head tossed back, and she groaned, crying out her release. Her tight pussy clamped down on him and his vision blurred. All at once he was lost to the pleasure of her body milking him of every last drop.
Nolan gathered her to him as a single word whispered through his mind.