Gnostics, having outlined the absolute and irreconcilable differences between the creator god and the Unknowable God, consider the god who created the world as something completely inferior to the True and Unknown God. It is natural therefore that they maintain that all the laws and orders of the god who created the universe and man must be disobeyed, because that is not the word of the True God but that of the other, the imposter, the inferior and inept one. For Gnostics, all that exists in sacred religious books is not the word of the True and Unknowable God, but that of the creator god or demiurge. His commandments, which he wants man to obey, such as how they should interact and how they should worship and serve him, appear in those books. Gnostics conclude then that if those laws are those of the demiurge, they can and must be disobeyed .
Gnostics oppose in advance everything that comes from the demiurge on principle. All that the creator says, orders and demands must be disobeyed, because he is not the True God but an imposter who considers himself to be “the Only One” .
Seen from the outside and on a superficial level by an average man, this Gnostic position appears to be an abominable rebelliousness. The common man imagines that a good god created man, loves him, wants to help him, has high hopes for him and needs him in order to perfect and complete his work. The common man would view this Gnostic position against “the good father who brought him into the world” with horror. Man, the best of all the creatures that god created, would be rebelling against him, opposing and renouncing him. How awful! But what the common man does not know is everything that we have said up to now concerning the “good father” and his works and plans.
For Gnosis, the rebellion against the demiurge does not only free man from his slavery and servitude, it also weakens and takes away power from the demiurge. Through his constant opposition, the Gnostic gradually acquires a power equal then later superior to that of the creator god .
If man were only a body and a soul, if those two entities created by the demiurge were the only things that man were made from, of course there would never be any rebellion at all. Nothing created rebels against its creator. What happens is that there is something in man which was not created by the creator god: the Eternal Spirit . The Spirit has been brought from outside and does not belong to this world. It has been added to the monstrosity which is body-soul, to make it function and evolve. But It was put there against Its will and finds Itself imprisoned in matter. It is the Spirit which rebels. It is not rebelling against Its creator but against the one who imprisoned It. Take note: this rebellion comes from the Spirit. It is the uncreated in man which loathes and opposes the creator satan and his work .
A Gnostic man, one who has transformed himself into his own Spirit, one whose Spirit has freed Itself and takes possession of his body and soul to use them as instruments, will be a great rebel and adversary of the demiurge and his work. His actions will be imposing and devastating, just like every liberated Spirit. And as in the case of Cain, the demiurge will have no power over him.
On the other hand, a man who is half-asleep will be semi-rebellious. He will blindly search for a way out. He will almost unconsciously be opposed to the created world which surrounds and suffocates his Spirit. His semi-conscious attitude will not allow a rebellion or opposition capable of putting the demiurge or his work in danger.
We have said that during the process of liberating the Spirit, man acquires a power equal and then superior to that of the creator god. We have also said that rebellion and opposition, powerful and sustained, weaken the demiurge and take away his power. This takes us to the four possible positions regarding the idea man can have of the creator god.
The first position is: the demiurge exists. The god who created heaven and earth exists.
The second position is: the demiurge does not exist. This is atheism. The creator god does not exist. All that exists is a product of the blind evolution of matter.
These first two positions, god exists/god does not exist are the traditional positions in the history of mankind.
It was always thought that there could not be a third position but along came Nietzsche and declared that “god has died”. This is the third idea that a man can have of the creator god: god used to exist, but now he is dead. This idea appears to be somewhere in the middle of the god exists/god does not exist position.
The fourth position is my Gnostic position: the creator god exists, but he must be eliminated by man .
This last position appears to be the one which has caused the most horror, judging by the way it has been persecuted and hidden. Gnostics maintain that the creator must be trapped and weakened, in such a way that he cannot create anything else and finally disappears. The duality of worlds must be eliminated by man so there will be only one kingdom: that of the Unknowable God .
Gnostics maintain that the attacks must be aimed at the creator god, to break the endless return of manvantaras and pralayas, of experimental trial and error in this Great Plagiarism which will never attain perfection. If an atomic chain reaction destroyed everything created, the demiurge would create it all again. That is why for Gnosis it is the creator god who must be defeated and eliminated.
In an interesting film called “Warlock”, a witch, who is the “bad guy”, tries to find the exact words with which the demiurge created the world. Pronouncing this formula backwards would make all creation disappear. This is not a bad idea but rather a possible waste of time: if it happened like this the demiurge would create it all again.
Another important theme is suicide. Suicide would appear to be a rebellion against the creator, but it is not. Those who think that suicide is a means of escaping from the clutches of the demiurge are wrong.
When a man begins to wake up and starts to see things as they really are, he fears he has gone mad. He realizes that everything he has been taught is lies, that he is surrounded by madmen and sleepwalkers and that he is stuck in a giant concentration camp inhabited by the insane. If this man does not quickly find other men who are awake like him, it is likely he will think about committing suicide in an effort to escape from this prison. That is why most men prefer to remain asleep. Most of them do not want to know the truth: that they are living in a huge mental institution invented and controlled by the Supreme Madman . Only a minority of very brave men will seek out this Special Knowledge capable of waking them up.
We have seen that attempting to destroy the work of the demiurge is useless, since he will only create it again. In the same way then, suicide is also a mistake, a useless rebellion, and in this case the complete opposite of liberation.
When the common man commits suicide, his soul is separated from his body and delivered to the demiurge, taking the Spirit with it, as the Spirit is tied to the soul. Next comes judgment, punishment and karma. This is what happens every time a man dies, and suicide is no exception. In the case of suicide, the punishment inflicted by the demiurge will be greater: a prisoner has tried to escape and has been trapped again. Double punishment. The prisoner who has committed suicide, has not escaped from anything and has liberated himself from nothing. Here he is, in the hands of the demiurge once again. For the common man, suicide is neither a way out nor liberation. On the contrary, it is a worsening of his situation.
But in the case of a man who has fulfilled his Spirit, everything is different, since he is not a common man anymore. He is a man who has escaped from the prison of the demiurge. The demiurge and his punishment cannot reach him now. The laws of karma do not exist for him now. He has transformed himself by his own free will, into something uncreated within the created world and he can do whatever he wants, including committing suicide. His impure body and soul have been deified by the Spirit and no longer belong to the demiurge. His body, soul and Spirit have been converted into only one thing: something indestructible, immortal and eternal. For this type of man, suicide is simply a way of moving from one point in the universe to another, or from one dimension to another.
This type of man is the one who is described in the christian myth. It is said that when they went to look for the body of Christ they could not find it, the tomb was empty. Of course, since the Spirit had taken the body and soul with It! After “death”, the Spiritualized body and soul, transformed into one inseparable unit with the Spirit, leave along with It.
Let us look at an example of a famous suicide now that we are talking about christianity. That of Judas, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ. A common man, uninformed and confused, would say that Judas is a monster, that it was his fault Jesus Christ was crucified. Judas is the bad guy of this story. Who could like Judas?
However for Gnostics, Judas is a hero, a benefactor of mankind, who, through his betrayal, helped Jesus Christ's mission to be carried out. A “Gospel of Judas” even existed, which narrated all these events from his point of view. You can already imagine what happened to this gospel.
According to Gnostics, Judas came to help Christ with his mission. Judas's betrayal is what led directly to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The death of the Messiah redeemed the world. The redeeming death of the Saviour would not have occurred without Judas. Without Judas, christianity would not have succeeded as a religion. How different the history of man would have been if Judas, “the best of the Lord's disciples”, had not existed.
What could it have mattered to Judas the fact that future generations would say that he was a monster? Such is the destiny of heroes, of great men, here in the hell of the demiurge! Judas knew without a doubt that he would later be spoken about badly, that he would be mercilessly discredited and hated and despised by everyone. But what could this have mattered to someone who came to carry out an essential mission, and together with no less than one of the saviours of the world? That is why Christ said to Judas: “Judas, what you have to do, do it quickly”. His “betrayal” was fundamental for the future of christianity.
What could Judas do after successfully carrying out his mission? He had to abandon the world of the demiurge, since he had no business being here any more. Having completed his mission, he had to return to his home in the unknowable world.
Judas committed suicide. Traditionally we are told that Judas made his way to a tree and hanged himself. Having completed his mission, a Warrior of the Spirit can resort to suicide as a way of quickly leaving the hell of the demiurge. He can do it because he does not belong to this world and, as we have said, neither the creator nor his laws have any power over him.
The suicide of a warrior, a superman of the Spirit, is one thing and the suicide of a sleeping man is something else. This is why Judas' suicide is not the same as that of a common man, who despairs over the slightest thing in the world of matter and then one fine day kills himself.
Gnostics state that the tree on which Judas hanged himself, was no other than the tree of Eden.