

— I’ve enough left for a couple o’ pints, an’anyway.

— I mean the currency. Is it fucked?

— I don’t care.

— Ah, fuck tha’. Yeh have to have an opinion.

— Why should I? Fuck it.

— But—

— We were able to enjoy the occasional pint before the euro. Yeah?

— Yeah.

— We’ll still be able to do tha’ if the euro goes. Life’ll go on.

— You’re righ’.

— Wha’?

— You’re probably righ’.

— I am.

— We’ll still be able to buy Cornettos for the grandkids when they come over on Sundays.

— No fuckin’ way.

— Ah now, would yeh begrudge—

— It’s Magnums in our house.

— Yeh posh cunts.

— It’s Magnums or nothin’. I told her. If we can’t afford Magnums for the grandkids, we might as well turn on the gas.

— Yeh don’t want to be too hasty. There mightn’t be anny in the shop.

— Yeh know what I mean.

— I do, yeah.

— Every Sunday. Magnums for everyone. Even the youngest. She’s lactose-intolerant, God love her. Yeh should see the state of her by the time she’s finished. Try takin’ it off it her, but – she’ll bite your ankle through to the bone.

— She has respect for family tradition.

— She fuckin’ does.