All references to On Painting are by paragraph numbers unless otherwise noted.
1. Leon Baptistae Alberti de re aedificatoria incipit…, Florence, 1486; trs. J. Rykwert, N. Leach and R. Tavernor, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Cambridge (Mass.) and London, 1988, p. 1 (all subsequent refs. to this trs. as De Re aed.).
2. I Libri della Famiglia, trs. R. N. Watkins, The Family in Renaissance Florence, Columbia (South Carolina), 1969, p. 89 (all subsequent refs. to this trs. as Della Famiglia).
3. Ibid., p. 145.
4. Della Pittura, Dedicatory letter, see below, p. 34.
6. Della Pittura, Dedicatory letter, see below, p. 35.
7. De Re aed., p. 303.
8. Ibid., p. 156.
9. Ibid., pp. 304–5.
10. Della Famiglia, pp. 133–4.
11. De Re aed., p. 157.
12. De Statua, ed. and trs. C. Grayson in L. B. Alberti, ‘On Painting’ and ‘On Sculpture’, London, 1972, pp. 120–21.
13. ‘Templum’ in Apologhi ed elogi, ed. R. Contarino, Genoa, 1984, pp. 84–5 and 106–9.
14. De Pictura, 26.
15. Anuli in Leonis Baptistae Alberti opera inedita, ed. G. Mancini, Florence, 1890, p. 228.
16. De Punctis et lineis apud pictores, in Opera inedita, ed. Mancini, p. 66.
17. De Pictura, I: ‘pinguiore idcirco, ut aiunt, Minerva scribendo’; and Della Pittura: ‘per questo useremo quanto dicono la più grassa minerva’. Compare Cicero, De Amicitia, V, 16: ‘Agamus igitur pingui, ut aiunt Minerva’ (‘Let us then proceed, as they say, with our own coarse senses’).
18. De Pictura, 23.
19. Ibid., 24.
20. Ibid., 37.
21. Ibid., 42, known in various drawn copies and a somewhat unreliable engraving by Nicolas Beatrizet. See W. Oakeshott, The Mosaics of Rome, London, 1967, pp. 328–32.
22. Loc. cit. Compare Aulus Gellius, Noctium atticarum, XIII, xi, 2–3.
23. De pictura, 42.
24. Ibid., 44 and 61.
25. Ibid., 52.
26. Ibid., 60.
27. Loc. cit.
28. Cicero’s Brutus in the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice, Cod., last folio; and Della Pittura in the Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, MS II. IV.38, f.163v. These inscriptions probably, but not certainly, refer to the completion of the Latin and Italian versions. See G. Mancini, Vita di L. B. Alberti, 2nd ed., Rome, 1911, p. 128 n.1, and C. Grayson, ‘Studi su Leon Battista Alberti, II. Appunti sul testo della Pittura’, Rinascimento, IV, 1953, pp. 54–62.
29. ‘Canis’ in Apologhi ed elogi, op. cit., pp. 142 and 162.
30. Della Famiglia, p. 153.
31. Mancini, Vita, p. 441.
33. The most recent attempt to attribute a painting to Alberti is by J. Beck, ‘Leon Battista Alberti and the “Night Sky” at San Lorenzo’, Artibus et Historiae, X, 1989, pp. 9–36.
34. De Pictura praestantissima et numquam satis laudata arte libri tres absolutissimi Leonis Baptistae Albertis, Basel, 1540; and La Pittura, trs. L. Domenichi, Venice, 1547.
35. La Pittura, trs. Domenichi, Florence, 1568; and Della Pittura, ed. and trs. C. Bartoli, in Opuscoli morali di L. B. Alberti, Venice, 1568.
36. Trattato della Pittura de Leonardo da Vinci… si sono agiunti i tre libri della pittura e il trattato della Statua di Leon Battista Alberti, ed. R. Dufresne, Paris, 1651; and L. B. Alberti, The Architecture… in Ten Books. Of Painting in Three Books. And of Statuary in One Book, trs. G. Leoni (from Bartoli’s Italian trs. of De pictura), London, 1726.
37. London ed. of 1755 (Leoni trs. of Dufresne); two Bologna eds. of 1782 (Bartoli text and Dufresne text); Madrid ed. of 1784 (trs. D. Diego Antonio Rejon de Silva); Bologna ed. of 1786 (Dufresne text); Milan eds. in 1803 and 1804 (Bartoli text);Perugia ed. in 1804 (Bartoli text).
38. Opere volgari di Leon Battista Alberti, ed. A. Bonucci, 5 vols., Florence, 1843–9.
39. Leon Battista Albertis Kleinere Kunsttheoretische Schriften (Italian, with German trs.) ed. H. Janitschek in Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte, XI Vienna, 1877; and Della Pittura, ed. L. Mallè, Florence, 1950.
40. L. B. Alberti, On Painting, trs. with intro. and notes by J. R. Spencer, New Haven, 1956, and rev. ed., New Haven and London, 1966.
41. L. B. Alberti, ‘On Painting’ and ‘On Sculpture’, ed. and trs. C. Grayson, with intro. and notes, London, 1972.
42. Opere volgari, ed. Grayson, Vol. III, Bari, 1973.