A Mother’s Sacrifice

What if Mrs. Darcy ran away from home?

Remember not to stay out too long in the sun!” Mrs. Bennet’s loud voice almost prompted Elizabeth to cover her ears with her hands, but such a gesture would surely make her mother mad and delay her departure. Instead, she dashed towards the back of Longbourn, eager to escape further lecture.

The sun shone brightly and the air was fresh to breathe. Elizabeth had a new poem she found from her father’s library to pursue. Life couldn’t be better for eighteen-year-old Elizabeth, except for her mother’s insistence on her practicing the art of attracting a husband every day. Today it was painting. Why would she sit down rigidly like a dead fish and draw a tree when she could embrace the wind, the sun, the wood and the stream?

She skipped along the narrow lane, meandered through the valley, and looked for the perfect spot for reading. She would leave the last half hour to draw something to satisfy her mother’s demand, but, right this moment, Elizabeth was determined to enjoy nature with her eyes.

When she finally came upon a fine oak tree about a mile deep in the valley, her hair was wild and her dress dusty. A sudden movement at the base of the oak tree caught her eyes. She stopped.

Urgh!” The loud cry of a girl startled Elizabeth.

Urghhhhhhh!” Another high-pitched scream pierced the quiet of nature. Elizabeth ran to the source of distress and saw a little girl trying to pull free from some tree stumps that entangled her right foot. She had long blond hair, a very fair complexion, and the most angelic features, even though the tears and frustration made her truly human.

Oh, dear, are you hurt?” Elizabeth sat by the little girl’s side and touched her shoulder.

The little girl didn’t say anything, but nodded.


Naughty tree!” Elizabeth swatted the root and pretended to be angry with it. The little girl stopped crying, turned her head to stare at Elizabeth and giggled. She had a wonderful smooth voice.

Elizabeth smiled and pulled at the offending tree stumps. “You are very pretty, when you laugh. Remember, don’t cry; not too often anyway,” Elizabeth murmured, as she gently pulled the little girl’s her ankle from the root.

The little girl squirmed and ‘ahhed’ during the whole time. Elizabeth wondered if the little angel had a problem with speech. That would be a cruel fate indeed. As Elizabeth had grown older, she understood more about the world and that it could be unfair and difficult. Men and women had to deal best with what God bestowed them.

After Elizabeth had freed the girl, she could see that the little angel did not have any major injury. Her leg was grazed and slightly swollen. She took out her handkerchief and wiped away the dirt and blood on the girl’s ankle. The little girl did not attempt to stand. Her ankle was probably too painful to have weight put on it. Elizabeth thought about what she could do to do help the girl back home.

How old are you?”

The little girl paused, and then raised five chubby fingers.

You are five?” Elizabeth smiled encouragingly.

The girl nodded again.

Five!” Elizabeth repeated and nodded at the girl. She raised her hand and clapped it against the girl’s. “Five!”

The girl giggled more and imitated the sound, shakily. “Ive.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. The little girl could speak! “You are very clever, my dear.”

The girl looked confused at Elizabeth’s words. Elizabeth raised her hand and clapped with the girl again. “Five!”

The girl repeated; this time with more confidence. “Five!”

Yes!” Elizabeth pumped her fist to the air, happy that she helped the girl speak correctly.

Yessss.” the girl imitated, raising her hand and almost hitting Elizabeth’s jaw in the process. Elizabeth dropped backward and rolled on the grass, laughing loud.

The girl burst out laughing, lowered herself to Elizabeth’s side and wrapped her hands around her waist. Elizabeth touched the little girl’s nose and said, “Clever.”


Elizabeth nodded encouragingly and repeated, “Clever.”


In such manner, Elizabeth taught the girl to count from one to ten, and some other basic words. She did not know how much the girl would remember, and thought that the girl might have heard the words before, or had been taught how to speak them, for the girl had learned most quickly.

When Elizabeth took the poem out from her reticule, leafing through the pages to decide what to read to the girl, her little student found the paper, pen and paint Mrs. Bennet had insisted Elizabeth should carry for her practice.

Do you like to draw?”

The little girl looked baffled.

Pondering at the girl’s response, Elizabeth set up the paint and drew a little pink flower alongside a tree. She frowned at the effort. The flower looked like a pat of cow dung, only lighter in colour.

The little girl shook her head at Elizabeth’s dismal attempt.

Well, I told Mama I am no artist.”

Mama!” The little girl’s face lit up and she spoke clearly.

Yes, mama. Where is your mother?”

The little girl pointed her finger casually to the west and then grabbed the pen abandoned by Elizabeth and started drawing.

Elizabeth frowned. In that direction was the little cottage belonging to the Pulvis Lodge. She had heard her mother said that it had been let to a woman recently. None of the neighbours had yet seen the new tenant as the woman kept to herself, although Mrs. Hill had seen the maid at the market.

As Elizabeth pondered whether it was too far for her to carry the little girl to the cottage, she caught sight of the picture she was drawing and gasped. It was the most amazing true likeness of the pink flower. How could the little girl draw so fast, and in such truthful detail?

Amazing!” Elizabeth murmured.


Elizabeth wrapped her hands around the girl’s shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You are amazing!”

The little girl smiled.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps startled the two of them.

Where did you run off to, Georgiana?” a very handsome woman cried out. Her face was twisted with worry and anger. “You …”

Before Elizabeth could defend Georgiana, the little girl stood up, as if not hurt at the ankle at all, and flew to the woman. Georgiana wrapped her hands around the woman’s legs and said, “Mama, amazing!”

The woman stopped mid sentence with mouth agape. She looked down at her daughter, up to stare at Elizabeth, and fainted that instant.

Oh!” Elizabeth rushed to catch the lady and put her gently by the base of the oak tree. “I am destined to be a rescuer today.” She patted the woman’s cheeks, but Georgiana’s mother did not respond.

Mama, Mama!” Georgiana’s cries recovered the woman. Her eyes blinked open and she burst into tears.

Madam, please,” Elizabeth said. “Please do not cry. You will scare your daughter. Georgiana, isn’t she?”

The woman nodded, amid sobs and sighs. “I am so … happy.”

Appy,” Georgiana repeated.

Happy,” Elizabeth corrected the little girl. She folded her handkerchief to the clean side and gave it to Georgiana’s mother.

She accepted it and wiped away the tears.

Thank … you … sorry … I gave you a scare,” the woman apologised.

That is fine, madam. I am certain you were worried about Georgiana. She was caught by a root and I found her here, but I was unsure of being strong enough to carry her all the way to the cottage.”

You know that we are from the cottage?”

Georgiana pointed that her mama is from there. I am Elizabeth Bennet of Longbourn.”

Georgi,” the little girl murmured.

Tears welled in the woman’s eyes again. “Sorry … to be so … teary. I am just amazed on hearing Georgiana speak her first words.”

Elizabeth patted the woman’s shoulder. “She is very clever. See the picture she drew.”

The woman looked at the picture and nodded. “Yes, she is amazing!”

Amazing,” Georgiana smiled and repeated.

Elizabeth looked at the dazed woman. “Perhaps I should accompany you both back to the cottage.”

The woman stood and picked up her daughter. “Are you sure you should carry her?” Elizabeth asked. “You have just fainted.”

I am fine, Miss Bennet. I am stronger than you think. Now where are my manners? My name is Anne. Mrs. Anne Williams. Would you care to join Georgiana and I for tea?”

Yes, tea!” Georgiana pumped her fist in the air. Her mother looked at her with wide eyes.

Elizabeth blushed and smiled. “Sorry, Mrs. Williams. I taught her to do that. Not very ladylike. I am afraid.”

No, Miss Bennet … may I call you Elizabeth?”

Of course, or you may call me Lizzy.”

You can call me Anne. I am so grateful to you, for making Georgiana speak. I have been in despair during these past months.”

They walked back to the cottage, and throughout tea Elizabeth found Mrs. Williams pensive. However, as Georgiana continued to play with and learn from Elizabeth, the frown on Mrs. Williams’s face loosened.

In the next two months, Elizabeth visited the Williams whenever she could, sometimes with Jane, sometimes with Mary, but mostly alone. She taught Georgiana to speak, count and read in a fun way. Sometimes she would find books to read to Georgiana. When the little girl became bored with learning, she would draw; picture after picture, the most wonderful likeness of nature, of trees, flowers, birds, clouds. Georgiana’s quiet perseverance to detail also made Elizabeth gradually more interested in painting. Mrs. Williams and the maid, Molly, would busy themselves with their sewing while they looked on the younger pair when they were indoors.

One day, when Georgiana was drawing her mother, Elizabeth asked the question she had wanted to ask since the day she met the mother and daughter. “Mrs. Williams, why are you so sad?”

Mrs. Williams stopped working on the embroidery and forced a smile. “No, I am not sad.”

I know you are. The frown on your forehead is always there, and you seldom smile when you are not looking at Georgiana. Can I help you? I know I am only eight and ten but I am quite grown now. Mother said I could have been married and had three children already. Surely if you share your worries with someone, you will feel less sad.”

Anne put down the embroidery and held Elizabeth’s hand. “You are such a wonderful person, Lizzy.”

I am not so sure, especially if you speak to my mother!” She arched her eyebrows.

Mrs. Williams smiled and then sighed heavily. “I am afraid for Georgiana.”

Elizabeth nodded. “You are worried that people will treat her like a simpleton because she is only now starting to learn to speak? But, she has progressed so much these past two months that I feel sure she shall be quite normal soon.”

All thanks to you. But her father is …” Anne stopped, as tears welled in her eyes.

Her father is … what?” Elizabeth squeezed Mrs. Williams’s hand and encouraged her to continue.

I heard … George talking to my sister.” A single tear slide down her face. “They were … planning to put Georgiana … into an asylum.”

Elizabeth gasped. She was appalled! How could someone be so cruel, and to such a beautiful angel such as Georgiana? The way Mrs. Williams’s eyes deepened when she talked about her husband told Elizabeth that Georgiana’s mother still loved him very much. Could Mrs. Williams be wrong? Elizabeth decided not to condemn the man yet. After all, part of Georgiana came from her father. Such a sweet tempered girl would surely not have a horrible father.

Can you tell me more? How did you hear about this?”

Mrs. Williams clenched her hands tight. “It was so painful. I do not want to think about it.”

I just want to understand. Mr. Williams must be a good person. Otherwise you could not have loved him.”

Anne wiped away the tears and stared at Elizabeth. “You are … right. George … is a great person. He loves his estate, his … family, tenants and staff. But …”

Elizabeth stood and brought a cup of tea for Mrs. Williams, then encouraged her to continue.

But by the time Georgiana was two years old and still unable to speak, George was angry and frustrated with her.”

Elizabeth sat by Mrs. Williams’s side and held her hand again. The older woman gazed out of the window, as if to a distance past. “Georgiana’s third birthday came and went. George hired almost every doctor and master from England to look into her ailment. Every month a different doctor, a different herb, a different technique, a different routine. They poked and probed, spilling all sorts of bad tidings about Georgiana, making her grim, sullen and overwhelmed. When Georgiana was four, my … caring husband no long cared. He did not visit his daughter, did not talk to or play with her. He spent all his time with Fitzwill … Fitz, my son.”

Georgiana has a brother?”

Yes, Fitz … he is fifteen years older than Georgiana.”

Fitz!” The name startled Georgiana. She repeated it and ran to embrace her mother.

Mrs. Williams nodded at her daughter and ruffled her daughter’s hair. “Yes, Fitz. Do you remember? Fitz is … your brother.” She swallowed hard as she stared at the innocent face of her daughter.

Fitz is my brother.” Georgiana had made much progress in her speech recently. She no longer merely repeated after people. She could construct correct sentences all on her own. After stating the fact, Georgiana ran back to continue drawing.

What happened then?” Elizabeth reminded Mrs. Williams.

Two months before Georgiana turned five it was Fitz’s birthday,” Mrs. Williams continued, “My sister Catherine came to visit.” She sighed heavily.

Was she unkind to Georgiana?”

Mrs. Williams’s hands clenched. “Molly told me that one day, when I was away with the tenants, Catherine summoned Georgiana and tried to teach her speak, as if she was the best teacher in the world.” Mrs. Williams suppressed the sobs. “But of course, Catherine’s condescending voice and manner frightened my girl. Georgiana clamped up and ran from her. Molly told me Catherine grabbed Georgiana … smacked her on the head and locked her inside … a cupboard for a quarter of an hour.”

That is horrible!”

Mrs. Williams nodded. “I had the most terrible row with Catherine and demanded that she left Pem … I mean our estate, immediately. I was so angry I felt sick that afternoon, not seeing her leave.”

She did not leave?”

No. I woke up early the next day and went to check on Georgiana. A few minutes later, I heard George and Catherine outside the nursery. Catherine said Georgiana … her… illness … would be an embarrassment for Fitz and the Dar … the family. No one with connection and fortune would want to associate with the brother of an imbecile. What if Georgiana’s … defects can be passed down for generations? they queried. They said it is ... imperative … of utmost importance and urgency ... ” Mrs. William laughed bitterly, “ … that Georgiana be sent to … an asylum. Catherine suggested one in Kent, under her patronage. She said George should make an arrangement to betroth Fitz to her daughter, Anne, who, ironically, is named after me. Fitz will not be rejected by the world and their marriage would unite our two great fortunes. In a few years time, no one will ever think Fitz has a sister or that … this diseased … imbecile was ever born to our family.” Mrs. William broke down in tears.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth, feeling for the injustice Georgiana faced in her early life. She wrapped her arms around Mrs. Williams and murmured, “What did Mr. Williams say?”

Mrs. Williams raised her voice, full of pain and anger. “George laughed, loudly. He said what a wonderful plan it was and that he understood that Catherine would want the arrangement completed immediately. My sister also laughed, and endorsed the decision. I could not listen to them anymore. I picked up Georgiana and left the room via the servant’s door. I have to protect her. I cannot let them put her in one of those horrible institutions. She is such a sweet innocent girl. She will soon wither away.”

Mrs. Williams took a deep breath to calm herself, and continued, “I went to my room and told Molly that I had to leave with Georgiana immediately. I grabbed whatever money and jewellery I had in the room. I intended to walk to Lambton, but Molly would not allow me. She had been with me for over fifteen years and is very loyal. She got the whole story out of me and sprung into action. She arranged for us to leave with a hired carriage from the servant entry. Then we changed coaches so many times and stayed in so many different inns that I lost count. If it were not for Molly, I would not have known what to do to cover our tracks. She helped me rent one place after another, until we settled here. She takes care of the cooking and cleaning … everything. She is trained as a lady’s maid, but she does not complain about these additional chores. She believes in Georgiana and that her place is not in an asylum, no matter what.”

Mrs. Williams spoke in pain: “Why can George not love her as she is? Georgiana is his daughter too! She has his eyes and mouth. Even if Georgiana cannot speak, does that mean that she is an imbecile? Even if she was an imbecile, we have the means to bring her up in the caring environment of our own home. Why can we not do that?” Mrs. Williams’s voice was pitched high and part of Elizabeth regretted raising the subject, causing her such pain, although now that she knew she might be able to help.

Mama please, do not be sad,” Georgiana ran back to her mother's side, rubbing her face against her mother’s frock. “Be happy, Mama. I drew you Fitz. Please do not be sad.”

Mrs. Williams’s cries turned to sobs as she stared at the picture Georgiana had just drawn. Elizabeth also stared at it. Fitz was a very handsome young man of noble mien with broad shoulders.

Mrs. Williams cried out, “Fitz looks so much like George when he was young. My George, why are you so cruel? I want to see Fitzwilliam. I want to take Georgiana home.”

Mrs. Williams!” Molly rushed in from the back of the cottage to her mistress's side and took her to bed. Elizabeth felt dreadful, to ask Mrs. Williams about the past, making her so distraught.

Elizabeth hugged Georgiana, who had tears in her eyes too. “Did I draw Fitzwilliam bad?” the little girl said.

No, you drew him beautifully. Your brother is very handsome.”

Yes, Fitzwilliam is handsome.”

Elizabeth knew that Mrs. Williams was using another name so that her husband could not find her and take Georgiana away, but she seemed to miss her son so much. Elizabeth thought for a moment. She would find a way to help the mother and son reunite, without Mr. Williams becoming aware of it. “Why did you call your brother Fitzwilliam?” she asked.

He is Fitzwilliam Darcy.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. Of course, Lambton! Mrs. Williams wanted to walk to Lambton at first, the day she escaped with Georgiana. Elizabeth’s aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, came from Lambton, and had mentioned the great estate near there, Pemberley, and the Darcys.

And you are Georgiana Darcy.”

Georgiana nodded proudly. “I’m Georgiana Darcy.”

Elizabeth praised Georgiana for her drawing again. After that day, she did not ask Mrs. Darcy to talk about her past, but she thought constantly on how to reunite her with her son. It was a month later before the solution came.

Mrs. Magdalene Gardiner was with child and not her usual healthy self. Mr. Gardiner requested that Elizabeth should come to stay in London to help with the other children for a month. While Elizabeth was sad to leave Mrs. Darcy and Georgiana for a while, she thought that it would be a great opportunity to find the younger Mr. Darcy and ascertain if he was on his father’s side or not.

Elizabeth thought about asking Molly where the Darcy’s residence was. She was sure they must have a house in London as Aunt Magdalene had said that the Darcys had several properties. However, she did not want Mrs. Darcy to worry about being found by her husband. Therefore, she decided that she would ask at the coach station after she had settled into the Gardiner’s household.


Fitzwilliam Darcy let out a loud sigh. Another day was gone without any news regarding his mother and little sister. It had been almost ten months since they disappeared from Pemberley. His father was frantic with worry, and angry with the servants for not knowing the whereabouts of their mistress. And he was furious with Lady Catherine. He could not believe that with all the money at his disposal, an army of servants and the many aides he had hired, he could not find his wife, young daughter and their maid.

As days passed into weeks, and weeks into months, Mr. George Darcy was a shell of his former self. His frame was thinner, his eyes hollow and his hair completely white. He no longer took care of Pemberley, leaving all the decisions to Fitzwilliam. He traversed all over England at the slightest hint of the sighting of Mrs. Darcy and Georgiana. Finally, he had made himself ill and was now confined to bed with a heavy fever.

Darcy was worried that if there was no news soon, his father would not have the will to live any more. He also became very grim and frustrated; first, with Lady Catherine’s crazy idea of formalising an engagement with her daughter – Anne de Bourgh was sickly, blank and uninspiring, and not his ideal for a wife – and, second, with the fawning mothers or sisters of his school friends. Since he had moved to London to be near the source of the search, they had used every excuse to visit Darcy House or attempt to get him to attend social functions. Some even tried to compromise him at his home to get him to marry them.

With Pemberley in disarray, his father ill, and the search for his mother fruitless, Darcy had no time for this talk about marriage. He wanted to bury his head in the pillow and wait for a miracle to occur, but every day, gritting his teeth, he worked tireless to keep Pemberley running smoothly. He made sure that his father took his medicine and ate. He also met with ex-Bow Street Runners about the search and ensured that they chased up every lead.

He had never felt so tired. He did not understand why his mother left with Georgiana, but he suspected it had something to do with Lady Catherine. His father had tried to kick her out of Pemberley the day when Lady Anne had gone missing. When Lady Catherine would not leave, George Darcy himself left, following news that his wife had gone to Scotland. It took Fitzwilliam nearly a week to make Lady Catherine leave Pemberley. Since then, his father and he had refused to answer her letters or allow her to stay in the townhouse.

Darcy dragged his tired feet to the morning room and made himself eat. Then he retired to the study to handle the correspondence. After a quarter of an hour, Mrs. Coles, the housekeeper, knocked on the door.

What is it, Mrs. Coles?”

The housekeeper wrung her hands. “I am not sure if I should bring this to your attention, Master Darcy ...”

Her nervous attitude piqued Darcy’s interest. She had been the housekeeper in London for over ten years and he had not seen her like this before. “Whatever is on your mind, please do not hesitate to let me know. I may not have as much experience as father, but I am certain I will try my best to decide the best course of action.”

Mrs. Coles nodded and drew in a deep breath. “I understand from Mrs. Reynolds that Lady Anne and Miss Darcy have been missing from Pemberley for some time.”

Darcy’s lips thinned. His father had been adamant that no one outside the family, except those involved in the search, knew of the disappearance of his wife and daughter. George Darcy did not want the authorities involved, or to offer any reward. He did not want Mrs. Darcy and Georgiana to be in any danger. He would rather conduct the search through his trusted sources.

Of course, Fitzwilliam understood that servants talked, but after his father had threatened anyone in Pemberley with dismissal without reference if they were found to have assisted Lady Anne’s disappearance, he thought the matter would not be discussed amongst the servants. He was not sure if his father’s decision was wise, but he did not tolerate servants’ gossips either. To have the two longest serving housekeepers talking about this was unacceptable, but he either had to accept that they did it with good intention or dismiss them. He would not like to dismiss the two most trusted servants in the Darcy family, especially in such a time. He nodded his head curtly and said, “Yes, pray continue.”

Mrs. Coles sighed with relief. “This morning, three servants, one male and two females, arrived from the Gardiner’s warehouse. They delivered some natural ointment, herbs and wine. I could see that one of the women was no servant, despite the fact that she dressed as such. She had been chatting with the maids when I came upon them. I caught the tail end of the conversation. She seemed to be asking if you are engaged to Miss de Bourgh.”

Darcy frowned with disgust. Another fortune hunter!

She promptly left afterwards, but I have questioned the maids in detail. The young woman didn’t say how she knows about the Darcy family or Miss de Bourgh, but the maid is sure that the young woman is very anxious to know if, Master Darcy, you are a dutiful son.”

A dutiful son?” Darcy’s frown deepened. At first, he thought the woman in disguise was a servant of some scheming society mothers, sent to see how Fitzwilliam Darcy could be captured. But, why would anyone want to know if he was a good son?

Yes. The young woman also commented that there were men milling around in the servants quarter and that they looked like Bow Street Runners.”

Darcy sat up straight. “What is her name?”

She didn’t say, but the maid heard the Gardiner male servant calling her Miss Lizzy.”

Where is the Gardiner’s warehouse?”

Cheapside. We have been using their imports for many years. Mrs. Gardiner, the owner’s wife, was from Lambton originally.”

Darcy jumped up from this desk and said, “Thank you for bringing this to my attention.” Could his mother be hiding away with a merchant’s wife who had roots from Lambton, he thought. He would investigate it immediately!

He was about to ask for the carriage, but stopped himself. He did not know why his mother stayed away, and by visiting the Gardiner’s household without an introduction he could startle her. What if she ran away again?

After pacing for a short , he came up with a plan of action. He talked to Mrs. Coles again and obtained a more detail description of Miss Lizzy and the exact address of the warehouse. He called for the carriage, but to another part of the city where he knew he could gather the merchandise he needed to spy on this Miss Lizzy.


Two hours later, Darcy pretended to walk casually along Gracechurch Street, but his heart was pumping hard and his palms moist. He had waited outside the Gardiner’s warehouse for some times, but did not see anyone who fitted the description of this mysterious Miss Lizzy coming in or out of the premises. He was becoming frustrated when he finally overhead a manservant talking about Gardiner’s niece helping out with some deliveries to Mayfair. He had then followed one of the men to a neat townhouse on Gracechurch Street. Judging by the size and outlook of the townhouse, Mr. Gardiner’s business had to be very successful.

He stood on the corner of the street, about fifty yards away from the townhouse, hoping to catch a glimpse of Miss Lizzy, his mother or Georgiana. After almost an hour, Darcy finally spied a young woman coming out of the townhouse with two little girls. His heart almost stopped, thinking one of them could be Georgiana. But they had darker hair, nothing like his sister’s blond hair and fair complexion. His sister was not among them.

The trio walked along Gracechurch Street in high spirit, laughing and joking. Darcy followed them at a discreet distance, admiring their joyful rapport. His heart ached for such happiness. He wished his mother would be found, and his father recovered soon. His eyes focused on the light and pleasing form of the woman who could most likely be the Miss Lizzy that had attended Darcy House that morning. She radiated cheerfulness and wittiness. The skipping of her steps lightened Darcy’s mood. Unconsciously, he walked closer to the trio than he had realised.

Suddenly, the group turned a corner. Darcy increased his pace to follow, afraid of losing sight of them. When he came round the corner, he was faced with a very angry Miss Lizzy who had a hairpin in her hand, and two little girls peering out from behind her.

What do you want?” Her cheek flustered and her eyes were on fire.

Darcy was lost for words for a moment. He thought about admitting to following them and asking her to tell him about Mrs. Darcy, but he was afraid that it would harm his chance of getting to his mother. So, he stuck to his original plan of imitating his friend. He grinned, with an effort, and bowed low, nearly knocking off the red hair wig he had bought as his disguise.

Miss, I mean you no harm. I was meeting a business associate in the area and when I came upon you three ladies, I became enchanted. I am David Bingley of Grosvenor Square. Delighted to make your acquaintance.”

The face of the supposed Miss Lizzy blushed, and her eyes widened at Darcy’s flirtatious manner. Then she frowned. “This is most improper. I must demand that you desist in following us.”

I am sorry to alarm you, miss” Darcy turned the grin to a smile, not wanting to alarm her. “I am a man of character.” He bowed again, slightly less low this time, and straightened his waistcoat as he had seen Bingley do many times when his friend discoursed with pretty ladies. “Perhaps I can persuade you three enchanting ladies to join me in a cup of chocolate at the shop we just passed. Surely in such a public place, you shall feel most assured.”

Do not treat me as a simpleton,” she retorted. The sparks in her eyes fired up. Darcy was mesmerized and wished to stare at her forever.

She continued: “I have heard vile stories of scoundrels like you, luring young girls to coffee shops and forcing them to disreputable establishments afterwards. Now go, or I shall scream.”

But Lizzy, I want chocolate,” the younger girl, of similar age to Georgiana, pulled the woman’s dress.

Darcy was glad of the confirmation, that this young woman really was Miss Lizzy, but his charm did not seem to work on her. His clothes were still as fine as those he wore as Fitzwilliam Darcy, and he did mention he lived in Grosvenor Square. Surely, the wealth he displayed could sway her to respond to his irregular greeting? How was he not be able to charm her into talking to him as Bingley could? She seemed very different from the society ladies he had met during most of his adult life.

Ssh!” Miss Lizzy hushed the little girl softly. Her caring attitude, even in such a ‘dangerous’ time, made Darcy want to confide in her. He was indecisive and fidgeted his singlet.

But you …” Miss Lizzy’s cried out suddenly. Then like a flying bird, she jumped towards Darcy and pulled the wig from his head. “… you are Fitz!”

Darcy stepped back involuntarily, startled by Miss Lizzy’s quick action. He brushed back the unruly dark hair from his forehead. He felt warmth surge onto his face as his disguise was blown. “How did you know my real name?”

How did you find me?” Miss Lizzy said. She had lowered her weapon and was tearing at the red hair wig. “And why did you disguise yourself as another person?”

Perhaps we should start again. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley, Miss …” He bowed curtly and reverted back to his normal and reserved demeanour.

She hesitated for a second before curtsying. “Elizabeth Bennet of Longbourn, and these are my two cousins, Grace and Emma Gardiner.”

Delighted to make your acquaintance, ladies.”

Lizzy, can we have chocolate now?” The younger girl asked.

Yes, Miss Bennet and Misses Gardiner, can I invite you to the coffee shop around the corner?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I think we should talk, at home. It is more private. Emma, we have been gone for quite some time. Your mother will be worried.”

But I want chocolate,” little Emma pouted.

Grace chastised her sister: “Come, Emma, Mama said we must listen to Lizzy when we are out with her.”

Emma’s mouth protruded even more. “I am tired. I can’t walk any more.” She held onto Lizzy’s leg and tried to sit down on the ground.

Emma! It’s dirty,” Grace chastised again.

Perhaps I can be of service.” Darcy bowed to Elizabeth and then crouched down besides Emma. “Miss Emma, may I carry you back to the house?”

Yes!” Emma suddenly forgot about the chocolate and wrapped her hands around Darcy’s neck.

Why has your hair turn black? It was red like the sun just then.” Emma asked, pulling Darcy’s hair to feel whether it was real.

With the wig removed, Darcy returned to his usual self and felt suddenly tongue-tied.

Mr. Darcy is an actor,” Elizabeth said, with an arch of her eyebrows. “By study, he is learning to play this Mr. Bingley, who I wager is the most outrageous flirt.”

What is a flirt?” Emma asked.

Bingley is not that bad,” smiled Darcy.

Huh, so is he a friend? Should I worry about your character, with a rakish friend such as Mr. Bingley?”

Darcy’s smile widened. He truly needed this, after the terrible past nine months. “I shall introduce Bingley to you one day, Miss Bennet. He is very amiable. I am sure you will like him.”

Thank you kindly, sir,” she said, with such a frown that he laughed out loud. It was the first hearty laugh he had enjoyed for some years, in fact, ever since his parents had become strained with each other in regard to Georgiana’s care. He gazed at Elizabeth with admiration, thanking her for reminding him what happiness felt like.

His passionate stare made her fluster. The rosy hue on her face enhanced the sparkle of her eyes. His heart raced and he wanted to know more about her, soon, hopefully after she had assisted him in finding his mother and sister.

With the help of the two Gardiner sisters, Darcy managed to chat with them normally all the way back to the Gardiner’s household.


Darcy shifted in his seat under the scrutiny of Mrs. Gardiner. Elizabeth and he had been so preoccupied in maintaining a normal conversation during their walk back that they had not agreed on a story to explain how he came to know her and had returned with her.

He darted a glance at Elizabeth and she started with a smile. “Aunt Maddie, Mr. Darcy assisted me when little Emma became tired during our walk. He mentioned coming from Derbyshire, near Lambton. I know that you will be interested to hear some recent news from there.”

Darcy straightened his spine, and continued, “Yes, Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Bennet and I talked about Lambton and thence your husband’s business. I discovered that he has been supplying our household for some years. That was why I asked Miss Bennet to introduce me to you, and perhaps Mr. Gardiner when he returns.”

Indeed,” Mrs. Gardiner replied, politely. Her eyes darted from Elizabeth to Darcy with curiosity. “It is most pleasing to meet someone from Derbyshire and talk about my childhood home, especially as I am instructed by my doctor not to leave the house or do too much,” She then exchanged news with Mr. Darcy about Lambton for a few moments. Then she used the excuse of seeing to the children and left the two young persons in the sitting room.

Aunt Maddie is suspicious. She will think you are my suitor!” Elizabeth put her hand to her hot cheeks.

Darcy smiled, admiring the flame on her face and the brightness of her eyes. His stare unsettled her further, but the bustling of the household brought her back to the matter at hand. She drew in a deep breath and said, “I can guess why you came to spy on us. It is because of my morning visit to your townhouse. However, before I can share any news with you, I must ask you a few questions. It is necessary for the safety of someone dear to me, and I beg you to be truthful.”

He frowned. Why would his mother and sister be in danger? He nodded and appreciated her intelligence in figuring out why he had followed her.

Are you engaged to Miss Anne de Bourgh?”

He raised his eyebrows. Why had this become an important issue to his mother? Could her disappearance have anything to do with Lady Catherine’s insistence on uniting Pemberley and Rosings. Lady Catherine had mentioned that for some years, but why would it make such on impact on his mother at this time? “You are very direct, Miss Bennet,” he responded.

We have no time to lose. Aunt Maddie may come back very soon.”

No, I am not engaged to Anne, my cousin,” Darcy confirmed, with strong conviction. “and I never will be.” He gazed at her with intensity.

She sighed with relief. “What about your father? Will he arrange it for you?”

Darcy wanted to jump to his feet and pace around the room. He reasoned better when he was pacing, but he did not want to let his eyes stray from Elizabeth so he stayed in his seat. “Are you suggesting that my mother disappeared because Lady Catherine and Father threatened to arrange a marriage for me? It makes no sense at all. Father detests my Aunt’s muddling.”

Catherine is a Lady?” Elizabeth paled as she murmured the question.

Darcy saw her bite her lip and knew she wanted to tell him more, but was afraid that she would reveal too much. He decided to confide in her. His mother and Georgiana’s safety, and in fact the future of the Darcy family, could be in this young lady’s hands. She displayed an air of openness, honesty and trustworthiness, and she was a caring person. He was certain she would help him.

Miss Bennet,” he began, “My father and I do not work with Lady Catherine against my mother. In fact, he demanded Lady Catherine leave Pemberley immediately on the day mother and Georgiana disappeared. Whatever misunderstanding there is between Mother and Father, my father loves her very much. As you noticed in our townhouse, there are some former Bow Street Runners there. They are hired by Father. He has been looking for her every since when she disappeared, nine months ago.”

I knew it must be a misunderstanding,” Elizabeth exclaimed. Then she calmed herself. “But what about Georgiana?”

Darcy considered Elizabeth’s expression. How could she accuse him of being prejudice against Georgiana? He raised his voice involuntarily. “Of course I love Georgiana very much. She is my wonderful sister, no matter what her situation is.”

I am not referring to you, sir!” Her eyes flashed with anger.

His indignation immediately deflated. “I am sorry, Miss Bennet. I am very protective of Georgiana. Anyone who is prejudiced against her has to answer to me.”

That is good to know.”

You meant … you mean my father?”

She nodded.

How could Mother believe …” Darcy paused and thought for a moment. “I understand now. Father had distanced himself from Georgiana and Mother thought that he did not love her and Georgiana anymore? But that is not true. Father is at his wits ends. He told me he could see that Mother was not happy and he wanted to find a cure for Georgiana, rather than just help Mother accept Georgiana’s silence. When no cure could be found he thought it best to keep away from Georgiana so that Mother would not think that she has failed him, by giving him a silent daughter. He has often told me how it pained him to stay away from Georgiana. He loves Georgiana as much as I do, even if she cannot speak or if she is not bright. But how does Lady Catherine fit into this?”

You are certain that your father loves Georgiana?”

What a question!” Darcy raised his voice again. “Of course I am certain. My father has confided in me very often in these past months.”

Elizabeth’s eyes sparked brightly, with fury. “The question is because Mrs. Darcy overheard her husband, your father, agree with Lady Catherine to send Georgiana to an asylum!”

What!” Darcy exclaimed.

Mrs. Gardiner chose this minute to re-appear. She looked at the heightened expression of the two young persons. “Ah, should I get more tea?” she said, diplomatically.

Darcy jumped to his feet, his expression serious. “Mrs. Gardiner, thank you for giving your niece and I some time in private to discuss a matter most urgent. I think you will have guessed that I have not just arrived here because I came upon her requiring assistance to help Miss Emma. It concerns a matter most delicate and Miss Bennet is the key. May I ask for a few more moments in private with her?”

This is highly irregular …”

Aunt, I shall tell you all after I resolve this with Mr. Darcy. Please, it concerns two persons’ future.”

Mrs. Gardiner raised her eyebrows. Elizabeth’s face turned bright red as she realised her faux pas. She clarified quickly: “No, I am not referring to Mr. Darcy and myself. It concerns two beautiful persons I have known recently. They could be in danger.”

Mrs. Gardiner saw the pleading expression on her niece’s face and the serious mien of Mr. Darcy. She trusted Elizabeth and agreed to the request. “I will stand outside the room.”

Once she had left, Darcy sighed heavily, paced and continued, “Miss Bennet, I can assure you that Father will do no such thing. He will never send Georgiana to an asylum. He loves her and would fight anyone who attempted to treat her in such a way. No wonder he demanded Lady Catherine leave Pemberley immediately …”

Elizabeth commented: “If you can get the truth out of him regarding the conversation he had with Lady Catherine, and be certain that he would not do any harm to Georgiana, I shall be happy to arrange for you all to be reunited. I have only known your mother for three months, but she rarely smiles and has been very dejected.”

Darcy’s heart broke. Both his parents had led a miserable existence for the past nine months, all because of Lady Catherine’s cruel suggestion. “Father and I have been sorrowful too,” He said. He stood before Elizabeth, held her hands and bowed to her. “Thank you, Miss Bennet, for believing that this is all a misunderstanding and coming to verify the matter. If I can reunite mother and Georgiana and father, I shall forever be in your debt.”

His voice was deep and low, and he stared at her with passion. He could feel the warmth of her hands and the softness of her skin. He then raised her right hand and bestowed a kiss on it. “If my father is not too sick, can he and I visit your aunt and uncle tonight to discuss the matter further? I am sure father would not mind revealing the whole business to your relatives, seeing as they can help the course of the reunion.”

Elizabeth smiled at him brightly.

What a beautiful sight! His breathe caught. He was captivated by her caring, her intelligent and daring nature, and her fiery temper, her teasing smile and fine eyes. She was so different from the society ladies who usually cared about nothing but fashions or wealth. In his young heart, Darcy knew that he had found his woman. He decided there and then that he would ask for permission to court her, soon.


Elizabeth fidgeted on her seat.

Dinner was over and they had all retired to her uncle’s study to discuss Mrs. Darcy. She thought about Fitz’s handsome person – she still thought of young Mr. Darcy as Fitz because of how Georgiana referred to him – and realised he had become thinner than in the picture Georgiana had drawn. Old Mr. Darcy was in a bad shape. He needed the assistance of his son to descend the carriage and, judging by the clothes he wore, Elizabeth could see that he had also lost weight.

Mrs. Gardiner did not attend the dinner as she was not feeling well again, but she had discussed the odd situation of the meeting of Darcy and Elizabeth with her husband, and the unusual request for the dinner arrangement. Now Mr. Gardiner sat back and allowed the visitors to initiate the discussion.

Mr. George Darcy began: “Mr. Gardiner, thank you for agreeing to host dinner at such short notice, especially in view of your wife’s illness. I hope she is feeling better.”

Mr. Gardiner nodded. “She is indeed feeling better. It is the labour we have to bear for the joy of children.”

Yes, Mr. Gardiner. I am certain your wife told you about the extraordinary situation regarding Fitzwilliam’s visit here this afternoon. I am sorry to burden you with our private family matter, but I hope complete honesty on our part will reassure you of our intention, and will allow you to approve Miss Bennet’s assistance in this matter.”

Please proceed.”

Mr. Darcy explained about the birth of Georgiana, and how they discovered she had speech problems, when she could not speak at the age of two years.

Elizabeth squirmed on the chair, not sure if she should reveal the latest development, but she wanted old Mr. Darcy to love Georgiana as she was, not because she could now speak.

Mr. Darcy continued, “The error in my way was that I thought I was trying to make my wife less despondent by finding a cure for Georgiana, but judging from what Miss Bennet told my son, my wife thought I wanted the cure because I was ashamed of Georgiana. That is not true. I can reassure you, I love my daughter very much, regardless of her impediment.” Mr. Darcy spoke to Mr. Gardiner, but his eyes focused on Elizabeth, whom he knew he must convince of his heart or she would not hesitate to desist from helping him to be reunited with his wife and daughter.

He continued to relay the reasons he stayed away from Georgiana a year earlier and how it had made him incredibly heartbroken. “This was a misunderstanding in our marriage, and the biggest blunder of my life. How could I not see that I was hurting Anne by staying away from Georgiana?”

Finally, he came to the conversation outside Georgiana’s room. “I laughed so hard, not because I was agreeing to Catherine’s horrible idea, but that I was thinking her obsession with marrying her daughter to Fitzwilliam made her the one that should be committed to an asylum. I said ‘what a wonderful plan and that Catherine must have wanted it done immediately’, but my dear wife did not hear the rest of the sentence. I told Catherine that she should be registering her own name for an asylum, not Georgiana’s. That was when I demanded her to leave Pemberley immediately. Amid the chaos of forcing her out of our home, I did not seek out my wife or Georgiana until later in the day. By then she was gone, and none of the servants had noticed. I was so furious with them, and threatened to dismiss many of their number. If it were not for Fitzwilliam calming me, Pemberley would be left without any servants. They are all loyal, and none were at fault … only I.”

With this revelation, Elizabeth told them how she made friends with Georgiana and Mrs. Darcy. She did not reveal that Georgiana was able to speak and draw and paint now. She thought it would be best to leave these gifts for them to discover.

She continued, “I must warn you that we must proceed with caution, as Mrs. Darcy is unaware of my plan to check on her son and try to reunite him with her. If she knows you are coming, sir, and does not understand that you are not in league with Lady Catherine, she may flee with Georgiana again. I feel she does not have sufficient funds available to her, and hence may not be able to run away so quickly this time, but we should still be careful. I am aware of this as I know she has been undertaking embroidery and giving her work to Molly to sell.

Elizabeth regretted informing the Darcys of Lady Anne’s plight. The grieved expression of father and son made her heart ache. She especially felt for Fitz – a simple misunderstanding had reduced Mrs. Darcy to employment and robbed Fitz of almost a year of time with his mother.

Finally, she said, “Perhaps I should bring Fitz, I mean young Mr. Darcy, back to Hertfordshire first.” Her face turned pink as all three gentlemen looked at her with keen eyes.


In the end, it was agreed that Mr. Gardiner would accompany Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy to leave for the Pulvis Lodge’s cottage in a hire coach early the next morning. Mr. Darcy senior’s carriage would proceed at a slower pace in view of his illness.

An express has been sent to Longbourn to arrange for rooms for the visitors. Mr. Gardiner only said that he would be bringing two business associates who would be interested in leasing Netherfield. The Darcy’s name would be kept under wraps for the moment, in order not to alert Mrs. Darcy, via gossips in Meryton.

When the carriage stopped at the main road near the cottage, Elizabeth walked on ahead of the two gentlemen.

Mrs. Darcy answered to Elizabeth’s knock and opened the door. “Lizzy, you are back! You look well … hmm different. Georgiana will be ecstatic to hear that you have returned. Come in and I shall make tea. Jane has taken her to …” Mrs. Darcy’s bubbly murmur stopped in mid sentence, as the shadow of a tall gentleman blocked the sun at the door.

Fitzwilliam …” She gasped.

Mother!” Darcy rushed to his mother’s side and embraced her tightly. “I have missed you so very much.”

How?” Mrs. Darcy murmured, as her hands ruffled his hair and held onto his shoulders. “You are thinner. Have you not been eating?”

Elizabeth interrupted. “My uncle has also accompanied us. Should we leave you two for a moment?”

Lizzy, is this your doing?” Mrs. Darcy smiled. She squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “Tell me how you have managed to find my son. And your uncle too, Mr ...” She was two steps towards the parlour when she stopped. “But your father, Fitzwilliam … he knows I am here? I must get Georgiana and Molly, now, this instant. We must run. I cannot let him …” Her words tumbled out and she was panting with fear.

Mother,” Darcy wrapped his arms around her again and soothed her. “There has been a most grave misunderstanding. Father would never send Georgiana away. He never agreed with Lady Catherine.”

Mrs. Darcy’s strength seemed to leave her and she almost fainted. Fitzwilliam carried her to rest on a chair.

George will not send Georgiana away?”

No,” Darcy confirmed.

But he has not come? He is angry with me … for running away?”

Father has been ill since you have disappeared, but he is coming, shortly.”

Ill? Oh, why did he come at all? I should go to him. He should not travel if he is unwell.”

The news of finding Georgiana and you is the medicine he needs. Yesterday, he was already improving when we had dinner with Miss Bennet at the Gardiners.”

Mr. Gardiner,” Mrs. Darcy exclaimed. “Where are my manners? Welcome. I should make you some tea.”

Mrs. Darcy,” Mr. Gardiner said, “do not worry. Lizzy and I can make tea.” The two of them then left the Darcys to talk in the privacy of the small parlour.

An hour later, Mr. Gardiner went to the main road to greet the Darcy’s coach. Fitzwilliam wanted to go to greet his father, in case he was weakened by the journey, but he could see that his mother was visibly trembling and worrying about the reunion with her husband. He chose to stay in the cottage and support her while they waited for a short few minutes.

When the door of the cottage opened, and Mr. Darcy senior entered the room, Mrs. Darcy gasped at the weakened state of her husband. “George, the look of hell itself is upon you!” she cried.

Mr. Darcy senior laughed out loud. “Anne, what a greeting!”

Mrs. Darcy blushed. Her husband walked with decisive strides to her side and took her hands. “Anne …” He spoke no further and simply stared at his wife, committing her feature to his memory again. His thumbs brushed her hands. Then he frowned, on noticing the roughness formed by her hard work in the past months. “I am sorry, Anne, for not talking with you openly about Georgiana’s care.”

You did not agree with Catherine?”

George Darcy shook his head vehemently. “I said what a wonderful plan and that Catherine must have wanted it done immediately, but she should be registering her own name for an asylum, not Georgiana’s.”

Mrs. Darcy breathed a sigh of relief and laid her head on her husband’s shoulders. “If only I had stayed to hear the rest …”

It is all my fault …” George Darcy offered.

Mr. Gardiner, Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam decided to leave the couple to their reunion. When they opened the door of the cottage to go to the garden, a whirlwind of shadow burst into the doorway.

Mama, big carriage on the road!” Georgiana said at the top of her voice. On seeing the many people in the cottage, she stopped her flight so abruptly that she nearly stumbled over.

You speak!” Fitzwilliam marvelled.

Georgiana turned to the source of the voice. When she saw her brother, she dashed to his side and jumped into his arms.

Fitz! I miss you, heaps.”

Georgiana, I have missed you too.”

How?” Mr. Darcy senior said. He stepped a foot forward, wanting to touch his daughter and yet afraid that she would not welcome him.

Lizzy teaches me.” Georgiana smiled at her father, shyly. “Papa, you look awful.”

Everyone in the room laughed aloud. That was when Jane and Molly walked into the cottage.

Elizabeth darted a glance at Fitzwilliam. She was happy that he was not spellbound by her prettier sister. In fact, he continued to sit next to Elizabeth and pay much attention to her, so much so that her heart drummed loudly.

George Darcy decided to stay in the cottage with his daughter and wife. Fitzwilliam volunteered to sleep on the floor, much to the horror of his mother, but the Darcy men were determined. They did not want to be separated from their reunited family.

Elizabeth felt disappointed that Fitzwilliam would not be staying at Longbourn, but also relieved. She would not have to bear the embarrassment if Mrs. Bennet decided to push the rich gentleman in the direction of Jane.

As Elizabeth made ready to leave, Darcy whispered something to his mother and then followed the Longbourn bound party out.

Mr. Gardiner,” he said, “can you thank Mrs. Bennet for the kindly offer of accommodation for your two ‘business associates’? Whilst we will not be affording ourselves of her hospitality this day, I would be delighted, along with my family, to make her acquaintance tomorrow, perhaps for tea? Also, I would like to ask the permission of Mr. Bennet … to call on Miss Elizabeth, if she agrees to it.” He then looked at Elizabeth with such an intensity that she felt her face would burst.”

Call on our Lizzy?” Mr. Gardiner smiled with a nod. “Are you a bit too fast, young man? I think my brother-in-law Bennet does not like impatient people …”

Elizabeth jumped in to contradict Mr. Gardiner: “Uncle, I am sure father will be happy to receive Fitz …” Then she stopped, on seeing Jane and Mr. Gardiner’s smiling expression.

What a couple!” Gardiner laughed. “Both Mr. Darcy and you are so impatient for each other, yet you have known each other but two days.”

Elizabeth stamped her feet and ran off in the direction of the carriages.

Miss Elizabeth,” Darcy called out, already feeling the loss of her presence, “I shall come to call on you, tomorrow.”

If you can bear my father and uncle’s teasing,” she replied. Her face was bright red and her eyes shone like sunshine.

For you, Miss Elizabeth, it is worth it.”


The Darcys leased Netherfield for a year in order to allow Georgiana to continue her studies with Elizabeth, as the young girl opened up to her most.

Fitzwilliam’s courtship with Elizabeth did not go as smoothly as he would have liked. Firstly, he had to journey to Pemberley and London to take care of business, while his father recovered his health with his wife by his side in Hertfordshire. Secondly, Mr. Bennet did not take to parting from his favourite daughter lightly. He insisted that the young couple did not marry until Elizabeth turned one and twenty, despite Mrs. Bennet’s regular protests. Mrs. Bennet was afraid that if the courtship dragged on Elizabeth’s wild and impertinent manner would scare Darcy away.

Luckily, Fitzwilliam’s friends from London and the North brought along many eligible young men to the neighbourhood. Elizabeth did like young Darcy’s best friend, Mr. Bingley. Bingley was amiable and in love with Jane quickly, much to Mrs. Bennet’s delight.

Georgiana had full mastery of speech when she turned ten. She was never a talkative person, but her paintings were so precise and marvellous that she excelled in recording the animals and plants of England, and later those of many European countries.

Fitzwilliam helped her published her works for the benefit of scientists and the general population. Not only was Georgiana not an embarrassment to the Darcy name, she became a world famous naturalist, working with Charles Darwin on several projects in later years. She married a wealthy gentleman whose estate neighboured Rosings, much to Lady Catherine’s consternation.

The illness, which Lady Catherine had questioned might be passed down through generations, did not occur within the Darcy line, but did afflict Lady Catherine’s grandson. Luckily, the Darcys assisted the former Anne de Bourgh in teaching her son to conquer the mastery of speech, along with the prejudice from his grandmother.

Mr. and Mrs. George Darcy lived happily into old age, having been blessed with another daughter along the way. They retired in their sixties and allowed Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy full rein of Pemberley.

Throughout Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam’s courtship and marriage, a certain red hair wig, still in possession by Elizabeth, provided the couple with much merriment and passionate episodes. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s dismal impersonation of Bingley marked the day the couple fell in love and the beginning of their beautiful life together. As parents, they had their share of tears and heartache, but they were never as tested as Mrs. Anne Darcy, who had not hesitated to surrender her wealth and position for the love of her daughter.