Here is a short list of some very helpful books if you would like to study technical theater further:
Scenery and Painting
Crabtree, Susan, and Peter Beudert. Scenic Art for the Theater, 3rd ed. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2011.
Gillette, J. Michael. Theatrical Design and Production: An Introduction to Scene Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup, 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2012.
Wolf, R. Craig, and Dick Block. Scene Design and Stage Lighting. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Publishing, 2013.
Lighting and Projections
Gillette, J. Michael. Designing with Light, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.
Pilbrow, Richard. Stage Lighting Design: The Art, The Craft, The Life. Carlsbad, CA: By Design Pr, 2000.
Reid, Francis. The Stage Lighting Handbook. New York: Routledge, 2002
Shelley, Steven Louis. A Practical Guide to Stage Lighting, 3rd ed. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2013.
Walne, Graham. Projection for the Performing Arts. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 1995.
Davis, Gary, and Ralph Jones. The Sound Reinforcement Handbook. Buena Park, CA: Yamaha, 1988.
Eargle, John. The Microphone Book. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2001.
Kaye, Deena, and James Lebrecht. Sound and Music for the Theater, 2nd ed. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 1999.
Hart, Eric. The Prop Building Guidebook. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2013.
James, Thurston. The Theatre Props Handbook. Studio City, CA: Players Press, 2000.
Mussman, Amy. The Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management. Colorado Springs, CO: Meriweather Publishing, 2008.
Stage Management
Ionazzi, Daniel. The Stage Management Handbook. Cincinnati, OH: Betterway Books, 1992.
Kelly, Thomas. The Backstage Guide to Stage Management, 3rd ed. New York: Back Stage Books, 2009.
Stern, Lawrence. Stage Management, 10th ed. Abingdon, England, and New York: Routledge, 2016.
Cunningham, Rebecca. The Magic Garment: Principles of Costume Design, 2nd ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 2009.
Ingham, Rosemary, and Liz Covey. The Costume Designer’s Handbook, 2nd ed. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1992.
Ingham, Rosemary, and Liz Covey. The Costume Technician’s Handbook, 3rd ed. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemnn Drama, 2003.
Show Control
Huntington, John. Show Networks and Control Systems. Brooklyn, NY: Zircon Designs Press, 2012.
Carter, Paul. The Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information, 3rd ed. Louisville, KY: Broadway Press, 1994.
Carter, Paul. Backstage Forms. Louisville, KY: Broadway Press, 1990.
Carver, Rita Kogle. Stagecraft Fundamentals. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2012.
Ionazzi, Daniel. The Stagecraft Handbook. Cincinnati, OH: Betterway Books, 1996.
Raoul, Bill, and Mike Monsos. Stock Scenery Handbook. Louisville, KY: Broadway Press, 2015.
Donovan, Harry. Entertainment Rigging: A Practical Guide. Rigging Seminars, 2008.
Glerum, Jay O. Stage Rigging Handbook, 3rd ed. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2007.
Sapsis, Bill, ed. Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century: Compilation of Work on Rigging Practices, Safety, and Related Topics. Abingdon, England: Focal Press, 2014.
Rossol, Monona. The Health and Safety Guide for Film, TV & Theater, 2nd ed. New York: Allworth Press, 2011.
General Conceptualizing
Ingham, Rosemary. From Page to Stage. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1998.
Jones, Robert Edmund. The Dramatic Imagination. New York: Routledge, 2004.