Further reading

  1. Alpine Linux: A security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox. https://alpinelinux.org.
  2. Calico: Secure networking for the cloud-native era. https://www.projectcalico.org.
  3. Cilium: API-aware networking and security. https://cilium.io.
  4. Containerd: An industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness, and portability. https://containerd.io.
  5. Docker: Enterprise container platform. https://www.docker.com.
  6. Helm: The package manager for Kubernetes. https://helm.sh.
  7. K3S: Lightweight Kubernetes. https://k3s.io/.
  1. Kubernetes: Production-grade container orchestration. https://www.kubernetes.io.
  2. Microk8s: Zero-ops Kubernetes for workstations and edge / IoT. https://microk8s.io.
  3. Minikube: Local Kubernetes, focused on application development and education. https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io.
  4. Multipass: Orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances. https://multipass.run/.
  5. rkt: A security-minded, standards-based container engine. https://coreos.com/rkt.
  6. VirtualBox: A powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. https://www.virtualbox.org.