
You must be
born again . . .

“Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
JOHN 3:2–3

IT’S A FACT of the farm. The most fertile ground remains barren if no seed is sown.

Apparently Nicodemus didn’t know that. He thought the soil could bear fruit with no seeds. He was big on the farmer’s part but forgetful of the seed’s part. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and Pharisees taught that faith was an outside job. What you wore, how you acted, the title you carried, the sound of your prayers, the amount of your gifts—all these were the Pharisees’ measure of spirituality.

Had they been farmers, they would have had the most attractive acreage in the region—painted silos and sparkling equipment. The fences would have been whitewashed and clean. The soil overturned and watered.

Had they been farmers, they would have spent hours in the coffee shop discussing the theory of farming. Is it best to fertilize before or after a rain? Do you fallow a field every other year or every third year? Should a farmer wear overalls or jeans? Cowboy hats or baseball caps?

The Pharisees had only one problem. For all their discussion about the right techniques, they harvested little fruit. In fact, one untrained Galilean had borne more fruit in a few short months than all the Pharisees had in a generation. This made them jealous. Angry. Condescending. And they dealt with him by ignoring his results and insulting his methods.

That is, all the Pharisees except Nicodemus. He was curious. No, more than curious, he was stirred, stirred by the way people listened to Jesus. They listened as if he were the only one with truth. As if he were a prophet.

1. What was important to the Pharisees, according to Matthew 23:1–7?


2. These religious leaders were very concerned with appearances. Why does Jesus call the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites in Matthew 23:25, 27?


3. How does 1 Samuel 16:7 help us understand why God is unimpressed by those who make a good show of righteousness?


When the pressure is on in your life, are you ever tempted to look outside for the problem? Be honest, now. Ever blamed your plight on Washington? (If they’d lower the tax rates, my business would work.) Inculpated your family for your failure? (Mom always liked my sister more.) Called God to account for your problems? (If he is God, why doesn’t he heal my marriage?) Faulted the church for your frail faith? (Those people are a bunch of hypocrites.)

Reminds me of the golfer about to hit his first shot on the first hole. He swung and missed the ball. Swung again and whiffed again. Tried a third time and still hit nothing but air. In frustration he looked at his buddies and judged, “Man, this is a tough course.”

Now, he may have been right. The course may have been tough. But that wasn’t the problem. You may be right, as well. Your circumstances may be challenging, but blaming them is not the solution. Nor is neglecting them.

4. Jesus answered Nicodemus, but his answers caught the Pharisee off guard.

• According to John 3:3, what is required before one can see and be a part of the kingdom of God?


• According to John 3:5–6, how can one be born again?


5. Because of this second birth, what are believers privileged to be called, according to John 1:12–13?


6. Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus isn’t the only occasion in the New Testament when this new birth is discussed.

• What are we born again to, according to 1 Peter 1:3?


• How does 1 Peter 1:23 further describe our new life?


• According to 1 John 2:29, who is born of God?


Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.
—1 JOHN 5:1 NIV

7. This is a soul-deep change that starts on the inside and works its way out. What changes, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17?


8. How does Romans 6:4 describe the possibilities?


9. What does Paul assure us is happening in the inward man, according to 2 Corinthians 4:16?
