It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
NOT ONLY did Jesus spend regular time with God in prayer, he spent regular time in God’s Word. Of course we don’t find Jesus pulling a leather-bound New Testament from his satchel and reading it. We do, however, see the stunning example of Jesus, in the throes of the wilderness temptation, using the Word of God to deal with Satan. Three times he is tempted, and each time he repels the attack with Scripture as his authority (Luke 4:4, 8, 12). Jesus is so familiar with Scripture that he not only knows the verse; he knows how to use it.
And then there’s the occasion when Jesus is asked to read in the synagogue. He is handed the book of Isaiah the prophet. He finds the passage, reads it, and declares, “While you heard these words just now, they were coming true!” (Luke 4:21 NCV). We are given the picture of a person who knows his way around in Scripture and can recognize its fulfillment. If Jesus thought it wise to grow familiar with the Bible, shouldn’t we do the same?
If we are to be just like Jesus—if we are to have ears that hear God’s voice—then we have just found two habits worth imitating: the habits of prayer and Bible reading.
1. Paul tells us that “through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2:18). Since God welcomes our prayers, how does Hebrews 10:19 say we should come before the Father?
2. When we speak to God, he promises to hear our prayer.
• What does Psalm 10:17 say God does in response to us?
• What promise do we find in Isaiah 65:24?
3. How often are we encouraged to pray by Paul in Ephesians 6:18? How is this possible?
4. What good can prayer do? What does James 5:16 say?
Wait a minute. Don’t you do that. I know exactly what some of you are doing. You are tuning me out. Lucado is talking about daily devotionals, eh? This is a good time for me to take a mental walk over to the fridge and see what we have to eat.
I understand your reluctance. Some of us have tried to have a daily quiet time and have not been successful. Others of us have a hard time concentrating. And all of us are busy. So rather than spend time with God, listening for his voice, we’ll let others spend time with him and then benefit from their experience. Let them tell us what God is saying. After all, isn’t that why we pay preachers? Isn’t that why we read Christian books? These folks are good at daily devotions. I’ll just learn from them.
If that is your approach, if your spiritual experiences are secondhand and not firsthand, I’d like to challenge you with this thought: Do you do that with other parts of your life? I don’t think so.
You don’t do that with vacations. You don’t say, “Vacations are such a hassle, packing bags and traveling. I’m going to send someone on vacation for me. When he returns, I’ll hear all about it and be spared all the inconvenience.” Would you do that? No! You want the experience firsthand. You want the sights firsthand, and you want to rest firsthand. Certain things no one can do for you.
From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 TIMOTHY 3:15
5. Consider for a few verses just what it is you hold in your hands when you open your Bible:
• Why does the beloved disciple say he wrote his gospel, according to John 20:31?
• What does Acts 20:32 say about God’s Word?
• How many reasons can you find to be amazed by the Scriptures in 2 Timothy 3:16–17?
6. God’s Word is “living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12), and we need to search it out for ourselves. These verses encourage us to do just that. Match the verse with its message.
___ Deuteronomy 8:3 | a. Search and read the Scriptures. |
___ 1 Chronicles 28:8 | b. The Law and the Prophets are true. |
___ Psalm 119:140 | c. Listen to those who teach God’s Word. |
___ Isaiah 34:16 | d. Be careful to seek out and obey God’s commands. |
___ Malachi 2:7 | e. We need the Word more than food. |
___ John 5:46 | f. The Scripture cannot be broken; it cannot be false. |
___ John 10:35 | g. The Word of God is pure; it has been tested. |
___ Acts 24:14 | h. Moses wrote about the coming Messiah. |
The man who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and makes a habit of so doing, is not the man who hears and forgets. He puts that law into practice and he wins true happiness.
7. What efforts will God bless, according to James 1:25?
8. What word of caution can be found for students of the Scriptures in 2 Peter 1:20–21?
9. When we look to the Word, praying for understanding as we read, study, and ponder our way through its pages, what will come to pass, according to Colossians 3:16?
Listening to God is a firsthand experience. When he asks for your attention, God doesn’t want you to send a substitute; he wants you. He wants to spend time with you. And with a little training, your time with God can be the highlight of your day.