Acknowledgements are often harder to write than the actual book itself, the fear of missing anybody out so great, it makes make me lose sleep at night, but here goes!

First and foremost, a big thank you to Boldwood Books for taking me on and allowing me free rein with my idea. It took a while to take shape but with the help of Emily Ruston, we got there in the end, so a big thank you to Emily for her supportive words and guidance. Emily, you were so right – the introduction of Adrian brought the book to life!

A big thank you to Anita Waller and Valerie Keogh for keeping me going with our (almost) daily chats. You ladies are brilliant and I’d be lost without you.

Without readers, online book clubs and book bloggers, authors would be nothing, so a huge thank you to anybody who takes the time to read my book and review it. I’m honoured you chose my story over the thousands of others out there.

A big thank you to my family and friends who support me every single day with their kind words and patience when I’m slumped over my computer and having to break yet another engagement to finish my latest manuscript.

Finally, gratitude and love to my husband, Richard, who keeps me supplied with endless rounds of coffee and cake. This latest story was brought to you, dear reader, by a shedload of sugar and caffeine. I hope you like it…

I am always available to chat on social media and can be found at: