Discussion Questions

  1. Which character(s) did you identify and/or empathize with the most? Why?
  2. Fatima Adams seemed to have a difficult time overcoming how she felt about Darius Connors. Do you think things could have been easier than she made them to be? What should she have done to get past her strong feelings for him?
  3. Gambling can be a hot-button topic. What do you feel about gambling? If you feel it’s a sin or a problem, why? If it’s not a problem, why do you say that?
  4. What are your views about pornography in general? What are your thoughts specifically regarding men and pornography?
  5. Was Bentley Strong wrong in what he said to his wife about the books she read as well as the television shows she watched? Was he even justified in bringing it up?
  6. Is there a difference in what Bentley was doing as opposed to what Marcella was doing? Why or why not?
  7. In your opinion, do you feel overeating should be included as a stronghold? Why or why not?
  8. What are your views regarding a person who works as much as Dr. Holden was? In your opinion, should working too much be considered a stronghold?
  9. Arletha Brown was said to be extremely religious. Is there such a thing as being too religious or overly religiously? Discuss.
  10. Sins of the heart came up a few times during the course of the story. How and why is that relevant to a Christian’s walk?
  11. If you had to choose a sin or a stronghold from this book as the biggest sin or stronghold, which one would you choose and why?
  12. Do you believe any of the characters should have continued to struggle with their strongholds considering they came to the altar and were prayed for by a man of God? Why or why not?
  13. What are your feelings regarding Memory (Elaine Robertson)?
  14. Was Pastor Landris wrong for not counseling each person in his congregation no matter how long it took him to get to them? Explain.
  15. What are your thoughts when it comes to Pastor Landris and Johnnie Mae’s relationship?
  16. Discuss Darius Connors and his various actions. Do you believe he was sincere in his feelings toward Fatima? Do you feel bad for him at all?
  17. What do you think is going on with Trinity (Faith, Hope, and Charity)? Do you believe people can truly have multiple personalities or do you believe it’s merely something they’re just making up?