With Gratitude

I have enormous gratitude for the overwhelming goodness and blessing that shows up in every moment of my life. More often than not, this arrives in the form of wonderful people to whom I owe so much appreciation.

Over the past ten years, I have had the deep pleasure of teaching and working with a wonderfully diverse range of clients and students. So much of what I have shared in these pages derives from the learning we have undertaken together.

I am deeply grateful for the invaluable and authentic contributions to this book of Eli, Gemma, James, Rebecca, Tamara and Toby.

Thank you to Anna, Diana, Elliot, Jon, Mord, Naomi, Kaela, Kerry, Rafaella, Ruth, Sammy, Shaina and all the others who offered their honest and extremely helpful feedback in the various stages of our writing. And to Simon Taljaard and Brian Belanger for your design skills and work on the cover.

The expert editorial contributions of Miriam Rosenberg and MJ have been immense - your time, infinite patience and great attention to detail have been invaluable.

Thank you to Steve at MX Publishing who believed in this project from the first moment we talked.

At critical junctures, certain close colleagues, friends and mentors offered crucial assistance and feedback. Without your time, suggestions and input, this book would have looked very different. Thank you Aaron, Ami, Chantel, Dicken, George, Jamie and Michael.

Michael Neill, the busiest person on the planet: I am immensely grateful for your time, invaluable advice and care. And I didn’t give up on you for a reason - the Foreword perfectly encapsulates the spirit and intention of this book.

It is impossible to list all the remarkable people who have shared their understanding with me over the last decade; I trust you all know how significant your contribution has been. I have been truly privileged to learn from and teach with an extraordinary array of teachers. In particular, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to Ami Chen Mills-Naim, Barb Patterson, Dr Bill and Linda Pettit, Cathy Casey, Chaim Levine, Chip and Jan Chipman, Elsie Spittle, Gabriella Maldonado, Jenny and Rudi Kennard, Judy Sedgeman, Mara Gleason, Mark Howard, Linda Pransky, and Quinn Cashion.

In a lifetime, we are privileged to be touched by certain people in a way that leaves an indelible impression. Were it not for them, my life would look very different.

Shaul Rosenblatt: I could not have been blessed to have had a wiser nor braver friend, teacher and boss. I hope we continue to work together to help change the world.

Dicken Bettinger: it is almost impossible to describe the impact you have made on me. Your gentle but fi guidance, and unwavering support and love have brought so much light into my life.

Aaron Turner: what we learned together overturned my understanding of the world in a day. The dots all joined when I met you and continue to do so.

Keith Blevens and Valda Monroe: sometimes we need a real shake up to challenge what we think we know. You have both been overly generous with your time, allowing me to see so much that was previously invisible.

George Pransky: with heartfelt generosity, you have supported both me and the Centre. Your commitment to getting this understanding out into the world has paved the way for all of us to do what we do.

Rabbi Dr Tatz: you opened my mind to an understanding of da’as and remain a source of inspiration and wellspring of truth to both Brian and me over twenty years later.

I am so blessed to work with an incredible group of people at the Innate Health Centre. Shoshana - my “partner in crime”, without whom this adventure would not be half as much fun. My deepest thanks for being part of this incredible vision also goes to Chana, Julian, Stacey, Toby, Yosef and the entire IHC team.

Boys: I prayed hard for you and was rewarded tenfold. There is no purer joy I could ever know than that of being your mother. You have been my greatest teachers and I am in awe of your wisdom and purity of mind and soul.

Brian: there would be no book without you. You have thrown yourself into this project like you throw yourself into life - fully and unconditionally. The boys and I have been undeservedly blessed to have you in our lives.