Our endless gratitude goes to our publisher, the Fair Winds dream team, who never fails to make the whole process a perfect blast: Amanda Waddell, Betsy Gammons, Anne Re, Katie Fawkes, and Becky Gissel. Thank you also to Jenna Patton for the stellar copyediting work!
As usual, all of the recipes in this book have gone through rigorous testing before seeing the light of day. We are so grateful to our team of testers for their hard work and dedication: Courtney Blair, Kelly and Mac Cavalier, Shannon Davis, Dorian Farrow, Monique and Michel Narbel-Gimzia, Gary Holliday, Aimee Kluiber, Jenna Patton, Constanze Reichardt, Adam Rosen, Stephanie Sulzman, Jody Weiner, Rochelle Krogar-West, and Liz Wyman.
Warm and fuzzy thanks to those of you who have told a friend about one of our books, left us a review, or prominently placed our books in a store while shopping. Thank you for spreading the vegan word!