Apollo wanted this more than he’d wanted anything in his life.

And he was more nervous than he had been while crossing the Amazon with its many dangers.

“What are we doing back here?” Popi asked.

“You’ll see.” He drove past the front of the house, toward the back.

“Apollo, what’s going on?” Popi stared out the window at the big white tent he’d erected the night before. “If this is some sort of party—”

“It’s not. I promise.”

He got out of the car and came to her side. He opened the door and offered her a hand out but she didn’t accept it. She got out on her own.

“But I don’t understand.” She walked to the edge of the drive. “The gardens look like they are set up for a wedding.” She turned to him. The color faded from her face. “Are you trying to tell me you’re getting married?”

“I’m not. At least not right now. I put this together for you.”

She pressed a hand to her chest. “For me? But I’m not getting married.”

“Come see. And then I’ll explain.”

He held out his arm to her. She hesitated at first, but then slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. He led her down the aisle. And in that moment, he knew without any shadow of a doubt that he was doing the right thing. They belonged together. But how did he convince Popi of that?

At the end of the aisle, he turned to her. “I did this for you. I wanted to show you that Infinity Island isn’t the only place for beautiful weddings.”

Confusion reflected in her eyes.

He cleared his throat. “I’m not saying this very well. What I mean is that you could—if you wanted, that is—run a wedding business right here at the estate.”

“But why?”

He gazed deep into her beautiful brown eyes, willing her to truly hear what he was saying. “Because I want you to stay. I’ve made such a mess of things. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with you—”

“You love me?”

He smiled and nodded. “I think I have since we danced at your friend’s wedding. But I didn’t know it at the time. And then after we made love, I panicked and I let my doubts and insecurities overrule what I knew about you.”

“Which is?”

“That you are beautiful both inside and out. That you would do anything for the people you love—even sacrificing your happiness.”

“I can’t believe you’re saying all of this...even after the part I played in the deaths of our siblings.”

He stepped closer to her and brushed the back of his fingers gently down over her cheek. She couldn’t resist leaning into him and drawing on his strength.

His gaze met hers. “You have to stop blaming yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong. Sometimes bad things happen and there’s no one to blame.”

“Really?” Hope gleamed in her eyes.

“Really. Quit being so hard on yourself. It isn’t what your sister would want.”

Popi paused as though considering his words. He was right. This not what Andrina would want. “My sister could procrastinate with the best of them, but she was never vindictive.”

“See. The only one who has to forgive you.”

Popi nodded in understanding. “I’ll work on it.”

He was winning her over—he was certain of it. “So, what do you say? Would you like to stay here with me—with Seb? And start your own wedding business?” And then he realized he’d forgotten something. “And that tent off to the side, it’s going to become a conservatory with glass walls and ceiling so you can dance beneath the stars. And you may use it for your weddings. Use whatever you desire.”

“You’d do all of that?”

He nodded. “And more, if you’ll say yes. I’ve traveled the world searching for something—something I never found. Until now. I’ve found my home right here with you and Seb.” He pulled a ring from his pocket and dropped down on one knee. “I love you, Popi, with all of my heart. Will you be my partner on the biggest and grandest adventure of my life?”

Tears splashed onto her cheeks. “I will. I love you.”