Chapter 15

Lost in thought, Amanda tried to figure out what to do and wondered how she got into yet another mess, when she heard Francisco whisper, “Amanda, Amanda. Can you hear me? We have to get out of here.”

“Like, yes, we do have to get out of here. Do you have any ideas, smarty? I think you got us into this mess in the first place.” ‘Last time I fall for a good looking, smooth-talking Spanish boy who says he can be trusted,’ she decided.

“No, Senorita. You have it wrong. I went to meet you at the Columbus column but they followed me, ambushed me and then took your bag to lure you here. That man, Paddy they call him, he wants to find Dona. He thinks we will tell him where she is. I think he wants to kidnap her and get a ransom from her father.”

“Isn’t it enough he has her beloved pony?”

“He is very greedy, that one.”

‘Now what? How am I going to get out of this?’ Amanda looked around the dim room. It was sparsely furnished with only two other wooden high-backed chairs and a square wooden table. Near her, a large wardrobe with a heavy, brass latch loomed. An empty book shelf stood against the other wall. The windows were shuttered up tight with very little light getting through.

Amanda wriggled her wrists. She had been tied with a strip of fabric, not a rope. It hadn’t been tied very tight but still too tight to wriggle her hands out of the fabric. The wardrobe was close. She bounced her chair toward it.

“What are you doing? They will hear you,” whispered Francisco.

The door opened. Amanda sat perfectly still. Paddy walked in slamming his fist into his palm. “Okay young lady. Where is that little friend of yours, the one who follows you like a puppy? Are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out of you?” He came close to her face and his breath smelled bad. She looked away.

“I don’t know where she is. Where is my friend Leah?”

“Don’t worry about her. She will tell us everything we need to know.” Paddy continued slamming his fist into his hand as if he wanted to hit her.

Amanda tried to be brave and not look scared. “I won’t say anything until you bring Leah here.”

“Ha! You are in no position to make any deals you impudent little American.” The big man leaned down over her.

“I am not American. I am Canadian.”

“I don’t care if you’re Icelandic,” Paddy bellowed. “Just tell me where that little Spanish brat is.”

“She doesn’t know where she is Paddy. Let her go,” said a voice from the corner.

“You – you traitor.” The veins in Paddy’s neck bulged as his face got redder. “You were under my employ and tried to steal one of my horses. You will pay for that, young man.” Amanda thought for sure the large man would strike Francisco again. She squeezed her eyes shut. This was turning into a terrible nightmare and she wished she would wake up soon.

The older man came to the door and motioned to Paddy. The large man glared at both of his prisoners, threatening them as he backed out the room.

‘I have got to get out of here fast. This could turn ugly,’ thought Amanda.

She wiggled her chair closer to the wardrobe. Francisco looked worried. She leaned back and caught the top rung of the chair on the heavy brass handle. She pushed all her weight forward. Snap, the back of the chair broke, loosening the fabric around her wrists. A couple of wriggles and her right hand came out. She untied her feet and ran over to the bookshelf.

“What about me?”

She deliberated for a second and then went over to untie the young man. He could be of use to her – if he could be trusted. They had one thing in common; they were both afraid of the man called Paddy.