Chapter 19

“Which one of you would like to come with me?” said Paddy with a menacing smile.

Dona looked down and shivered, holding on to the granola bar as if it were the only thing that could save her. Leah sighed.

“Leave – us – alone. Leah’s dad knows we are here and is coming to get us any minute. He’s bringing the police with him.” Amanda looked right into the large man’s eyes. “You are so busted man.”

Paddy looked around. “I don’t believe you, you lying brat.”

“I don’t care. You will not hurt Dona you – you big bully.” Amanda stood between the large man and Dona. Paddy pushed Amanda aside and reached for the younger girl. At that moment Leah let out a blood curdling scream bringing some tourists and a security guard immediately to the scene. Paddy released Dona and turned to run in the opposite direction. Amanda stuck out her foot and Paddy came crashing down in front of her with a thud. Paddy’s buddy disappeared into the crowd.

“Let’s get out of here!” said Francisco as he led the girls once more through a small doorway and down some stairs into a room not much bigger than a closet. The room contained an assortment of trunks and boxes. Francisco opened up one trunk, pulled out a monster costume and threw it over to Leah. “Put this on.”

“Seriously? You want me to wear this, this awful thing?”

“We have to get out of here without any more troubles. Do you have any better ideas?”

“Okay.” Leah pulled the hideous costume over her head.

He threw Amanda a dragon costume. Dona walked over to a trunk that said “Disney” on it. She opened it up and pulled out a Minnie Mouse costume. “I can wear this?”

“Of course. It should fit you.” Francisco pulled on his demon costume.

A few minutes later a dragon, a monster, a demon and Minnie Mouse entered the hotel and walked up to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson talking to a police officer and Lorenzo, the hotel manager. Leah’s mom gasped.

“It’s okay Mom, it’s just me,” said the monster as she took off her dreadful head.

“Are these the missing children, Senora?” asked the police officer.

“Yes, we are,” said the dragon as she struggled to take off her head. “You must get to Casa Batlló as quickly as possible, Officer. There is a bad man there who steals horses and little girls.”

“What have you girls been up to?” asked Leah’s distraught father.

“We will tell you everything, Dad. But first we need to eat something.”

All four of the children tried to fill in the story while they ate a late, hearty breakfast.

“We just can’t leave you two out of our sight, can we?” sighed Leah’s mom.

“How can we get you home young lady?” Leah’s dad smiled at Dona who just finished off her third croissant.

“I want to go home, but first I need to get my pony.”