
I’m a shameless knitter, and part of the enjoyment I receive from knitting is looking at patterns. I’ll find one that looks like a fun knit, do a search through my accumulated stash for the perfect yarn and then reach for my knitting needles.

Over the years I’ve been an eyewitness to the patterns God has woven into my life. I’ve written about them. Sometimes God’s hand is obvious and at other times He can be understated and subtle, patiently waiting for me to acknowledge Him working behind the scenes. To me these are patterns of grace. God’s grace.

These devotions were originally printed by Guideposts in the annual devotional book they publish, Daily Guideposts. I’d read this devotional for years and came to know the writers like family. In a manner of speaking they are my family; my Christian family. Then I met one of these writers, Mary Lou Carney, on a chance encounter—but really, is anything by chance when God is involved? Mary Lou encouraged me to submit my own devotions, which I did, and as they say, the rest entire book titled Patterns of Grace.

My prayer is that this book will bless you in your own walk with the Lord, that upon examination you will recognize God’s hand in your life... patterns of grace that He has lavished upon you.

No project such as this is accomplished as a sole effort. My appreciation is extended first and foremost to Wendy Lawton, who is far more than my nonfiction agent and a God friend. Without her organizational skills I fear this book wouldn’t have been possible. Also I owe appreciation to Andrew Attaway, the Guideposts editor who guided me through the devotional writing process. And to Rebecca Maker, the editor for Patterns of Grace. My husband Wayne, who is ever patient with me, and our children and grandchildren, who are often the instruments God uses to teach me lessons on grace.


Debbie Macomber

March 2012