I would like to thank the wonderful Harper team for taking on Because We Are Bad, and my agent, Dan Lazar, for passionately campaigning for me. Thank you to my editor, Gail Winston. It has been a privilege to work with someone so experienced on my first book, and your guidance and wisdom have been greatly appreciated. Thank you to associate editor Sofia Groopman for dealing with me being a pedant, and for being a great support throughout this process. Thank you to my copy editor, Miranda Ottewell: I thought I was an eagle-eyed grammarian but then I met you! Thank you to my publicist, Katherine Beitner, for getting behind the book with such energy and enthusiasm.
Thank you to my family, friends, and boyfriend, for supporting me in writing this book, and for your enduring tolerance. Especially thank you to my mum and sister, who helped me in recalling the timeline of events, which I know was grueling at times. Thank you to my dog, Rocky, for taking me for a walk when I needed a break from staring at a blank screen.
Thank you to OCDUK and OCD Action. Thank you to all those who live with OCD, who have gotten behind my writing and speaking about OCD: you give me the strength to do this.
Mostly, thank you to Martin, who has been there for me from day one. Without him there would be no book at all.