Sir John A. Macdonald sat in his ornate Parliament Hill office and glanced around him. He didn’t much care for the floral wallpaper, but he loved the blue marble fireplace and kept a fire burning in it all winter. The office was decorated to impress, but also to deceive. There was a hidden compartment in the bottom left drawer of his large desk, where he kept an extra bottle of whisky. To the left of his desk was a concealed door, an escape route from pressing business. The desk, a gift like most of his possessions, came with an inscription that delighted him: “Dominion SecreTORY.”
He pondered the future of this land called Canada.
He had just heard about D’Arcy McGee’s narrow victory and the battle at his campaign headquarters. Someone had actually been killed. It had been a violent election across the land.
In Ontario, the Liberal frontbencher and former stonemason, Alexander Mackenzie, was regularly shouted down. “His opponents showed good judgment,” Macdonald mumbled. “He’s as cold as block of granite.” But that wasn’t the point. This was supposed to be a peaceful, law-abiding nation, and it was behaving like an out-of-control child.
In Nova Scotia, candidates opposing Confederation won every seat in Parliament except Charles Tupper’s. Thank God for the good doctor, Macdonald thought. I wonder what he’ll want in return? He glanced at the bottom drawer. Apparently, a mob had gathered in front of Tupper’s house and burned him in effigy. Macdonald reached into the drawer. He had been sent a newspaper clipping from Nova Scotia. The editorial regretted the incident in front of Tupper’s home, not because it happened, but because “he was not set afire himself!” Macdonald drank directly from the bottle. One swig. He looked at the secret exit, longing to escape. He put the bottle away and sighed. Now that he was thoroughly depressed, he felt in just the right mood to face Gilbert McMicken and hear the latest from the world of espionage.
Macdonald showed no hint of concern when McMicken marched into his office. He greeted him warmly. “Are you here to cheer me up?” he asked.
“I’m here to report to you, sir.”
How could poor Gilbert ever have thought he had the personality for politics? the prime minster wondered. He is a man absolutely devoid of humour, much better suited as a spymaster. “Well, sit down and tell me about the Fenians,” Macdonald said. “I presume this time you will be talking about Canada.”
“I understand you know what happened in Montreal,” McMicken began.
“Yes, and I wonder whether D’Arcy caused a lot of it by working everybody into a frenzy.”
“In part,” admitted McMicken. “I suppose he might have handled it better, but he was trying to make people like you pay more attention.”
Macdonald caught the remark’s implication and decided to let it drop. “You have my attention, so give me some information.”
“The first thing is that Mr. McGee was right. We are convinced that the centre of Fenian activity has moved from Toronto to Montreal.”
Macdonald did not respond. If he were a Fenian, he too would want to get out of Protestant Toronto, with its King and Queen Streets and rising army of busybody teetotallers.
“It looked as if the Fenian movement was going to collapse. They went through a bitter leadership struggle and seemed to be coming apart over petty issues. Instead, they are rebuilding. Remember I told you that there was new leadership in the United States?”
Macdonald nodded.
“There are a few former Yankee officers going around the northern states, canvassing for donations and lobbying sympathetic politicians. They have breathed new life into what we hoped was a carcass.”
“What I’ve seen from the Americans,” Macdonald exclaimed, “is nothing but encouragement for this sedition.”
“The American authorities are turning a blind eye, to be sure. Our spies tell us the government is not actually helping the Fenians; it is simply allowing them to shake the tree.”
“What do you mean?”
“The New York Herald coined the expression. ‘There is no need for the government to shake the tree,’ the paper wrote. ‘Canada will fall like a ripe fruit into the American garden.’”
Macdonald winced and said, almost under his breath, “Seward wants to free Canadians from British tyranny so brothers can feel free to kill each other in their next civil war.”
McMicken listened politely and continued his prepared report. “Meanwhile, the Fenians continue to gather a militia. Mainly out-of-work soldiers looking for a bit of adventure.”
“Back to what you said about Montreal,” Macdonald interrupted. “I thought you had a man on the inside there?”
“We had, but he died.”
Sir John just stared at his spymaster, his expression hardening.
“I was going to get to that, sir,” McMicken explained. “You see, he was the person killed that night at McGee’s headquarters. Our man must have been exposed, and he was killed in the melee.”
Sir John A. Macdonald’s eyes widened. He knew that when McMicken left, he would finish the bottle.
MEG was about to post her letter to Conor when a hand reached out and grabbed her from behind. “It’s a letter to the Papist, isn’t it?” It was one of the boys who had earlier threatened her. She struggled, trying to pull her hand away, but he held tight. Two others appeared beside him. Three more lurked nearby.
“We told you, Meg,” the one holding her arm said. “Forget Conor O’Dea, or there will be trouble.”
He released her hand, and Conor’s letter fell to the ground.
It was the same group as before. The leader of the pack was the son of a well-known Orangeman. She didn’t know any of them very well, except the drummer from the parade. He looked a little ashamed to be there. She was sure of his name now: Daniel. Aware of the power she had over boys, she turned directly to him. “Daniel, what right do you have to threaten me?”
He cowered, but the one who had grabbed her answered, “We’re not threatening you, Meg. We’re just giving you some advice: stick to your own kind.”
She felt a rush of bravery surge up her spine. It stabilized her and focused her mind. No one was going to hurt her just because she was seeing Conor. This was a civilized country. They would just call her names—but so what? She stood her ground. “Leave me alone,” she ordered, defiantly.
The ringleader reached out and touched her hair. “You’re very beautiful, Meg. I don’t want to see you hurt.” He released her hair slowly, strand by strand. “Come on, lads, she’s got the message.” He started to walk away, casually, as if it had just been a friendly chat. The others followed.
She called out to the one named Daniel, who lagged behind. “What do you think you are doing?” She knew she sounded like her mother, and she liked the sound of it.
“Meg, people are really angry,” he said, sincerely. “We’re only trying to help. If you stay with him, you’ll … you’ll go to hell.”
He turned and ran to catch up to the others. Those fools, Meg thought. Those stupid, bigoted fools! She bent over to pick up Conor’s letter and her hair fell in her eyes. As she pushed it back, she realized that her hand was shaking—in anger, and in fear.
THOMAS O’Dea lay sprawled on an old hard-backed chair. He wondered what his childhood friends were doing in Ireland and how his family was getting on. He missed the patchwork fields of Connemara and the streets of Galway. Was it Ireland he longed for? Or those youthful days with his wife? It hardly mattered. He was now a wreck of a man, crushed by life and defeated by his adopted British country.
Conor had asked him how his mother would have reacted. Thomas had to concede that was a good question. Maybe Margaret would have loved it here, found the newness of everything exciting, the harsh, untamed wilderness enchanting. But he knew better. There was nothing new about another British nation, and there was nothing enchanting about the tall white pines that towered up the Ottawa Valley—wood for ships’ masts and fine British homes. There was nothing good about the cheap wooden stakes he had hammered together to mark her grave.
If she had lived, maybe they would have homesteaded; built a house, farmed some land, made a life. Instead, he had applied as a teamster upriver, hauling sleighs piled with timber from the cutting section to the river. He was a good worker, and that impressed the bosses. At times, he liked the challenge, piling as many as fifty huge white pine logs on one sleigh, and he admired the strength and stamina of the big Clydesdales. But it was perilous work trudging along icy skid roads, carefully balancing the logs, sitting on top of the precarious pyramid. Every day, he risked his neck up and down hills, in weather so cold he saw men cry in agony. It was winter work, and it kept him employed half a year. In the summers, while the raftsmen guided the logs downriver, he went downriver himself and tended bar. He would help his fellow lumbermen literally drink away their earnings.
At first, he had to beg the bosses to let him keep Conor in the camp. Thomas was a good enough worker for them to accept his son as long as he didn’t eat too much or keep the men up at night. He never indulged Conor, but he did protect and shelter him. A sympathetic cook helped Thomas care for the growing boy, and he was soon put to work boiling salt pork, stirring thin, greasy soup, fetching hemlock to add some flavour to the tea. Conor worked hard, getting up without complaint at four o’clock every morning, and people liked him. If they didn’t they would have to face Thomas. One skidder, “Cockeye” George McNee from Arnprior, had it in for him. “There’s something high and mighty about that boy of yours,” he complained to Thomas. “Who does he think he is?” He said it only once, though. Thomas O’Dea was a hard man, too.
Tex wandered into the camp when Conor was maybe twelve, an educated man from a wealthy family experiencing life by working as a labourer. He was slumming, as far as Thomas was concerned, and that was demeaning. But Conor adored him. Thomas considered keeping Conor away from him, but he knew he would be acting out of jealousy, so he paid Tex to work with his son on his reading and writing.
What would Margaret think of that? She might think Thomas was brave and selfless. And a damn good father. What did Conor think? Thomas suspected he thought his father was an imbecile and not worthy to share a shanty with the likes of Tex.
Then, one season, a widow-maker—a stray branch as thick as any tree he’d seen in Ireland—skidded off the sleigh and sent Thomas tumbling into six feet of snow. He almost suffocated. He couldn’t move; his leg was broken, his back wrenched and his usefulness to the logging company over. The cook couldn’t properly set his leg, and whatever the fall did to his back, the pain never left him.
In Ottawa, any pride he had left was drowning in whisky. He watched his son slipping away from him, steadily and cruelly. Until the final break. Anger and bitterness now consumed him: he could feel it, taste it, smell it, even see it, until it nearly blinded him.
He looked up at the gun he kept on the shelf under a cloth. It would be easy just to end it. Relief from the pain. Escape.
And then his senses sharpened. He felt another presence in the room. In the dark corner, someone was standing there, silently staring at him. He hadn’t heard him enter.
“Who are you?” he gasped. “What are you doing here?”
“I am an Irish patriot with a question for you, Thomas O’Dea: Do you love Ireland?”
Thomas’s mind raced. The accent was city-Irish, from Dublin, but was this a British trick?
“I understand you’re a man loyal to our cause,” the stranger continued. “And you’ve good reason for hating Canada.”
“Perhaps I have,” Thomas responded, suspiciously. “But this is my room and you are uninvited, so I ask you again, who the hell are you?”
“I am a soldier. From the brotherhood.”
Thomas’s heart missed a beat. A soldier. An Irish soldier. He asked, “What do you want of me?”
The stranger took off his coat and placed it on a chair. He still had not moved from the dark corner, so Thomas had yet to get a good look at his face.
“I just need some friends in Ottawa,” he said faintly. “I need someone to assist me if I require it, to give me shelter if I ask for it.”
“You’ll find out.”
The question was met with steely silence. He was to ask the questions, not Thomas O’Dea. He said simply, “Are you with me?”
Thomas wasn’t sure. Was this man offering him a chance to do something with his shattered life? Or the opposite?
“Your son works for McGee—”
“I have no son,” Thomas interrupted. “Not anymore.”
The mysterious man in the shadows grinned openly. Thomas caught a flash of yellowing teeth behind a half-grown beard.
The mention of Conor had enraged him, and Thomas felt a surge of defiance. He and this man might have much in common. “Will you have a cup of tea?” Thomas asked, his Irish brogue sounding more pronounced than usual. “Or a whisky?”
“No. I’ve work to do,” the stranger answered, throwing his coat back over his shoulders. But he added, “I’ll see you later … my friend.”
This time when he closed the door, Thomas O’Dea heard the sound.
WALKING along gaslit Sussex Street, the man in the grey coat allowed himself to relax. He was pleased, almost content. The election in Montreal had been a fiasco. McGee was faltering. Macdonald was scared. He had people in place in Montreal and Ottawa. And now he had a potential accomplice: Thomas O’Dea in his pathetic little room. It was perfect. Not only would O’Dea go along with everything he needed, but he was the ideal person to take the fall. After all, he had a motive: that wretched son of his. He smiled. Conor O’Dea. What an insignificant blunderer he was, going around asking anyone who knew the difference between a Jamesons and a Bushmills who was causing trouble in Montreal, and sitting there beside his darling McGee while he “interviewed” the turncoat. Well done, young Mr. O’Dea. What a detective you are. I may just give you more cases to investigate.
He laughed out loud.
IT was just a chance meeting, and it could easily have resulted in a quick, merciless death. The assassin had done the unthinkable: he had let his defences down and allowed his mind to wander. A few blocks from Thomas O’Dea’s room, he heard a sound from behind. “Hey, I know you. We met in Montreal.”
His back stiffened like that of an alert dog. Who was this? Who knew him? He walked a bit faster, trying not to attract attention and pretending not to have heard the fool.
“It’s me … Jim Whelan.”
His fingers tightened around the knife in his coat pocket. The man was alongside him now.
“We met in Jolicoeur’s, remember? We sure gave that bastard McGee a good run for his money.”
He stopped and slowly turned to see who this babbling idiot was. The Irish accent was unmistakable, and yes, he did recognize the face. He was one of Barney Devlin’s boys. A pretty good tomato thrower, as he recalled.
“Patrick James Whelan’s my name,” he said, extending his hand in greeting. “Most people call me Jim.”
The assassin shook his right hand, still clutching the knife in his pocket with his left.
“I see you’re growing a beard.”
He answered Whelan’s friendly chatter with a simple grunt.
“What are you doing in Ottawa?” Whelan persisted.
“Business,” the man in the grey coat muttered.
He stared at this friendly man as a jaguar might study its prey. Whelan’s was not one of the names on the list the tedious colonel had given him, so he was not officially a Fenian, but he had taken note of this man when he was in Montreal. Whelan spent a lot of time with Irish patriots and seemed to seek people’s approval. That was interesting. He remembered that he had also said something at Jolicoeur’s Saloon about wanting to see McGee dead. That was useful.
Whelan was of medium height and dressed rather well for this backwoods town. A bushy red beard took up much of his face. He looked at the world through eager but confused eyes. Still, all in all, he carried himself well. In the right light, under the proper conditions, it could be said that he and Whelan almost looked alike.
“Why are you in Ottawa?” he finally asked.
“I work here now.” Whelan was relieved to be asked a question. “I left the wife in Montreal so I could make some money when Parliament’s in session. The politicians will be coming back soon.” Whelan remembered that this man was not much of a talker, and he rather regretted stopping him, but he was lonely in Ottawa and it was nice to see a familiar face. “I’m a tailor, you see,” Whelan continued, “and there’s lots of work here with those politicians always trying to look their best.” He chuckled at his own joke while the man in the grey coat studied him. A friendly creature, he thought. Friendly to a fault.
“I don’t think I caught your name,” Whelan prodded.
“Marshall,” he responded. And he smiled. Incredibly, this was the second time he had smiled in one night.
He could use a backup, and this tailor would do nicely. A Barney Devlin boy here in Ottawa—one who was never too shy, or too quiet, about his hatred of McGee. Yes, it was a perfect fit. Maybe better than Thomas O’Dea.
He released the knife from his grip and tapped him on the shoulder. “Mr. Whelan, let me buy you a drink.”
SHE didn’t want him to go. He was still too weak and he needed time to rest and heal, but Mary McGee could not control her husband. If Parliament was in session, he had to be there. She knew she was no match against the pull of duty and the attraction of Parliament’s theatre. They were standing on the platform, waiting for the train to be called.
As the train to Ottawa rumbled into the station, he whispered in her ear, “One year. That’s all I want. I will resign my seat in a year.”
She looked at him in disbelief.
“I just want to make sure this Confederation adventure stays on track.”
“Should I believe you, D’Arcy?”
“Do you?”
“Yes. Yes, I do. I really think I do.”
He squeezed her right arm softly, kissed her more politely than passionately, then called out, “Conor, you whiskered dawdler, let’s go.”
Conor, who had been hovering a few yards away to give husband and wife private time together, looked at Mary McGee sympathetically, as if to say, “Going to Ottawa … It’s not my fault.”
And he left with D’Arcy McGee.