Annabel kisses

Annabel kisses like the wind whistling
through the wattle
Annabel kisses like a prayer I said
at the age of nine
I couldn’t open my eyes for hours
Annabel kisses and our fireplace glows
Annabel kisses and the nuns at St Rita’s
turn their heads
Annabel kisses as the dogs bark
Annabel kisses on October 6th
all afternoon
two days before my birthday
Annabel kisses and even the ghost is silent
Annabel kisses with red lipstick
and her hand softly
on my wrist
Annabel kisses and I think of toothpaste
the 1992 Grand Final
and the beach on a family holiday
Annabel kisses with her eyes open
Annabel kisses in her black dress
with silver buttons
Annabel kisses with a sharp intake
of breath
Annabel kisses me
Annabel kisses me
and I kiss back.