Chapter Fifteen

Charlie poured the last of the coffee into her cup. Back to work, she thought. Enough daydreaming. Because that’s what she’d been doing, daydreaming about Blake.

Until . . .

She thought about their date—a nearly perfect date. Except for the fact that he didn’t see them having a long-term or long-distance relationship, it had been perfect.

She exhaled. She tried to focus on work because the knot in her stomach was distracting. She looked down at the coffee she’d just fixed and grimaced. She poured it down the drain and left the cup in the sink.

Focus, Charlie.

Her next project didn’t require an inordinate amount of thought. A local insurance agency contracted her to create a retractable, floor-standing banner to be used for trade show and expos. She worked the mouse with placing a graphic, then their logo. She reviewed the text. Perhaps a border. Yeah, nice touch. She saved her work.

Her thoughts wandered. “At least he wants to see you tonight,” she said to herself. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. What should she wear?

Her mind replayed the movements of his hands, his mouth, his hard body. That brought her lady-parts alive. Would he be a “gentleman” tonight or would he give her what she craved? What she knew he craved too.

So what if they only had two weeks together. Why let it go to waste?


A knock at the door snapped Blake from his thoughts. “I’ll get it, Grandma,” he called as he walked to the front door. He was expecting a general contractor, to look at his grandmother’s bathroom. Or the Pink Powderpuff of Plumbing as he liked to call it.

“Hello. Mister Strickland?” A man with bright eyes, wide shoulders, and an extra forty pounds on him stood at the door with a notebook in one hand, extending the other.

Blake shook his hand. “Yes. Mister Harrison. Good to meet you. Come in.”

“Please call me Bill. You’d like to remodel a bathroom, is that right?”

“Yes. Right this way.”

The man trailed Blake upstairs where grandma sat at her tiny desk writing. She looked up from her work and smiled. “Hello, Mister Harrison. I’m Rosie Strickland. So glad to meet you.”

“You, too, ma’am.”

“Please follow me.”

They walked into the space, and to Bill’s credit, he didn’t let on that he could lose his lunch at any point.

Blake started. “I don’t think there is anything of value here that needs to be saved. I’d like my grandma to have the most up-to-date, current bathroom possible and still fit with the style of the house.”

“Yes, of course.”

Immediately, Bill started making notes and taking measurements. “Do you like the layout of the bathroom, Mrs. Strickland?”

“Um, yes. I do.”

“Good. So do I. The toilet isn’t too far from the door. Now, I’d like to create a barrier-free shower,” he stooped down and motioned back and forth with his hand by the shower door. “If we take away this little step here, it will make it easier long-term for getting in and out of the shower.”

“Terrific. I like that idea,” his grandma smiled. Blake loved to see that smile. Just as much as he loved to see it on Charlie’s face.

Bill and Grandma spoke about a few other particulars until they were both comfortable that he understood what she wanted.

“How soon can I see a quote? And how soon can you start?”

Bill retrieved a business card from his shirt pocket. “I should be able to have the quote to you in twenty-four hours. We can start in about nine or ten days, if that works for you.”

“Okay.” That meant he would be gone when most of the work was being completed. He should call Adam. Ask him to oversee the project.

“I’ll email it to you, yes?”

“Yes, and I’ll receive the invoices for the entire remodel.”

“Great,” he offered his hand to Grandma, then Blake. “I look forward to working with you on this project.”

After Blake had let Bill out, he went to his grandma in the kitchen. “Grandma, I won’t be able to be here the whole time while they remodel your bathroom.”

“Oh, that’s alright dear. Adam will be here.” She smiled and patted his arm. “I just appreciate you doing all of this for me. You are so generous.” She wrapped her arms around him. He reciprocated, and let her love fill his heart. He was a sucker for making his grandma happy.

She released him and lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Now, tell me. How is Charlie?”

Okay, that came from nowhere. “She’s good.”

“Good? Okay. Are you seeing her tonight?”

“Um, yes,” he hesitated, not certain where the questions were leading.

“Good. Then I don’t suspect I’ll be seeing you until morning.” With eyebrows raised, not waiting for a response, she patted him again and stepped away. “I need to go finish my letter and call Gladys.”

“Okay, Grandma,” and he watched her walk away. He shook his head. His grandma didn’t hold back, did she? Feisty woman. The good news—she seemed to have given him permission to stay out the night. All night.


Charlie finished work with enough time to give herself a full-on pampering. Shaven, moisturized, plucked, scented, curled, and topped off with a precise application of makeup, she was ready. There is no way in hell Blake will be the gentleman tonight!

She slipped on some satiny unmentionables and tugged her jeans over her hips. Next, she selected a fire engine red sweater with a nice scoop in the front and laid her jacket across the back of the sofa. Ready for her prince, she had time to sip a glass of chardonnay.

When she greeted Blake at the door, she nearly came right there. Dressed from head to toe in black, his sexy body screamed I’m at your disposal. His clean-shaven face and smoldering eyes asked, Aren’t you going to touch me?

“Well hello, handsome.”

He didn’t conceal his gaze traveling the length of her body. “Hello, yourself. You look good enough to eat.”

“Oh, please.” Then let’s ditch the movie. “C’mon in. Want some wine?”

“Thanks. I think I will.” He grabbed her hand, spun her around, and pulling her close, he crashed his lips over hers. The pace of the kiss was gentle, though, coaxing her tongue with his. His hand caressed her back as his mouth danced with hers. With her one free hand, she grazed over his shirt feeling the sumptuous ab muscles hiding underneath.

The kiss ended, and she was nearly breathless. And her fresh thong, moist.

“Thank you. That is a delicious wine. Now, shall we go?”

He appeared anxious. Of course, she could just be projecting. “Sure.”

She tossed back the last of her wine, and when she turned around, he had moved to the living room. He stared down at her coffee table.

She forgot. She’d left her work out on the table.

She approached him cautiously. This could backfire on her in the worst kind of way.

“What’s this?” He pushed her papers and mock-ups around, spreading them out on the table.

“I’m making some marketing collateral for Green Earth Sporting Goods. Print ads, a tri-fold, the usual.”

He glanced her way. His eyes, dark and serious.

He refocused on the art. She knew he saw the photos of himself.

“You did this?” Clearly, a rhetorical question.

Was he mad? Her tongue swiped her bottom lip repeatedly. She waited.

He looked, read, moved more papers. God, she should say something.

“I wanted to tell you about the photos. I don’t even know if they’ll use them, or have me use some of their own instead.”

His eyes shot her way briefly, then he transferred his attention back on her work. His silence was killing her.

Finally, he spoke. “This is good.” Still looking down, he said, “This is really good.”

She let out a shaky breath.

“You’re not mad?”

“Mad?” His eyebrows furrowed when he looked at her. “Not at all. These are great.” He stood upright. “You are so talented.” He closed the space between them and held her hands. “Have always been, and your talent is only growing.”

“Thank you,” she breathed, barely able to get the words out. Hearing his accolades made her heart sing.

He glanced down at her lips and licked his own. The look in his eyes and the wrinkle in his brow told her he warred over his thoughts.

His voice dropped. “You are amazing, Charlie. You know what I think?”

She swallowed and peered up at him. “What?”

“I think seeing this,” he waved a hand toward the coffee table. “Seeing how talented you are, makes me fucking want you.”

Her mouth went dry.

His thumbs lightly circled over her wrists. “And I can’t. I can’t take advantage of you every time we’re together.”

Her lungs filled with air. “It’s only ‘taking advantage’ if the other party loses something in the deal. Will I lose something, Blake? Or will I gain something?”

His eyes showed a deep blue richness. Clasping her hands behind her back with one hand, the other lifted her chin, aligning her lips with his. He grazed his lips over hers. His hand cradled her cheek as he took the kiss deeper.

Pulling her body flush to his, his growing erection pressed into her deliciously.

“You are fucking amazing.” Tugging on her hands, he backed her one slow step at a time against the wall.

“I’m afraid we’re not going to make the movie tonight,” he whispered with a glint in his eyes.

His mouth claimed hers. She mewled into his mouth.

She felt his hand slide down her arm and under her sweater to her stomach. Her stomach muscles hitched, and she gasped at his rough fingertips dancing over her skin. Two fingers slid along her waistband leaving a trail of goosebumps on her abdomen.

His actions brought on more wetness to her nether parts, and the ache she’d felt all day was now begging for relief.

She was helpless. Pinned against the wall, her wrists held by his large hand, and his lips locked with hers. He held her where he wanted her, and thank the heavens. She was getting what she’d desired all day.

Her jeans button popped under his skilled fingers. “These jeans hug you like a second skin, Charlie. Did you wear these to turn me on?”

He didn’t wait for her answer. “Keep your hands where they are.”

He let go of her wrists and instantly tugged her jeans over her hips to the floor. His face mere inches from her sex. He kissed her over her panties causing her to moan. With two fingers looped around her thong, he lowered the fabric to the floor.

“Step out,” he commanded.

She did, her legs trembling in anticipation.

“Charlie, I can’t wait much longer,” was the last thing he had said before his mouth covered her sex and his tongue stroked between her lips. Her hips convulsed.

His tongue worked her to the point she felt her moisture trickle down the inside of her thigh. Her teeth biting her lower lip. She heard his belt buckle come unfastened.

He stood without warning. “Hold on to me.”

Then he lifted her, cupping her bare ass. Her legs looped around his waist, and wedged against the wall, he drove into her.

“Ah!” she called out.

“Christ! Did I hurt you?” he paused briefly.

She shook her head, unable to speak.

He began to move again, systematically stroking her deep inside. His size filled her and then some. Her orgasm building from deep inside.

His lips plunged over hers right after he murmured, “Beautiful.”

“God, Blake,” she gasped. “You feel incredible.”

“Charlie, I can’t keep my hands off of you. I try and fail miserably.”

“I’m so glad . . . you failed. Ah . . . Soon.”

He pumped into her several more times when she felt the muscles of her vagina quiver. Her eyes squeezed shut, and her orgasm raced through her body like lightning. She cried out. Blake’s orgasm wasn’t far behind. His body pressed against hers, against the wall, he breathed into her neck. Both of them gasping for air.

Slowly, she unhooked her ankles. He loosened his grip and lowered her to the floor.

“Let me run to the bathroom and clean up. Help yourself to a napkin.”

She smiled the whole way to the bathroom. She could still smell the sex on her. Sex with Blake felt different this time. Amazing. It was better than their college days, and she thought it was pretty rockin’ then!

Butterflies did a little dance in her stomach.

The best thing she could do would be to maximize the benefit of having him here while she could. Her heart may not be thrilled with the decision, but what choice did she have? Soon enough, he would leave for Chicago, and she’d be back to party of one.