Feede on my sheepe, my Charge, my Comforte, feede?
With Sunnes approche, youre pasture fertile growes,
O, onely Sunne, that, suche a frute can breede,
Feede on my sheepe youre fayre sweete feeding flowes
Eche flower, eche herbe dothe to youre service yeelde
O blessed Sunne, whence all this blessing goes,
Feede on my sheepe, possess youre fruitfull fielde,
No Wolves dare howle, no murrayne can prevayle,
And from the stormes oure sweetest Sunne will sheelde,
Feede on my Sheepe, sorrowe hathe stricken sayle.
Enjoy my Joyes as yow did taste my payne,
While oure sonne shynes, no Cloudy greeves assayle.
Feede on my Sheepe, youre Native Joyes meynteyne,
Youre wolle ys riche, no toungue can tell my gayne.