Synce that the Stormy Rage of passyons darcke,
(Of passyons darcke made darck by Beutyes Lighte,)
With Rebell force hathe closde in Dongeon darcke,
My mynde ere nowe led forthe by Reasons lighte,
Synce all the thinges w ch gives my eyes theyre lighte,
Do Foster still the fruite of Fancyes Darcke,
So that the wyndowes of my Inward Lighte,
Do serve to make my Inwarde powers Darcke.
Synce, (as I say) bothe mynde and Sences darcke,
Are hearde, not helped, with pearsing of the Lighte,
While that the Lighte may shewe the horrors darcke
But can not make resolved Darcknes Lighte.
I like this place where at the Least the Darcke,
May keepe my thoughtes from thoughte of wonted lighte.