Vertue Bewty and Speeche, did stryke, wounde, Charme,
My Hart, Eyes, Eares with wonder, Love, Delighte
First, Second Last did bynde, enforce and Arme,
His worckes Shewes Fruites w th witt, grace and vowes might.
Thus Honor, lyking, trust, muche, farr and Deepe,
Held, pearst possest, my Judgment, sence, and will,
Till wronge, Contempt, Deceipt, did growe, steale, creepe,
Bandes, favoure, faythe, to breake, Defyle, and Kill.
Then greef, unkyndenes, proof, tooke, kyndled, taughte,
Wellgrounded, Noble, Dewe, spyte, rage, disdayne,
But, ah, alas, (in vayne) my mynde, sight, thoughte
Dothe him, his face, his wordes, Leave, shunne, refrayne
For nothing, tyme, nor place can lewse, quenche, ease,
Myne owne, embrased, sought, Knott, Fyer, disease.