Since natures workes be good, and death doth serve
As natures worke: why should we feare to dye?
Since feare is vaine, but when it may preserve,
Why should we feare, that which we cannot flye?
Feare is more paine, then is the paine it feares,
Disarming humane mindes, of native might:
While each conceate, an ouglie figure beares,
Which were not evill, well vew’d in reasons light.
Our owly eyes, which dimm’d with passions bee,
And scarce discerne the dawne of comming day,
Let them be clearde, and now begin to see,
Our life is but a step, in dustie way.
Then let us holde, the blisse of peacefull minde,
Since this we feele, great losse we cannot finde.