Lett God, the Lord heare thee,
Even in the day, when most thy troubles be:
Let name of Jacobs God,
When thou on it dost cry,
Defend thee still from all thy foes abroad.
From sanctuary hy
Let him come downe, and helpe to thee apply
From Sions holy topp
Thence lett him undertake
With heav’nly strength thy earthly strength to propp.
Lett him notorious make,
That in good part he did thy offrings take.
Let fire for triall burne
(Yea fire from him self sent)
Thy offrings, soe, that they to ashes turne.
And soe lett him consent
To graunt thy will, and perfect thy entent
That in thy saving we
May joy, and banners raise
Up to our God, when thy suites graunted be.
Now in me knowledg saies,
That God from fall his own annointed staies.
From heav’nly holy land
I know that he heares thee;
Yea heares with powres, and helps of helpfull hand.
Lett trust of some men be
In Charriotts arm’d, others in Chivalry:
But lett all our conceite
Upon Gods holy name,
Who is our Lord, with due remembrance waite.
Behold their broken shame!
We stand upright, while they their fall did frame.
Assist us Saviour deere;
Lett that king daine to heare,
When as to him our praiers do appeare.