Ascribe unto the Lord of light,
   Yee men of pow’r ev’n by birth-right
   Ascribe all glory and all might.

Ascribe due glory to his name;
   And in his ever-glorious frame
   Of Sanctuary doe the same.

Hys voice is on the waters found,
   His voice doth threatning thunders sound,
   Yea through the waters doth resound.

The voice of that Lord ruling us
   Is strong, though hee be gratious,
   And ever, ever glorioues.

By voice of high Jehova we
   The highest Cedars broken see,
   Ev’n Cedars which on Liban be.

Nay like yong Calves, in leapes are born;
   And Liban self with natures skorn:
   And Shirion, like yong Unicorn.

His voice doth flashing flames devide;
   His voice have trembling desertes tride;
   Ev’n deserts, where the Arabs bide.

His voice makes hindes their calves to cast:
   His voice makes bald, the forrest wast:
   But in his Church his fame is plast.

He sitts on seas, he endlesse raignes
   His strength his peoples strength maintaines,
   Which blest by him in peace remaines.