To the Earl of Leicester
RYGHTE honorable and my singular good Lorde and Unkle, this bearer havinge showed me the woorkes he dothe cary into Englande gave me ocasiorl humble to sende these few woordes unto yowr Lordeshippe, thoughe my wrytynge at this presente unto yow by an Englisshe gentleman that dothe now returne, take away any other cause of enlarginge the same. This bearer hathe promised me to lett no man see that whiche he cariethe untill he have showed them unto yowr Lordeshipp. If they may seeme unto yowr Lordeshippe unworthie of whiche I shoolde wryte unto yow, I do most humblie beseche yow to çondemne therein nothinge but my ignoraunce, whiche bendinge it selfe wholie to content yow, if it do erre, I hope yowr goodness will suffer the dutifull mynde, to recompence the wante of judgement, whiche beinge all that I have at this tyme to trooble yow witheall, I will most lowlie committ yow to the Eternalls protection.
Frome Francforde this 18th of Marche A° 1572[ — 3]
Yowr moste humble and moste obediente nephew
Philip Sidney To the ryghte honorable and my singular unkle, the Earle of Lecestre.