To Lord Burghley


RIGHTE honorable and my singular good Lorde. Since the laste I wrate unto yowr Lordeshippe, I have not had anie conveniente meanes of sendinge my scribbles, which humble office I desire to continew, rather to obay therein yowr com- maundemente then for any thinge worthie to be advertised, they may happne to conteine in them. Now havinge opor- tunitie by a frende of mine, who presentlie sendes his lettres into Englande, I woolde not omitt this ocasion, beseechinge yowr Lordeshippe rather to respecte the hartie desire to please yow, then the simplenes of the contentes, better then whiche yowr Lordeshippe oughte not to expecte of me. Beinge returned owt of Italie and detained for some time withe sicknesse in this cittie, yet coolde I not commaund my desire of seeinge Polande whiche time notwithestandinge, I mighte perchaunce have emploied in more prpffitable, at leaste more pleasante voiages, frome thence beinge of late come hether, not in very good estate of boddie, I finde the affaires of this cowrte as fur as I can learne to passe in this ordre. The Emperour hathe at lengthe obtained his longe desired truice of the greate Turke for 8 yeeres, the grawnte of whiche he hathe undrestoode by a courrier sente by his legier embassadowr, called Charles Rym, who is now in his returne not fur hence and in his roome there is allreddie at Constantinople David Ungnad. The conditions of the peace are not as yet knowne, but the emperowr is resolute to refuse no burdne, rather than enter in warr. He dothe expecte very shortlie the Turkishe embassadowr, for the confirmation of the peace, who is by nation a dutche man, borne in Bavier, the Turkes principall interpretour, named amonge them Mehemet Beck. This Cowrrier hathe broughte news from Constantinople that the Turkes navie is safe returned, whiche he will encreace the nexte yeere withe a hundred gallies for to invade Sicill. By the way Petro Portocarrero Capteine of the Gollett is deceassed. Serbellone builder and capteine but evill defendour of the new fort is come alive to a miserable captivitie.

He saiethe likewise that there came to Constantinople adver- tisemente that the Belierbei of Egipte hathe latelie overthrowne in a very greate batteil, the Abissines subjectes to Pretre Jhon as we call him. In my simple opinion they have bene provoked by the Portugese to take this matter fur above their forces uppon them, for that theTurke by the redde sea dothe greatlie encroche uppon their Indian traffick. The éxpectation of these embassadowrs will cawse the Emperowr to delay his journey to Bohemia whiche notwithestandinge he muste necessarily ere it be longe performe they beinge very evill contente, of his so longe absence, in so muche that this yeere they have plainely refused to give certaine greate summes of money, whiche heretofore they had not denied. Besides that he muste please them for to gett his son the crowne for althoughe he do pretende hereditary succession they seeme they will not grawnte it any other waie but in manner of election. In this meane time he hathe sente the Lorde of Rosemberg a principall nobleman of Bohemia to the electours of Sax and Brandenbourg, and the Lord of Arach to the other 4 electours, of the Rhine, to consulte of an Imperiall diett, which it is not unlikely shall be this sommer followinge, wherein if it be possible, he will perswade the election of his son to the kingedome of the Romaines as the tearme it. The Polakes havinge appeased a greate sedition in Crackow for the religion, have since deffaited twelve thowsande Tartars among whiche there were 3000 Turkes, whose returne with fur greater force they do daily loke for. It is thoughte they will chose an other kinge in May, allthoughe the Lithuaniens be holy againste it. They have made truice withe the Moscovit, who bendes his forces as they say againste the kinge of Sueden for havinge burnte a toune of his called Narva.

Thus yowr Lordeshippe may see how bolde I am uppon yowr commandement to troble yow from yowr weightie affaires, for whiche cravinge pardon and good acceptation I humblie ceasse, beseechinge the Eternall to grawnte yow in healthe encreace of all honowr.

Frome Wien this 17th of December 1574.

Yowr Lordeshippes to commaunde.

Philippe Sidney.

To the righte honorable and my singular [good Lord]e the Lorde hyghe Treasurer.