To Sir Francis Walsingham


RIGHT Honorable. I received in commandement from hir Majesties that in my waye to the Emperor, I should deliver her Majesties letters to the brethren Palatins, and withall give them to understand how greatly, and in what good respectes her Majestie was sorry for the death of the late Elector, and yet withall somewhat comforted by the assured expectation her Majestie had of their succeeding unto him in all his vertues, I should according as I sawe cause perswade them to brotherly love necessary for the publique weale, and their owne preservation. Afterwards to Casimire in particular I should so much the more expresse her Majesties good favor towards him, as he was the son most deere unto his father, and had allready given very good shew of his princely vertues. Lastly I should learne of him, whether the mony delivered, were as yet received, which her Majestie would be content to leave there in some place of that country in deposite. For the first I could not yet doe it, but only to Prince Casimir, the Electour being at a towne of his in the upper Palatinate called Amberg, whether I meane to goe unto him, being not much out of the way for Prage, where the Emperour lyes, if I doe not meete him by the way, as it is thought I shall, but to Prince Casimire I said according to mine Instructions, and to that purpose so much more, as the course of speech, and the framing of the time did give occasion.

His answer was that her Majestie in deed had great Reason to be sorry for the losse of his father, having bene in truth so trew a friend and servant unto her, of his other good partes he left to be wittnessed by the things he hath done in the advancement of vertue and Religion. For himselfe he could not thinke himselfe bound enough to her Majestie for this signification of her goodnes towards him, and in the vertues of his father, there was none he would seeke more to follow, then his duty and good will to her Majestie. This he did in very good termes, and with a countenance well witnissing it came from his hart.

For the second I founde no cause to perswade him to unity with his brother, he being as he saith, fully perswaded so to embrace it as nothing more, yet found I in him great miscon- tentment that his brother beginnes to make alteration in Religion, for having two principall gover[n]ments the upper Palatinate which lyes in Bavaria, and this which they calle the nether by the Rhine, the Elector hath allready in the upper established Lutheranisme, and as it is feared, is comming shortly to doe the like here. He hath used great perswasions to his brother in it, and of late hath sett out in print his fathers confession in his owne name, to the end as I pe[r]ceive by him to avoyde all suspicion, that either flattery in his fathers time or feare now did or may move him either to embrace or leave that which concernes his conscience. This confession he hath sent to all the Electors, and most part of the Princes of Germany. He is resolved if his brother doe drive away from him the learned men of the true profession, that he will receive to him, and hereof something may breed gall betwixt them if any doe, but the best is to be hoped, considering Prince Lodovick is of a soft nature, ledde to these things only thorough conscience, and Prince Casimir wise, that can temper well with the others weaknes.

For the third which was to shew her Majesties speciall good liking of Prince Casimir, I did it with the first, and his answere was the same protestation of his good harte as before I wratte.

In the last touching her Majesties money his answer was the King of France had falsefied his promise, and therefore neither her Majestie nor the Ritters who doe greatly cry for it, could as yet have their dew. I told him it would be a cause to make her Majestie withdraw from like loanes, as the well paying would give her cause to doe it in greater sommes. He was greeved with my urging of him, and assured me, that if he could gett the payement, he wolde rather dye then not see her Majestie honorably satisfied.

Then I pressed him for certeine jewells and ostages, I had learned he had in pawne of the King, he told me, they were allready the rittreses, but if her Majestie would buy any of them she might have a good bargaine.

In fyne this I find that of nyne monthes was dew to the soldiers they are paied but to and an halfe, for other the Duke of Lorrayne and Vaudemont are bound of which they make perfect account.

Their Jewells and ostages they valew a little more then at halfe a moneths paye, so that there is due unto them yet foure moneths pay, which according to their gentle allowance comes to above a million of frankes: untill most part of this be payed I doe not think her Majestie can receive her dew. The best is a thing well employed is halfe paied, and yet truly by that I find in the Ptince, I doe hold my selfe in good beleefe, that her Majestie within a yeare or two shalbe honorably answered it.

Now touching the particularities her Majestie willed me to learne of him, as of the Emperors both in matters of State and Religion how the Princes of Germany are affected in French and Low Country matters, what forces there are preparing here, and what he himselfe meanes to be.

For the Emperor he knowes very little of him, but such generall pointes every where knowen, of his papistry or Spanish gravity. But this I understand by men of good judgement, that he is left poore, the division with his brethern not yet made, warres with the Turke feared, and yet his peace little better, considering the great tributes he paies, and the continuall spoiles his subjectes suffer uppon the Frontiers.

The other Princes of Germany have no care but how to grow riche and to please their senses; the Duke of Saxony so carried away with the ubiquity, that he growes bitter to the true Lutherians.

The rest are of the same mould, thinking they should be safe, though all the world were on fire about them, except it be the Landgrave William, and his brethern, and this Prince Casimire, who wisheth very earnestly, that her Majestie would writte of purpose unto the Landgrave, being a Prince both religious, wise, and very much addicted to her Majestie.

Forces there are none publiquely preparing. Casimir the only man, the Ritters and soldiors doe looke and depend uppon him, he temporises a little staying till he gathers of the King of France and King of Navarre 3 months paye for such an army, as he will bring, and then in deed he saith, I shall heare, that he is dead, or that he hath left a miserable France of the papishe syde. I have sent the Princes confession in Dutch. The Prince did give of a meaning Don John should have to marry the Quene of Scotts, and so to sturr troubles in England.

There is none of the. Princes like to enter into any League (and that rather as it were to serve the Quene then any way ells) but the Prince Casimir, the Landgrave, and the Duke of Brunsv/ick.

The Bohemians which were earnest in Maximilians time to have Churches of the true Religion granted them doe now grow cold only being content to have the freedome in their houses. I will not furder trouble you, but with my humble commendations unto you leave you to the Eternall. From Heidelberg this 22 of Marche 1576 [-7].

Yours to doe you any service Philipp Sydney.