To Lord Burghley
RIGHTE honorable my very good Lord only to give yowr Lordeshippe to undrestande that I do not forgett the dutie I beare to yowr Lordeshippe I am bolde in haste and parting to wry te these few wordes unto yow. For otherwise neither is there matter worthy the sendinge unto yow, and suche as this my journey breedes I have at large writtne it to Mr Secretary. Therefore it shall suffise me to give yowr Lordeshippe humbly to undrestande that I am in helthe and in deede, as I have greate cawse, reddy to do yowr Lordeshippe any service.
I beseeche yowr Lordeshippe to take these few lynes in good parte which I will ende withe my humble praier to the Allmightie to sende yowr Lordeshippe longe lyfe in helthe and prosperitie.
Frome Heidelberg this 22th of Marche 1570[-7].
Yowr Lordeshippes humbly at commawndement.
Philippe Sidney.
Thus muche I thoughte yowr Lordeshippe woolde be contente if I did adde to these former lynes that as yet the division betwixte the Palatins is not perfittly made, allthoughe the fathers will be sett downe, in so muche that there is some feare there will some jar fall betwixte them that beinge helped on with the diversitie of their religions. Lodowick hathe hetherto kept Casimirs subjectes frome swearing unto him, and at this very present, gives owt it is in respect he will bring his brother from Calvinisme. Lifland hathe givne them selves to the Moscovite, and Dansick warr sorely begonne againe. Of the other syde the Emperour feares re volte in Hungary to the same king of Poland. These news becaws I newly receaved them from a very honest gentleman at Prage, I am bolde to sende them thus scribblingly to yowr Lordeshippe.
To the righte honorable my singular good Lord the Lord Burghley Lord Hyghe Threasorer of England and Knight of the most noble ordre.