To Edward Waterhouse
My good Ned,.
Never since yow wente, that ever yow wrote to me, and yet, I have not failed to do some frendely offices for yow heere. How know I that, say you. I can not tell. But I know that no lettres I have receaved frome yow. Thus dothe unkyndeness make me fall to a pointe of kyndenes. Good Nedd, either come or wryte. Let me either see the, heere the, or reede the. Yowr other frendes that know more, will wryte more fully. I, of my selfe, thus muche. Allwaies one, and in one cace. Me solo exultans totus teres atque rotundus. Commende me to my Lord President; to the noble Sir Nicholas, whom I beare speciall good will to; to my cosin Harry Harrington, whom I longe to see in helthe; Sir Nicholas Bagnoll; Mr. Agardes Daughter; my cosin Spikman for yowr sake; and whosoever is Maire of Deulin for my sake. And even at his howse when yow thinke good. I bidd yow fare well. From Courte, this 28th Aprill, 1578.
Your very loving frende,
Philippe Sidney.