To Sir Christopher Hatton


Sir, the greate advauntage which I have, by the singuler goodnes and frendshippe, it pleaseth you to shewe me, which in trewthe I doo, and have a good while, reputed amongest the cheif[es]t ornamentes of my lief and fortune, makes me fynde my self at as muche disadvantage when my hart, longinge to shewe my self gratefull can present nothing which maye be servisable unto you. Butt as I knowe, and have well founde, that you doo esteeme a trewe good will, of some valewe, in that kynde only, can I shewe my self, and assure yowe, that the litell that I am, is and shalbe in all tymes and fortunes, so to be disposed by you, as one, that hath promysed love, and is bounde by deserte to performe it. This is all therefore I can saye, though you loose me, you have me. As for the matter de- pendinge betwene the Earle of Oxford and me, certaynly, Sir, howe soever I mighte have forgeven hym, I should never have forgeven my self, yf I had layne under so proude an injurye, as he would have laide uppon me, neither can any thinge under the sunne make me repente yt, nor any miserye make me goo one half worde back frome yt: lett him therefore, as hee will, digest itt: for my parte I thincke, tyinge upp, makes some thinges seeme fercer, then they would bee. Sir, lett me crave still, the contynuance of my happines in your favour and frendshippe, and I will ever praye unto God that amonge those I moost honor, I maye ever see you have prosperous causes of contentment. 28. August 1579.

Your honours to be commaunded even by duytie Philip Sedney.