To the Earl of Leicester


RIGHTE honorable and singular good Lord. I have now brought home my sister, who is well amended bothe of her paine and disease. For my selfe I assure yowr Lordeshippe uppon my trothe, so full of the colde as one can not heere me speaker whiche is the cawse keepes me yet frome the cowrte since my only service is speeche and that is stopped. As soone as I have gottne any voice I will waite on yowr Lordeshippe if so it please yow. Althoughe it bee contrary to that I have signified to her Majestie of my wante, I dowt not her Majestie will vouchesafe to aske for me, but so longe as she sees a silk dublett uppon me her Highnes will thinke me in good cace. At my departur I desyred Mr Vichamberlaine he woolde tell her Majestie necessity did even banishe me frome the place. And allwaies submitting my selfe to yowr judgement and commandement, I thinke my best, either constantly to waite, or constantly to holde the course of my poverty, for comming and going neither breedes deserte, nor wittnesseth necessity. Yet if so it please yowr Lordeshippe I hope within 3 or 4 daies this colde will bee paste, for now truly I weare a very unpleasante company keeper.

My Lorde and my sister do humbly salute yow, and I remaine to do yowr commandement as fur as my lyfe shall enhable me. God preserve yowr Lordeshippe in all hapines. At Clarinton this 2d of Auguste. 1580

Yowr Lordeshippes most humble and most obedient Philip Sidnei

To the right honorable my singular good Lorde the Earle of Leicester &c