To Sir Christopher Hatton


SIR, the delaye of this Prynces departure is so longe, as trulie I growe very weery of it, havinge divers busynesses of myne owne and my fathers, that some thinge importe me, and to deale playnly with you beinge growen almost to the bottome of my pursse: Therefore your honour, shall doo me a singuler favour, if you can finde meanes, to send for me awaye, the kinge him self beinge desirous I should be at the Court, to remember him unto her Majestie, wheare I had ben er this tyme, butt beinge sent hether by her Highnes, I durst not depart without her espetiall revocation and commandment. The Quene meanes, I thinck, that I should goo over with hym, which at this present mighte hinder me greatlie, and nothing availe the kinge for any service, I should be able to doo him. I finde by hym, hee will see all his shippes oute of Thames before hee will remove: They ar all wynde bounde, and the other that came hether, the winde beeing straynable att the easte,,hath dryven them toward the lie of Wight, beeinge no safe harbour heere to receave them: so that hee is constrayned to make the longer aboode, yf it weere but to be waffed over. I beeseche you Sir, doo me this favor, for which, I can promise nothinge, seyng all is yours already. At Dover the 26 of September 1581.

Your honors humbly at commaundment.

P. Sidney