To Lord Burghley


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lorde. I was to have waited on yowr Lordeshippe at Cecill Howse, but there undre- jtandinge yowr Lordeshippe was gone towardes Tibols, I thought it no reason to troble yowr Lordeshippe there, but am bold onely with these few lines to remember me to yowr Lordeshippes goodnes. Yesterdai Her Majestie at my taking my leave, said againé that I came upp againe she woold take some ordre for me. I told her Majestie I woold beseech yowr Lordeshippe to have care of me therein. Her Majestie seemd then to like better of some present manner of relief then the expecting the office. Truly Sir so dolto, but being holy out of comfort I rather chose to havesome tokne that my frendes might see I had not utterly lost my time. So then do I leave it to yowr Lordeshippes good favowr towardes me. My suit is for a IOOLI a yeere in impropriations, if not the one then the other, if neither, yet her Majesties speedi answer, will both in respect of usury and other combres be much better to me then delay, which I am no bolder to desyre of yowr Lordeshippe then I will [be] reddy to deserve it with my uttermost power when so mean a matter mai be commanded by yow. And so praiing for yowr long and helthfull life I humbly take my leave. At London. This 10th of October 1581.

Yowr Lordeshippes humbly at commandement Philip Sidnei [To the r]ight Honorable [my sing]ular good Lorde [the Lorde] Burlei Lorde Hy Threasorer of England.