To Sir Christopher Hatton
SIR, I doo heere sende you my booke readye drawen and prepared for her Majesties signature, in suche order as it should be: whiche I humbly beseeche you, to gett signed accordinglie, with as muche speede as you maye convenientlie: for the thinge, of it self, in many respectes, requyreth haste, and I finde my present case more pitied nowe, then perchaunce it would be hereafter, when happely, resolutione either waye wilbe hard to gett, and make my suite the more tedious. Mr Popham thought, it would be littell or nothinge worthe unto me, because so many, have often tymes so frutelesly laboured in it: and this, is the generall opinione of all men, which I hope will make it have the easier passage: but in deede, I am assured, the thinge is of good valewe, and therefore, if it shall please youe to passe any thinge in my booke, you shall commaunde yt, as your owne, for asmuche or as litell, as your self shall resolve of: it will doo mee no hurte, that seeke only to be delyvered oute of this comber of debtes; and if it may doo your honor pleasure, in any thinge of importance, I shalbe hartely glad of it. I passe nothinge by any other instrument, then by your owne servant and it shall greately contente me, that the suite is of suche a nature, as I maye have meanes at the lest, to shewe how ready I am to requite some parte of your favours towardes me.: yf it be not done, before this day sevennight, I shalbe in greate feare of it: for beinge once knowen, it wilbe suerlie, crost, and perhappes the tyme will not be so good as it is at this presente, which of all other thinges, putteth me in greatest confidence of good succès with the helpe of your honorable favour. Yf you finde, you can not prevaile, I beseeche you lett me knowe it as sone as maye be, for I will even shamelesly once in my lief, bringe it her majestie my self: neede obayes no lawe, and forgetts blusshinge: nevertheles, I shalbe much the more happie, if it please you in deede to bynde me for ever by helpinge me in theise combers: and so prayinge for your good successe in everye thinge, and in this espetially (my greatest hope of com- forte,) I humbly take my leave. From Baynardes Castell the XIIIIth of November. 1581.
Your honors humbly at commaundment.
P: Sidney