To the Earl of Leicester


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord. I most humbly thank yowr Lordeshippe for the continuall care it pleaseth yow to have of me which I proove many waies, and even as much for this late lettre wherein yowr Lordeshippe freely leaves the comming to my self, who indeed Sir am ecceeding loth, to deck mi misfortune in any more disgraces, besydes yowr Lordeshippe knows the time was to short to provide any thing and to come unprovided will rather breed contempt then favowr, where thinges past are so soon forgottne. So that beseeching yowr Lordeshippe well to allow of this my determination, and to continew yowr Lordeshippes care for me when yow may see it mai prevaile, I humbly take my leave and daily prai for yow. At Salsbury. This 26th of December 1581


Yowr Lordeshippes most humble and obedient Philip Sidnei

I thought good to write somthing largeli to Mr Vichamberlain of my discomfortes.

[To the] right honorable [my]

[singu]lar good Lord [the E]arle of Lester &c.