To the Earl of Leicester


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord I know not truly what to sai since her Majestie is pleased so to answer, for as well mai her Majestie refuse the matter of the papistes and then have I both shame and skorne. I beseech yowr Lordeshippe resolve of it with Mr Vichamberlain, for I find my self in deed much bownd unto him, and then if yowr Lordeshippe determin of it that I may know it before yowr Lordeshippe take furdre paines in it. But this I beseech yowr Lordeshippe without it bee 3000li never to troble yowr self in it, for my cace is not so desperate, that I woold gett clamor for less. Truly I lyke not their persons and much worse their religions, but I think my fortune very hard that my reward must be built uppon other mens punishmentes. Well my Lord yowr Lordeshippe made me a cowrtier do yow thinke of it as seemes best unto yow.

One thing truli hath trobled me. Sir John Hubande sends me worde that he shoold undrestand by yowr Lordeshippe that I shoold think unkindenes in him, and that I shoold wryte so to yowr Lordeshippe. For the thought I protest unto yowr Lordeshippe I was cleer of as my Lord of Pembrook and my father can well tell to both whome I acknowledged my self greatly beholding to him. My lettres I am sure I ment shoold name him in no other sort then this. Yowr Lordeshippe wrate to me that some of them that wear my sollicitours did rather by their diligence hindre then helpe me, although their desire and goodwill was great. I told yowr Lordeshippe I emploied none but Sir John Huband and an other to yowr Lordeshippe marry that I thought yowr Lordeshippe ment by Fowk Grivell. If any other wordes wear but to this purpose touching Sir Jhon Huband, as I shall much condemn my remembrance, so if they weare, I assure yowr Lordeshippe thei weare not ment when thei weare writtne, but belike my mynd was very much astrai. I woold not deny my conceitt if I had it, but truly Sir I am so furr from it that I love him and repute my self beholding unto him, and I woold not be ungratefull I beseech yowr Lordeshippe satisfy him in it. And so I humbly prai for yowr Lordeshippes long life. At Salsburi this 28th of December.

Yowr Lordeshippes most humble and obedient Ph. Sidnei

[To the ri]ght hono[rable] my singular [good Lor]d, the Earl of Lester