To the Earl of Rutland


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord. Your Lordeshippe was gone owt of town ere I was aware, or els I had done the duty which I have profest and will observe to yowr Lordeshippe while I live. Her Majestie is well, but trobled with these suspicions which aryse of som ill mynded subjectes towards her. My Lord of Northumberland I hope will discharge him self well of those doutes conceaved of him. He is yet kept in his hows, but for ought I can learn no matter of moment laid unto him. The consideration of removing the Scottish queen doth still continew, and I think my Lord of Shrewsbury doth shortli com up. The Embassadours of Spain and Frawnce be noted for great practisers and truli my Lord this is the som of the most important news that I can send yow. And this shall be the ende that I honowr yow to do yow what service I can. At Walsingam hows. This 20th of December. 1583.

Your Lordeshippes humble and loving poor kinsman Ph. Sidnei [To] the right honorable [my]

[si]ngular good Lord [the] Earl of Rutland.